Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (2024)

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  • What is Eccentric Training?
  • What Are the Benefits of Eccentric Training?
  • What Are 5 Good Eccentric Exercises?
  • What Are the Different Variations of Eccentric Training?
  • What Is an Eccentric Training Workout Example?

You may have been using this training method without even realising. Eccentric training is a commonly used technique which will supersize your muscle and strength numbers. Working towards your first pull-up? Eccentric training is the ultimate solution to tick advanced bodyweight manoeuvres off your list of gym goals.

Personal trainers are notorious for throwing this method into their sessions, causing their clients debilitating DOMS. Aside from sad*stic PTs at your local gym, eccentric training is also used by strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists and bodybuilders alike, and for good reason.

Men's Health explains what is eccentric training, the benefits and how to use it. We've also added an eccentric training focused upper-body workout for you to try.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (1)

What is Eccentric Training?

Also called negatives or negative reps, the eccentric part of the movement is the lengthening of the muscle while it is under resistance.

According to a review published in Frontiers in Physiology, 'An eccentric [lengthening] muscle contraction occurs when a force applied to the muscle exceeds the momentary force produced by the muscle itself, resulting in the forced lengthening of the muscle-tendon system while contracting.'

In other words, eccentric muscle contractions occur when a greater force (the resistance) is applied to the muscle than the muscle can produce. This would typically account for the lowering portion of a lot of our exercises, like the lowering part of a press-up, pull-up or even a bicep curl.

The opposite of this would be the concentric portion of the movement, where the muscles shorten. For example, this would be the part where you push yourself out of a squat or press-up. There are also isometric (constant length) contractions. This is when you hold the contraction static for an amount of time, like a plank.

Eccentric training is used to regress bodyweight exercises like the press-up, pull-up or pistol squat. This is because in the eccentric phase of the movement, we are approximately 20–50% stronger, as stated in research published by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

So, while we may not be able to complete the concentric phase of advanced movements, we may be able to complete the eccentric phase of them, therefore building the strength necessary to eventually perform them complete.

As well as this, according to evidence published in Research Online, the muscles require less oxygen during the eccentric phase, contributing to the amount of effort we can exert and potentially enhancing those efforts.

What Are the Benefits of Eccentric Training?

Enhanced Muscular Development

You may have seen bodybuilders practicing this technique in order to grow their muscles, and it is warranted. Several studies support the hypothesis that eccentric training results in superior increases in muscle mass. The only downside to eccentric training is the DOMS felt the following day. However, this can be mitigated by adequate rest and appropriate progressive programming, as mentioned in evidence published in Frontiers.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (2)

Increased Strength Capabilities

According to a study published in Sports Medicine, eccentric training can provide superior strength enhancements in comparison to traditional resistance training. This makes the technique an easy way to improve your lifts without necessarily adding weight.

Rehabilitation Benefits

Physiotherapists and health practitioners use eccentric exercises as part of their rehab plan for patients as they are able to use lighter loads that put less pressure on existing injuries.

According to evidence published in the International Journal of Sports Physiotherapy, eccentric exercise offers promise as an effective means to manage a host of common conditions. Further research suggests that eccentric training can improve flexibility and range of motion while lessening the risk of injury.

Accessible to All Levels of Fitness

One of the main benefits of eccentric training is that people of all fitness levels can try the technique – it's an easy way to increase the difficulty of an exercise without increasing load. For example, once someone has mastered bodyweight squats, they can try slow eccentric squats to increase the intensity and strength. For certain moves like pull-ups, due to the increased strength in the eccentric phase, new lifters can develop strength without the concentric phase, by jumping upwards.

What Are 5 Good Eccentric Exercises?

Here's five exercises using different eccentric methods that you can use in your next workout are:

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (3)

Eccentric Squats

Level: Beginner


  • Begin with your feet a little wider than your hips and slightly turned out.
  • While keeping your chest upright and core tight, sit your hips backwards as if you're sitting back on a chair.
  • Slowly lower yourself for a count of three.
  • At the bottom of the squat, push through the heels back to standing, ready to repeat or use a TRX suspension strap, rings or band to help pull yourself back up to standing.

Why: Eccentric squats can help with range of movement, especially at the bottom of the squat, where most find it difficult to push themselves back up. Using TRX straps can help with this eccentric portion in order to help the participant eventually complete the exercise unaided.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (4)

Eccentric Pull-Ups

Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced


  • Using a box under a pull-up bar, start by standing on the box, gripping the bar a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump up so that your chin is above the bar and resist the downward pull of gravity so that you are suspended.
  • Slowly lower yourself for a count of three.

Why: Eccentric pull-ups are a perfect regression to help you build the prerequisite strength necessary to perform them unassisted. Aside from using bands, they are a useful way of building strength without the concentric part of the exercise which is the hardest part of the pull-up.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (5)

Eccentric Press-ups

Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced


  • Begin in the high plank position.
  • Slowly for a count of three, lower your chest completely to the floor.
  • Instead of pushing yourself back up in a full plank, drop your knees to the floor to make the concentric phase easier to get your chest off the floor.
  • Straighten the legs so that you hit the beginning position, ready to repeat.

Why: Eccentric press-ups are frequently used to help beginners get their full press-ups or help even advanced lifters improve their range of movement and strength in the bottom portion of the press-up.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (6)

Eccentric Barbell Bicep Curl

Level: Intermediate/Advanced


  • Choose a light to moderate weight.
  • Begin standing with an underhand grip on the barbell, with it hanging in front of your thighs.
  • Tuck your elbows to your waist and curl the barbell upwards so that the bar meets your chest.
  • Slowly lower the barbell for 3-5 counts, ready to repeat.

Why: Eccentric barbell bicep curls can maximise bicep muscle mass by increasing time under tension. The exercise will result in serious DOMS the next day so be sure to complete these with adequate rest days.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (7)

Eccentric Calf Raises

Level: Intermediate/Advanced


  • Begin holding dumbbells at your sides with the balls of your feet on a step and your heels touching the floor. You can use plates or a small step.
  • Push through the balls of the feet so that your arches are high.
  • Slowly lower for 3-5 counts before pushing back up through the balls of the feet.

Why: Calf raises are frequently performed with the hope of growing our calves quickly, but by missing out on eccentric training, we're not getting the most out of the exercise. Complete a lowering phase of 3-5 counts to increase time under tension.

What Are the Different Variations of Eccentric Training?

Super Slow Eccentrics

Slowing down the eccentric for as much as 10-30 seconds, super slow eccentrics are usually used for exercises with a longer range of motion such as squats or chin-ups. To do so, elongate the eccentric for 10 seconds to begin and see how you get on. As you gain strength over the time frame, increase from there. 1-2 sets should be sufficient as a finisher at the end of your session.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (8)

Eccentric / Isometric

This method includes slowing down the eccentric phase and at the end of the rep using an isometric static hold to stay in position. For example, the barbell bicep curl: lowering the barbell slowly, when the bar is in line with the stomach and the elbows are at a right angle, hold for 3-5 counts. For intermittent holds, lower the barbell slowly for a second and then hold for three, three times.

Eccentric Unilateral (Single Limb) / Concentric Bilateral (Both Limbs)

This would include lowering with a single limb and then using the other limb to help with the concentric phase. For example, the pistol squats: You could lower the body with one leg lifted, when you have reached full range of movement, use the other leg to help push you back to standing.

Forced Reps

This method requires a training partner and includes using a weight that you will hit failure with at 10-12 reps. After failure, 3-5 reps are performed with light assistance from a training partner through the concentric phase and no assistance through the eccentric phase. For example, using bicep curls, your partner would help you with the upwards portion lifting the barbell, on the lowering eccentric, you would perform the rep slowly on your own for 3-5 counts.

What Is an Eccentric Training Workout Example?

Here's a brutal chest, back, shoulders and arms workout that incorporates eccentric training. Note: for beginners, perform the exercises with regressed options.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (9)

1) Eccentric Pull-Ups x 6-10 reps and 3-4 sets

  • Grasp a pull-up bar with an overhand grip, over shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your feet from the floor, hanging freely with straight arms.
  • Pull yourself up by flexing the elbows whilst pinching your shoulder blades together.
  • When your chin passes the bar, pause before lowering to the starting position for 3-5 slow counts.

To regress the exercise, use a box to jump up and skip the concentric part of the movement on each rep.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (10)

2a) Eccentric Push-Ups x 8-12 reps and 3 sets

  • Hit a plank position, with your core tight and hands under your shoulders.
  • Bend your elbows to bring your chest to the floor for a slow 3-5 counts.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body as you push back up explosively.

To regress the exercise, lower your knees to the floor for the concentric portion of the exercise.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (11)

2b) Eccentric Dumbbell Fly x 8-12 reps and 3 sets

  • After your press-ups, grab some light dumbbells and lie back on a flat bench.
  • With the palms facing inwards and the arms slightly bent up above your chest, lower the dumbbells away from your torso either side for 3-5 slow counts.
  • Squeeze the pecs and bring them back together.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (12)

3) Eccentric Isometric Barbell Bicep Curl x 6-10 reps and 2-3 sets

  • Complete the concentric part of your barbell bicep curl normally with an underhand grip, palms facing upwards, bringing the barbell up to meet your collarbone with your elbows tucked in.
  • Lower the barbell slowly for 3-5 counts, when the bar is in line with the stomach and the elbows are at a right angle, complete a static hold for 3-5 counts.
  • Bring the barbell back down and repeat.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (13)

4) Skull Crusher x 8-12 reps and 3 sets

  • At this point your arms may be feeling suitably fatigued. Complete barbell skull crushers with a 3-5 slow eccentric or without.
  • Grip the barbell using an overhand grip and extend your arms straight up.
  • Keeping your elbows fixed and tucked in, slowly lower the bar until it is about an inch from your forehead.
  • Extend your arms back to the starting position without locking your elbows.

Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (14)

5) Finisher: Super Slow Eccentric Push Press x 1-3 reps and 1-2 sets

  • Hold your dumbbells on your shoulders. Take a breath and brace your core.
  • Dip at the knees and use your legs to help press your dumbbells overhead.
  • Lower for a count of 10 seconds to your shoulders and repeat for as many reps as you can, just short of fatigue.


Go Slow to Get Strong with Eccentric Training (2024)


Does going slow on eccentric build muscle? ›

Results showed greater increases in muscle cross-sectional area with the 4-second versus 1-second eccentric duration, indicating a slower eccentric phase is superior from a hypertrophy standpoint.

Does eccentric training make you stronger? ›

Eccentric exercises can increase muscle strength more effectively than concentric exercises. This is because when muscles lengthen, fibers in the muscle split more than they do during concentric exercise. As more fibers split, the body works to rebuild them, resulting in bigger muscles.

What should be the intensity of the slow eccentric method for strength improvement? ›

Slowing down the eccentric for as much as 10-30 seconds, super slow eccentrics are usually used for exercises with a longer range of motion such as squats or chin-ups. To do so, elongate the eccentric for 10 seconds to begin and see how you get on. As you gain strength over the time frame, increase from there.

Should you go slow on the concentric? ›

However, there doesn't seem to be merit to performing a deliberately slow concentric; thus, if training for performance, the goal of the eccentric should be to maximize the concentric. Various acute studies from Wilk et al have shown slow eccentrics to compromise concentric velocity or 1RM.

What are the negatives of eccentric training? ›

Negative or eccentric training is a training system which aims to focus on the lowering or eccentric phase of a movement. This forces your body to have control of the weight you're using without cheating as its a lot slower than how you would usually do the exercise.

What are the disadvantages of eccentric exercise? ›

However, unaccustomed eccentric exercise is known to cause muscle damage and delayed pain, commonly defined as “Delayed-Onset Muscular Soreness” (DOMS).

How to build eccentric strength? ›

Start with the basics: squats, pull-ups, push-ups, and rows. Perform these eccentric exercises slowly and with control to add to your muscle's time under tension. Try doing a three-second count on the lengthening phase of the exercise and then a one-second count on the shortening phase.

What builds more strength eccentric or concentric? ›

Eccentric training improved isometric strength significantly (P < 0.05) more than concentric training. Eccentric training improved concentric strength by 14% (P > 0.05) and increased eccentric strength significantly (P < 0.05) more than concentric training increased concentric strength.

How many reps for eccentric training? ›

In either case, a load ranging from 60-85% 1RM is commonly employed using eccentric contraction durations ranging from 3 – 12 seconds for 3-5 sets for 5-8 reps depending load, type of movement, and size of muscle group.

What is the 2 1 technique eccentric? ›

With 2:1 eccentrics, you're lifting a weight with two limbs, then removing one before the eccentric, and lowering under control. This means while using a heavier total weight than you could lift concentrically with one limb, you're able to overload each individual limb with two times the normal load.

Is eccentric overload good? ›

There are many means to accomplish this but accentuated eccentric training is one of the most effective. Accentuated eccentric training s a great method for well-trained and more advanced individuals to improve strength and power.

Does slow eccentric build strength? ›

Using slow eccentrics is great for leg strength, especially when doing squats or hamstring curls. For a squat, the eccentric portion of the lift is going to be the descent into the hole of a squat.

Is it better to go slow when lifting? ›

If you're looking to build muscle quickly, whether you've been training for years or are just starting out, then doing slower reps is the way to go.

How long should I hold the eccentric for? ›

Emphasize the Eccentric Phase to Bust Through Plateaus

You can incorporate this type of tempo training by going from a controlled eccentric to one that's four or five seconds long. You can also try lowering a heavier weight than you can lift back up, Nelson says: This is the idea behind a negative pullup, for example.

Does eccentric shorten the muscle? ›

In a concentric contraction, the muscle tension rises to meet the resistance then remains stable as the muscle shortens. During eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens as the resistance becomes greater than the force the muscle is producing.

Does eccentric cause more muscle damage? ›

However, sustained and intense eccentric exercise may increase the levels of muscle damage [3]. This is characterized by an increased presence of muscle proteins, such as creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and myoglobin (Mb), in blood.

What is the best tempo for muscle growth? ›

This is why many Olympic lifters who lift weights explosively have mind-boggling strength, but they don't have physiques like bodybuilders. If you're ever in doubt about how fast to do your repetitions for developing muscle size, a concentric of 2-3 seconds and eccentric of 3-4 seconds is a good rule of thumb.

Is concentric or eccentric better for muscle growth? ›

Muscle mass

The results of meta-analyses suggest that eccentric exercise is more effective than concentric exercise in increasing muscle girth.

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