Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (2024)

Looking for snowman bulletin board ideas? During the winter months, how do you keep kids engaged and at the top of their game? It’s easy to get a case of the winter doldrums during the cold winter months. Kids want to be outside playing but the weather is too cold or too messy to do so. Creating an interesting and engaging bulletin board is important because it gets kids interested in what’s going on inside the classroom rather than outside. Tell kids there’ll be plenty of time to enjoy nature outside later, but for now, we’ll do like the poet Robert Frost and think about the snow.

What makes an impactful snowman bulletin Board?

There are several things teachers can include with a bulletin board. Of course, you will start with a snowman. But think about what action you want the snowman to do, what you want him to say, and how you want him to look. What will be unique about your snowman?

Consider what you are studying in class and try to include these aspects in your bulletin board. For example, if you are studying the solar system in science, you could put the snowman out in a field at night surrounded by the planets which are labeled by the students.

The more you can incorporate your units into your bulletin board ideas, the more it can act not only as an aesthetically-pleasing aspect of your classroom, but also as a tool for teaching on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

  • What makes an impactful snowman bulletin Board?
  • 9 Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas to Use
  • Snowman Bulletin Board FAQS
  • Final Thoughts

9 Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas to Use

Below are 9 great bulletin board ideas that use snowmen as the center for those cold winter months. See which ones you connect to and brainstorm ways you can use them with your classroom projects.

There’s “Snowbody” Like You From One Handy Teacher

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (1)

Here is a snowman bulletin board idea from an Etsy seller that utilizes a snowman character who is talking about how special each person is. The background includes a plain cork board if you purchase this bulletin board set on Etsy, but you may use any background you create yourself with art paper.

Our Winter Wonderland From Little Learning Corner

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (2)

This bulletin board idea includes a large snowman and a bunch of smaller snow globes with faces of students in it. This is a cute idea for snowman bulletin boards and it allows you to share your photos with the class.

Winter Snowman Equation From First And Kinder Blue Skies

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (3)

An elementary teacher shared this cute math-related snowman idea on her blog. It is a creative idea that combines winter + the south = melted snowmen. Sad, I know! But she wanted to keep the snowman theme going after removing her Christmas decorations.

A New Year From Little Learning Corner

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (4)

This bulletin board will help you transition to the new year as well as serve as a reminder of the winter days ahead. Featuring a big friendly snowman in a snow globe in the center of the bulletin board, kids can write and paste their favorite new things to learn all around on the blue sky background. This is a great way to get kids to try new things that could lead to an awesome new hobby or even a career idea.

Let it Snow! From Little Learning Corner

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (5)

Rather than lament that they are stuck inside, why not shift the attitude to a positive one by embracing the idea of snow. Have students draw pictures or use photos from their home photo album to embellish the plate with fun things they have done in the snow. They can then paint or color the background of the plate and put snowflakes all around. The idea is to learn to love the different seasons, even ones that keep them from doing everything they want to do.

What’s In A Name? From Crafty Morning

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (6)

This crafty snowman bulletin board idea was created by The Crafty mom, Michelle, a creative mom who loves to create crafts for her kids. Many of the ideas moms come up with can be incorporated in the classroom. This one features a long snowman that is composed of as many “snowballs” as there are letters in one’s name, complete with a top hat and any other decorations the kids want to include.

It’s “No Secret” (Snow Secret) From Little Learning Corner

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (7)

This one features a play on words with “Snow” to say “It’s Snow Secret we’re a great school.” Individuals teachers could substitute the word class to focus only on their classroom.

Welcome To Our Snowman Gang From Astro Brights

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (8)

This large bulletin board features a long line of snowmen, each representing a student, who are welcoming the others to their “snowman gang.” This will appeal to kids who like to think of themselves as a part of a group and can help instill a sense of teamwork among classmates.

Cool To Be Kind By Barbara Gruener

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (9)

This background is a takeoff on the famous song, “Cruel to Be Kind” and features 4 snowmen with various character traits about how to be kind to others on their bodies. This can be a great class discussion idea about how kindness is important to get along in the world.

Snowman Bulletin Board FAQS

What should you include in a snowman bulletin board?

Start with a snowman and “build” around the idea with whatever would be most engaging for your students. Let students help create crafts to include on the board so that they feel they are a part of it.

Is it okay to use images from Hollywood movies and children’s media?

There is a limited use allowed (known as fair use) that allows you to use up to 10% of a work for educational purposes, so long as you do not profit from it in any way or sell images of it to others, etc. For full information on the current copyright laws regarding fair use for education, visit the Library of Congress.

What else could I include in my snowman bulletin boards?

You could include books that feature authors who write about themes set in the winter such as Jack London’s “Call of the Wild” or “Balto” for younger kids.

Final Thoughts

These 9 bulletin board ideas that include snowmen themes can help you show kids the joy of snow, when they can’t do anything about it, and encourage them to see the beauty in all seasons. Some of these ideas might help you build interest in students starting a new club, a new hobby, or even exploring a new career.Check out other ideas and teaching materials at We strive to be your go-to source for all things that involve your teaching process and we want to be a great resource to make your job simpler and more efficient.

Snow Many Snowman Bulletin Board Ideas: 9 Creative Winter Displays for Your Classroom (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.