7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (2024)

7 Valentine’s Day Classroom Door Decoration Ideas

The grocery store shelves are already stocked with Valentines and heart shaped treats, while the rest of us are still recovering from Christmas break. However, January tends to move at the pace of a freight train, so now is the time to begin preparing for love-themed projects and your Valentine’s Day door decoration ideas for your classroom.

Taking down the cute snowflakes, snowmen, elves, and gingerbread houses is always a bit depressing. But what could be more fun than hearts and candy strewn about your classroom? With so many creative teachers posting their photos on Pinterest, we had no trouble at all coming up with great ideas for your classroom décor. If your school has a door decorating contest, you may decide to go all out this year!

Giant Heart Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (1)Pink and red paper chains and lots of tape (or putty) create this look. Simply make equal parts red and pink paper chains, like you would make if you were counting down until the 100th day of school. Fasten them to the door any way you can (tape, putty, or taping to a piece of butcher paper covering your door). The hardest part is going to be finding the large ribbon. If you can’t find this item, then simply add, “Happy Valentine’s Day” to the top of the door. The heart alone would look really festive.

Love You A Latte Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (2)For coffee lovers, this will be especially fantastic. “Love you a latte” is charming, unique, and may just inspire you to swing by the coffee shop on your way to school. Using either Styrofoam cups, or disposable coffee cups, cut them in half (you can get 2 out of 1 this way), and secure them to the door. Add a red stripe (if the cup doesn’t have one) to make it more festive. You can either use white pipe cleaners sticking out of the top or white tissue paper that resembles whipped cream, coming out of the top. A half circle of brown/black paper glued inside the cups opening creates the look of coffee. This teacher strung hearts above his/her door as well, to complete the look.

Sweethearts Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (3)Who doesn’t love those chalky little word candies? Using a recycled Amazon box, cardboard, or a large empty cereal box, you can create this look by adding pink butcher paper to the box and then writing “sweethearts” on it. Add a giant heart to the center of the box, and then add multi-colored hearts spilling out of it with various cheesy sayings. To make it more personalized, instead of adding sayings, you could put your students’ names on the hearts.

You’ve Got Mail Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (4)White butcher paper, red border, pink envelopes, and a homemade mailbox are all you need for this fun door. If you are able to find pink envelopes, use them! Otherwise, you can easily create envelopes with pink construction paper and by drawing on the triangle shaped piece with a red marker. Secure to the door, and add heart shapes scattered throughout. The mailbox is really just a brown piece of butcher or construction paper, topped with black construction paper for the box itself, and a red flag.

I Mustache You A Question Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (5)This door is really fun and may cause uncontrollable laughter from your students. It’s a super simple door, that requires red butcher paper, pink and white hearts, and then photos of your students. Add on mustaches (either the kind you buy that stick to your face, or paper cutouts). The door says, “I mustache you a question…Will you be my Valentine?” Have fun with it and add your own photo with a mustache to the door too.

Love Is In the Air Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (6)This door resembles something from the movie, Up. Though you certainly don’t need to add in individual photos of each student’s head, you could just as easily skip that part and still have a great Valentine’s Day door. Using red, white, and pink hearts, attach them to your purple butcher paper. Add on a pink “basket” and put hearts on it. Include the words, “Love is in the air” to the top to finish off the look.

Love Is All You Need Door

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (7)The personal touch of the kids’ hands going around the giant heart is really unique. You can use red butcher paper for the large red heart, pink butcher paper for the background, and then cut out the letters and music notes. Your students can trace their hands and then place them around the heart. Very simple, easy, and perfect for Valentine’s Day.

For more St. Valentine’s Day fun, check out our Five Easy Valentine’s Day Art Projects.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

7 Valentine's Day Door Decoration Ideas For Your Classroom (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.