FAQ for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (2024)

FAQ for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

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Mordenkainen, the Lord Mage of Greyhawk, renowned for his seminal piece,Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, returns with his second official work, Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. This book summons in one placeover 250 monsters and 30 playable races, the greatest number of monsters since the Monster Manual and the most player race options since the Player’s Handbook! Pulling together options previously found in Volo’s Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, this book will provide a one-stop reference for a vast number of options for your D&D game.

This article was last updated on May 12, 2022.

What's in Monsters of the Multiverse?

The first thing you’ll notice is an array of updated races, some with modified or improved abilities, and some with new ones! Those little kobolds have just become a lot mightier!You'll also find monsters have been improved to make the lives of Dungeon Masters easier when running combat. For example, some monsters have seenchanges to streamlinespellcasting. Others havereceived buffs to theirdamage and resilience to helpyou better challengeyour adventurers. New and updated lore also shifts focus away from any one particular world and instead toward the wider Dungeons & Dragons multiverse. All of this combines to present a variety of options that empower DMs and players to tell the stories they want to tell!

Here, we answer some frequently asked questionsaboutMordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse:

  • What is going to happen if I own all of the existing content from Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and don't buy Monsters of the Multiverse?
  • Will the character races in Monsters of the Multiverse be available in addition to the old versions?
  • Will I be able to share older content or access older content in a campaign?
  • Will I still have access to a character created using Volo's Guide to Monsters or Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes?
  • If I want one of my characters to use the new content in Monsters of the Multiverse, but not another, will that be possible?
  • I built an encounter with monsters from my Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Volo's Guide to Monsters purchases. Will that still be usable after May 17 if I don't buy Monsters of the Multiverse?

What is going to happen if I own all of the existing content from Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and don't buy Monsters of the Multiverse?

You won’t need to take any action on older content, as it will not be removed from your account, be hidden from you, or have its statistics changed! You will notice, however, older content being designated as legacy content. For example, a legacy badge (LegacyThis doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore.Learn More) can be seen when navigating to a monster’s statistics page or when hovering over a monster tooltip.

FAQ for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (2)

You will also see race naming conventions updated to denote “(Legacy)” on the Races page and a legacy badge appearing next to old subraces on race pages. In the character builder, old races can be identified by the book source shown below their name.

FAQ for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (3)

Will two versions of every monster be maintained on D&D Beyond?

If you own the old content and purchase the new content, yes,you will have two different versions of official content. Older content has been designated as legacy content.

FAQ for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (4)

Will the character races in Monsters of the Multiverse be available in addition to the old versions?

Character races presented in this new book are new versions of existing character races. Purchasing Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse will not replace older character races, but rather, will provide new ones with updates compared to the originals. If you want to use the new version of the tabaxi, for example, you will need to purchase the new book, or purchase the tabaxi character race from the book’s additional purchase options in our Marketplace.

If you already own a character race that has been updated in the new title, you will continue to have access to them in their current state; that character race will not be changed or updated except to designate it as legacy content.

Will I be able to share older content or access older content in a campaign?

Yes! If you are a Master-tier subscriber and own the older content, you can still share it in new and existing campaigns. Similarly, if you are accessing shared content in a campaign from a Master-tier subscriber, that content will still be accessible.

Will I still have access to a character created using Volo's Guide to Monsters or Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes?

Yes! If you own that book you will still have access to that race and character. Any existing characters will not be changed with the release of Monsters of the Multiverse. Players who purchase Monsters of the Multiverse will be able to update their characters themselves by selecting the new version of a race in the character builder.

If I want one of my characters to use the new content in Monsters of the Multiverse, but not another, will that be possible?

If your Dungeon Master allows it, then yes. If the game hasn’t started yet, this would be perfect to bring up during your session zero.

I built an encounter with monsters from my Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Volo's Guide to Monsters purchases. Will that still be usable after May 17 if I don't buy Monsters of the Multiverse?

Absolutely! Your previously owned content is not being removed from your account. Your encounter, and the monsters in it, will remain intact.In the Encounters tool, you may notice a legacy badge (LegacyThis doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore.Learn More) appearing next to monsters’ names to identify them as content from older books.

Will I have to purchase Monsters of Multiverse on D&D Beyond even if I already own Volo’s Guide to Monsters and/or Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes?

Whatever book content you already own on each digital platform will still be accessible for your use, and to gain access to both the new and updated content in Monsters of Multiverse, you will need to purchase Monsters of Multiverse.

Can I still buy Volo’s Guide to Monsters or Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes on D&D Beyond?

Starting on May 16, you can acquire the streamlined and up-to-date creatures and character race options, as well as a plethora of exciting new content, by purchasing Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. On May 17, Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes will be discontinued from our digital marketplace.

Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiversereleases on D&D Beyond on May 16. You can preorder itfrom the D&D Beyondmarketplace.

by Michael Galvis

Check Out the Preorder Perks for Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse!

by D&D Beyond Staff

by Michael Galvis

Davyd is a moderator for D&D Beyond. A Dungeon Master of over fifteen years, he enjoys Marvel movies, writing, and of course running D&D for his friends and family, including partner Steph and his daughter Willow (well, one day). They live with their two cats Asker and Khatleesi in the south of England.


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  • LordPanzi

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    #2 LordPanzi

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    I got the physical book with the expanded rules. It’s a little disappointing. The updated races are nice, but the rest of the book is whatever. It’s mostly recycled stat blocks with maybe a minor change. It’s basically a monster manual 1.1.

    Last edited by LordPanzi: Mar 24, 2022

  • BasicBraining

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    #3 BasicBraining

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    The new kobolds are SO MUCH BETTER :D

  • BasicBraining

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    #4 BasicBraining

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Will the statblocks have links between the original/MMM versions so they’re easily accessible? It would be great to know there is an updated version if I pull up a monster from an adventure module or wherever.

  • Stalag

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    #5 Stalag

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    For online content, it's pretty rude to charge for updates to things people already paid for.

  • UndauntedDM

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    #6 UndauntedDM

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Does anyone know which races are updated?

  • Royalrodney369

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    #7 Royalrodney369

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Bugbear= broken in the best way!! The bugbear extra 2d6 dmg on an atk isnt limited to just 1 atk! Sooooo Monks bout to get a good boost for that first turn dmg! 3 gloomstalker/ X Monk (kensei was my choice) first turn, you van get upwards of 5 atks! nabbing an extra 10d6 (2d6 per atk against someone who hasnt had a turn yet). The other choice was something like 3 gloom, 3 echo night, X monk (min 5) You can nova for like 10 atks (norm, gloom extra, norm extra, unleash, action surge to do it again, then flurry of blows). I hear an extra 20d6 dmg is pretty nice.

  • Davyd


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    #8 Davyd

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from Stalag >>

    For online content, it's pretty rude to charge for updates to things people already paid for.

    These aren't changes, but whole new stat blocks/PC races. Much like how the physical books of Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes will coexist along side of Monsters of the Multiverse, so will the stat blocks and PC races on D&D Beyond.

  • PhazonLink

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    #9 PhazonLink

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    I mean, I get it. It's all the work of new book for them. And WOTC probably won't allow them to give it away for free or even a discount, otherwise people wouldn't buy the physical book. If we don't think DNDB should charge for it, then neither should WOTC.

  • Davyd


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    #10 Davyd

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from UndauntedDM>>

    Does anyone know which races are updated?

    The following appear as races in the book, with varying degrees of updates

    • Aarakocra
    • Aasimar
    • Bugbear
    • Centaur
    • Changeling
    • Deep Gnome
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Firbolg
    • Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Genasi
    • Githyanki and Githzerai
    • Goblin
    • Goliath
    • Harengon
    • Hobgoblin
    • Kenku
    • Kobold
    • Lizardfolk
    • Minotaur
    • Orc
    • Satyr
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-Kai
    • Shifter
    • Tabaxi
    • Tortle
    • Triton
    • Yuan-ti
  • Whatdisdis

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    #11 Whatdisdis

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Very helpful! Thank you Beyond staff for making this.

  • Davyd


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    #12 Davyd

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from BasicBraining >>

    Will the statblocks have links between the original/MMM versions so they’re easily accessible? It would be great to know there is an updated version if I pull up a monster from an adventure module or wherever.

    While I'm not sure if that's something already planned (or something similar) I can pass along the feedback

  • SquigsTheTruth

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    #13 SquigsTheTruth

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from Davyd >>

    Quote from UndauntedDM>>

    Does anyone know which races are updated?

    The following appear as races in the book, with varying degrees of updates

    • Aarakocra
    • Aasimar
    • Bugbear
    • Centaur
    • Changeling
    • Deep Gnome
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Firbolg
    • Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Genasi
    • Githyanki and Githzerai
    • Goblin
    • Goliath
    • Harengon
    • Hobgoblin
    • Kenku
    • Kobold
    • Lizardfolk
    • Minotaur
    • Orc
    • Satyr
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-Kai
    • Shifter
    • Tabaxi
    • Tortle
    • Triton
    • Yuan-ti

    Races not getting updates from this book:

    • Dragonborn
    • Dwarf
    • Elf (Dark, High, Wood)
    • Half-Elf
    • Half-Orc
    • Halfling
    • Human
    • Kalashtar
    • Leonin
    • Lineages (Custom, Dhampir, Hexblood, Reborn)
    • Loxodon
    • Owlin
    • Rock Gnome
    • Simic Hybrid
    • Tiefling
    • Vedalken
    • Verdan
    • Warforged
  • Yes001

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    #14 Yes001

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    I think it sucks that even when I buy the physical copy I can’t use the races/classes y pin D&D beyond I know it’s because Wizard and D&D Beyond don’t work together it’s just anoying.

  • Nechaef

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    #15 Nechaef

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from SquigsTheTruth >>

    Quote from Davyd >>

    Quote from UndauntedDM>>

    Does anyone know which races are updated?

    The following appear as races in the book, with varying degrees of updates

    • Aarakocra
    • Aasimar
    • Bugbear
    • Centaur
    • Changeling
    • Deep Gnome
    • Eladrin
    • Fairy
    • Firbolg
    • Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Genasi
    • Githyanki and Githzerai
    • Goblin
    • Goliath
    • Harengon
    • Hobgoblin
    • Kenku
    • Kobold
    • Lizardfolk
    • Minotaur
    • Orc
    • Satyr
    • Sea Elf
    • Shadar-Kai
    • Shifter
    • Tabaxi
    • Tortle
    • Triton
    • Yuan-ti

    Races not getting updates from this book:

    • Dragonborn
    • Dwarf
    • Elf (Dark, High, Wood)
    • Half-Elf
    • Half-Orc
    • Halfling
    • Human
    • Kalashtar
    • Leonin
    • Lineages (Custom, Dhampir, Hexblood, Reborn)
    • Loxodon
    • Owlin
    • Rock Gnome
    • Simic Hybrid
    • Tiefling
    • Vedalken
    • Verdan
    • Warforged

    You forgot all the Mark of races from Eberon. Those also are not getting updated. I see three categories here. Species that appear in the PHB and will have to wait for 5.5, races that are new or just got an update like the Owlin or the Dragonborn and races WoTc is dropping like the Warforged.

  • Jay_Lane

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    #16 Jay_Lane

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from Davyd >>

    Quote from Stalag >>

    For online content, it's pretty rude to charge for updates to things people already paid for.

    These aren't changes, but whole new stat blocks/PC races. Much like how the physical books of Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes will coexist along side of Monsters of the Multiverse, so will the stat blocks and PC races on D&D Beyond.

    I mean as happy as I am that both are sticking around and am neither here nor there about paying for it - I just hope how it stays consistent from now on.

    Stalag said "updates" and the original article is riddled with the word "updated". It would require some serious mental gymnastics to not call these updates and changes based on all the wording used in promoting this book. I think it's disingenuous and confusing to try and claim otherwise. It'd be much easier to say these changes/updates come with a cost due to them being in a new book and we'd (the customer) have to take it up with WotC for anything different.

    Last edited by Jay_Lane: Mar 24, 2022

  • HyperViper

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    #17 HyperViper

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    No disrespect, I know you have a job to do, but this is a cash grab. The book has been on a staggered release to try and force people to buy the bundle and is only just going to be purchasable as of May 17th after releasing months ago.

    All this after WOTC stated on multiple occasions that they would not be updating previously released content...a spade is a spade. They are updates with a full feature price tag.

    Last edited by HyperViper: Mar 24, 2022

  • Davyd


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    #18 Davyd

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Quote from Jay_Lane >>

    Quote from Davyd >>

    Quote from Stalag >>

    For online content, it's pretty rude to charge for updates to things people already paid for.

    These aren't changes, but whole new stat blocks/PC races. Much like how the physical books of Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes will coexist along side of Monsters of the Multiverse, so will the stat blocks and PC races on D&D Beyond.

    I mean as happy as I am that both are sticking around and am neither here nor there about paying for it - I just hope how it stays consistent from now on.

    Stalag said "updates" and the original article is riddled with the word "updated". It would require some serious mental gymnastics to not call these updates and changes based on all the wording used in promoting this book. I think it's disingenuous and confusing to try and claim otherwise. It'd be much easier to say these changes/updates come with a cost due to them being in a new book and we'd (the customer) have to take it up with WotC for anything different.

    They are considered updated versions, it's just that unlike errata, these versions will coexist.

    The original stat blocks you have access to from previous purchases will not be changed.

  • EricBerg

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    #19 EricBerg

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    One bit brought up in the Dev Update that isn't presented here is that, with the release ofMonsters of the Multiverse, they will stop sellingVolo's Guide to Monsters andMordenkainen's Tome of Foes. So, if you don't already have these books and want access to them and their versions of things, you'll want to buy them in the next couple months.

  • Artemisthemp

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    #20 Artemisthemp

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    I notice that the FAQ doesn't mention that Mordenkainen and Volo won't be purchasable after Multiverse release.

  • Euromatix1993

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    #21 Euromatix1993

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    Posted Mar 24, 2022

    Will there be a way to disable old versions of stat blocks/races? I'm hoping there will be a nice clean way to avoid duplications perhaps through a button that uses most up to date content? Just in terms of finding monsters and character creation - obviously I would still want to be able to read my old books.

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