The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-06-26 - Through Fire and Flame (log) (2024)


  • 1 OOC NOTE
  • 2 Summary
  • 3 Highlights
    • 3.1 a golden crocodile talisman
      • 3.1.1 lore song
    • 3.2 an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree
    • 3.3 a stained saddle
      • 3.3.1 lore song
    • 3.4 a ancient faewood statue
  • 4 Full Log
    • 4.1 The Dusk Coven have landed
    • 4.2 The Big Dig
    • 4.3 We depart the Ice Cavern
    • 4.4 The Vault
    • 4.5 Histories Recounted at The Thirsty Penguin
    • 4.6 An Old Stained Saddle


Care was taken to preserve as much character action as possible while reducing the length. Notably non-targeted spell ups/downs were removed, as were some of my commands where the outcome was obvious to the reader.


  • Mayor Talliver delivers the news that the Dusk Coven has landed a small force north of town.
  • He leads a contingent from Icemule to retrieve whatever is buried in the glacier before the Dusk Coven can cut us off.
  • There is a major effort to dig throughout the cavern which results in the discovery of several archeologically significant items, and most importantly a golden crocodile talisman
  • The talisman's presence seems to unlock The Door in Thurfel's Cellar where the Orb of Kai was rumored to be held.
  • A clockwork orb is in fact found within the Vault behind the door, along with other puzzling discoveries.
  • The talisman as well as some of the other items of interest have interesting histories revealed by loresongs. Some at least seem directly related to Thurfel and his apprentice.


a golden crocodile talisman

Painstakingly fashioned from purest gold, the crocodile looks more akin to a living reptile than a trinket of precious metal. From scale and snout to tooth and claw, all possess lifelike detail indicative of a master craftsman's work. Tiny chunks of cabochon glimaerstone form the aureate creature's eyes, and they lavish in the ambient light, winking mischievously. By comparison, the chain suspending the talisman is a subdued affair of blackened steel links.

lore song

Humiliation, utter and total. That is the last emotion you feel as your mortal body dies, cut down by that giant oaf Witlass. At least, you think, you will at last be free, but that hope is snatched away in an instant. Something foul and unnatural tethers you to this plane. As your body begins to crumble into fine, white powder, you find your awareness drawn somewhere else. Somewhere... worse.
It is very dark and no one has come to see you in some time. Well, not no one. Your regrets visited frequently. Regret that you had been chosen as Thurfel's apprentice over more qualified candidates. Regret that you had tried to steal the Firemage's orb. Not the betrayal, though--that had been well-earned. Oh, regret that you had been murdered by an idiot. And you should have written to your mother more. You'd thought death would be peaceful. It turns out that undeath is decidedly inconvenient.
Thurfel comes to tell you that he has murdered your brother. His grin is full of malice, but you don't have eyes, so it doesn't bother you much. When you don't react, merely slumping in the soulstone prison in which you are entombed, he grows angry and makes fire. Fortunately, you don't have skin, either. He tells you that he needs the cage for a new resident, but that he has plans for you. You don't have ears, but his laughter afterward is certainly ominous.
The Firemage works feverishly on the magical circle, boasting about his plans to find the Staff of Amasalen and make that sylvankind woman love him. The two seem unrelated to you. When you say so, he sneeringly reminds you that you are just a useless ghost. You'll finally have a use, he tells you, protecting the most valuable pieces of his collection for all eternity. He dangles a golden trinket from his hand. "You like crocodiles, don't you?" Thurfel asks, and then he casts his vile spell.

an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree

What appear to be faint undulations in the solid surface of the sphere are revealed, on closer inspection, to be a veritable jigsaw puzzle of separations in the metal. The space between interlocking plates is no wider than a strand of spidersilk. Adamantine filigree encircles the device at its midpoint, depicting muscled figures at sport and combat with detail that is lifelike enough to excuse the use of such a precious metal on mere ornamentation.

You hold the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and give the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once you release the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.

You press one of the interlocking plates composing the surface of the eonake sphere. It depresses for a moment before rising again with a musical series of chimes.

a stained saddle

The saddle is too small to span the back of even most ponies, suggesting that it must have been used to soften the ride atop a particularly small beast. Though once of exemplary make, the leather is stained from its time in the ice. Flaking paint picks out peonies lazing beneath a beautiful sunset.

lore song

The resonance of your melody becomes birdsong on a distant wind as it blows across the steppes. You are young, and the wind blows in your hair as you race down a fertile valley amid a horde of your brothers and sisters, laden with the spoils of battle. Every hoofbeat of the mount beneath you is as much a part of you as your own heartbeat, and though you are eager to return home, the emotion has a bittersweet edge, for to ride is the only thing that has ever called you in your life.
You are old, although with grief rather than years. Nearby, in the village center, a pyre burns and smoke dances on the breeze. The shaman stands before the blaze. Her robes were the color of the snow-capped peaks of the western mountains, but now they are stained grey with ash. The smoke, she says, is the souls of the lost. They race across the skies toward the darkest door. Her eyes are as red and swollen as yours.
You are too young to be alone. Your grandmother's pyre burns, and its flames remind you that you are the last of your family. The others have fallen to the Maelaish, or to hunger, but the road goes ever on, and it is not safe to stop in these lands for long. Her passing had not been a peaceful one. She had burned with fever long before the pyre was lit, but she had fought to the last. With her last breath, she had cursed the ones who had taken everything and called down woe on their woodland citadel.
It is old. You find the saddle among her belongings. It smells faintly of old smoke and it is stained with tears. It has no value now, as you have never seen a living pony. But it was hers, and when you hold it, you can almost imagine what it was to ride across the steppes. You will pass it down to your daughter, and to hers, and one day it may be used again by those of your blood. That would be a good thing.

a ancient faewood statue

Carved in the shape of a beautiful woman with pointed ears, the statue is crafted with remarkable skill. She holds a sheaf of grain between her hands, and garlands of iris and magnolia grace her neck. Though young of countenance, her eyes seem impossibly old.

Full Log

The Dusk Coven have landed

Mayor Talliver just arrived.>l[Clovertooth, Auditorium]Raw cedar timbers perfume the air, comprising the walls of the expansive hall. Living evergreen boughs contrast frame the southern entrance, brightly illuminated by faceted glimaerstone orbs set high into the ceiling. The light scatters over a few dozen rows of comfortably padded seats and rugs covering parts of the polished floor. A central aisle delineated by a quartet of braziers leads toward an expansive cedar and pine stage framed by silver-trimmed blue curtains. You also see the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Bodad disk, the Ibar disk and the sparking Dendum disk.Also here: Mayor Talliver, Queatus, Lord Sorlu, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Lord Randsford, Jastalyn, Myharl, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Zeminar, Bakarus, Draelor, High Lord Svardin who is sitting, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Lady Aliashyrah, Ibar, Bodad, Lilanna, Blade Yardie, Dendum, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Lord Darphin, Olgretien who is kneelingObvious exits: southLithyia waves to Falvicar.Jastalyn leans against Myharl, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.Missoni nods to Bakarus in greeting.Svardin stands up.Lithyia turns to face Talliver.Inclining his head, Myharl lifts his right hand in greeting to Talliver, the motion drawing attention to the tower signet ring on his right middle finger.Sorlu politely says, "Good evening, Icemule."Meliyara nods in greeting at Bodad.Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Sorlu. She inclines her head as well, giving Sorlu a brief nod.Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion before Talliver.Missoni performs a bow characteristic of those from Solhaven before Olgretien.Randsford bows to Talliver.Ibar bows to Talliver.Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.Svardin takes a few steps toward an expansive cedar and pine stage.Meliyara's abyssal onyx pulses against her forehead, giving off a faint stormy silver glow.Bodad waves to Queatus.Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Talliver. She inclines her head as well, giving Talliver a brief nod.Opalina waves to Lithyia.Bakarus smiles at Sorlu.Queatus waves to Talliver.Bodad waves to Talliver.Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Mayor Dabbings."Svardin turns around.Missoni nods to Talliver in greeting.With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Talliver with a short, courteous bow.Queatus waves to Bodad.Falvicar nods to Talliver in greeting.Aliashyrah says, "A blessed evening to you, Mayor Dabbings."Svardin sings: "Should Elithain Cross, Be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should Elithain Cross, Find ergot, And consumes it til he's blind?"Queatus gives Lithyia a friendly hug.Bodad says, "My wave is tired."Opalina curtsies to Talliver.Wolfloner nods at Talliver.Queatus turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of those from Icemule Trace before Talliver.Svardin bows.Svardin goes to bow, but falls over. Clumsy oaf!Loralaii gives Falvicar a friendly hug.Bodad says, "Err arm."Jastalyn giggles at Bodad.Lithyia gives Queatus a friendly hug.Loralaii hugs Opalina, who wraps her in a warm embrace.Svardin sits up.Lithyia tries to pinch Queatus, but he grabs her hand just in time and pinches Lithyia instead!Talliver nods.Lithyia snaps her fingers.Opalina smiles at Loralaii.Opalina gives Loralaii a friendly hug.Falvicar gives Loralaii a friendly hug.Svardin says, "I has more but dey can wait."Talliver glances around, his face strained.Svardin giggles.Lilanna bows to Talliver.Wolfloner nods at Opalina.Lithyia folds her hands.Adopting an agreeable expression, Dendum nods.Lilanna glances at Talliver.Meliyara takes a moment to observe Talliver.Myharl lightly scratches Jastalyn's back, his hand moving in small circles along her spine.Olgretien deeply says, "I brought my ice pick."Olgretien smiles at Talliver.Jastalyn grins at Myharl.Zeminar removes a dried cricket from in his spidersilk sack.Zeminar takes a bite of his dried cricket.Talliver says, "I will be concise. We have run low on time."Zeminar just closed an ebon spidersilk sack.Missoni looks at Talliver with concern.Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.Myharl glances at Talliver.Lithyia asks, "Time?"Lilanna tilts her head toward Talliver, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.Ibar frowns at Talliver.Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.A look of despair spreads across Zeminar's face an instant before he turns and vomits noisily onto the ground.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "I am glad to see you alive and safe."Randsford says, "That tends to happen when we sit idle for weeks on end."Zeminar winces.Randsford folds his arms over his chest.Opalina leans against a few dozen rows of comfortably padded seats.Lithyia nods at Dendum.Lithyia agrees with Dendum.Lithyia nods at Dendum.Falvicar nuzzles his face against Opalina's.Elronae just arrived.Lithyia waves to Elronae.Elronae waves to Lithyia.Lilanna gives Elronae a friendly hug.Elronae gives Lilanna a friendly hug.Ibar gives Elronae a friendly hug.Elronae waves to Queatus.Queatus waves to Elronae.Bakarus turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.Elronae gives Ibar a friendly hug.Jastalyn gives Elronae a friendly hug.Talliver says, "Crystalhall and Pinefar have both sent birds with the same news, and Ellerel's students have confirmed with the watchposts we are building along the Long Snow."Ibar grins.Opalina's plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.Olgretien stands up.Elronae gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.Falvicar nods once.Talliver says, "The Dusk Coven has landed a small force north of town."Lilanna peers quizzically at Talliver.Svardin works his fingers under his fiery red hat and scratches his head.Elronae grins at Ibar.Lithyia blinks.Lilanna frowns.Elronae's fish flops over onto its back, the cloudy white of its belly showing as it allows itself to drift slowly toward the top of its sack. After a few moments of stillness, the fish suddenly flips over, eyes wide and teeth bared, poised to strike! After a moment, it flicks its tail once and resumes its meanderings.As Myharl draws a glowing white sacred warsword, three tiny orbs of blazing flame swirl along the blade.Randsford frowns.Falvicar frowns.With a slight roll of his shoulder, Randsford slides a white eonake knight's aegis bound by shimmering silver and imbedded with emeralds that form the symbol of the goddess Oleani free and grips it tightly in one hand. A spray of silvery white motes skitters over the surface of the aegis before fizzling out with a fading howl.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Bodad gulps.In one blurring motion, Olgretien snatches a jet black mithril claidhmore from his sheath, brandishing it for all to see.Ibar nods once.Svardin says, "Pshaw."Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "Not surprising."Missoni furrows her brow.Yardie glances at Darphin."Follow Niima!" Lithyia declares as she draws a slender rolaren dagger from her cognac leather wrist-sheath. The dagger traces an arc of luminescent ocean blue mist in its wake. A salty spray of ocean water fills the air for a moment.The black acorn amulet hanging from Loralaii's neck glows purple.Lithyia points at Talliver.Lithyia confidently lifts her rolaren dagger and points it what, exactly, is hard to say.Lithyia asks, "Time for this?"Speaking to Yardie, Darphin says, "Suprise to me."Dendum scratches at his beard.Lithyia glances at a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle in her hand.Dendum draws an asymmetrical yumi from one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.Elronae suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing her features as she listens intently.Lithyia glances at Talliver.Darphin shrugs.Zeminar takes a bite of his dried cricket.Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.Randsford nods slowly at Lithyia.Bodad put a tumbler of milky brown ale in his hide climbing pack.Myharl grimly says, "Then we shall send them back from wence they came."Talliver says, "Familiars have repored back that it's likely not of a strength that could besiege the town successfully."Lithyia smirks at Randsford.Talliver says, "However..."Svardin says, "So infiltraters."Svardin nods.Lithyia nods at Dendum.Talliver says, "I fear that they could cut us off from the glacier and what lies beneath."Darphin asks, "Likely able to block off a small area like a cellar?"Elronae grins at Ibar.Zeminar nods at Bakarus.Ibar frowns.Lilanna raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.Darphin nods slowly.Opalina ponders.Rimo scratches his nose.Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.The black ora chain around Zeminar's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!Talliver lowers his voice, clearly weary. "We have to find that key," he says.Ibar agrees with Elronae.Olgretien deeply exclaims, "It's a trap!"Svardin asks, "Yer talkin bout Old Icemule has it?"Lithyia nods at Olgretien.Olgretien deeply says, "Somone had to say it."Olgretien snickers.Dendum nods at Olgretien.Svardin nods.Roelon just stumbled in, flailing his arms wildly while trying to right himself!Lithyia wryly says, "I was thinkin it."Missoni gazes in amusem*nt at Olgretien.Lithyia nods at Olgretien.Ibar says, "Well, i was right last time."Lithyia glances at Roelon.Ibar grins at Olgretien.Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt.Lithyia chuckles.Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "If the orb is truly behind there then I don't think that is something we can simply find."The black rat on Rimo's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a royal purple longcoat.Olgretien winks at Missoni.Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.Lilanna peers quizzically at Ibar.Ibar chuckles.Lilanna asks, "You were?"Jastalyn softly says, "Let's bash some skulls."Ibar glances at Lilanna.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Randsford glances at Roelon.Svardin says, "Prolly in da ole temple."Ibar says, "A bit."Svardin chuckles.Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.Speaking to Olgretien, Talliver says, "It's naked aggression."Bodad idly scratches himself on the neck.Svardin exclaims, "Dey isn't dressed!"Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.Nosing about inside Zeminar's collar, the cadaverous rat eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws. Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the cadaverous rat chitters at Zeminar, obviously annoyed at his lack of hygiene.Lithyia says, "If the orb goes to those that need it, none of us have been worthy yet."Svardin covers his eyes with his hands.Talliver glances at Jastalyn.Lithyia chuckles.Elronae grins at Svardin.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Olgretien says, "This is my naked sword."Jastalyn shuffles her feet.Dendum asks, "So we wait for them to start digging and attack? We finally get to do the trapping for once?"Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna asks, "What would ye have us do?"Olgretien shows Talliver his black mithril claidhmore.Jastalyn softly says, "I've been waiting."Bodad works his way out of some frostworn dark golvern platemail bearing a faded burrows insignia.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "Save your strength of arms. It will be needed tonight."Speaking quietly to Svardin, Opalina says, "Nither is Rufus your used to it."Bodad put some frostworn dark golvern platemail bearing a faded burrows insignia in his hide climbing pack.Randsford nods in agreement at Lithyia.Bodad slips out of a salt-stained walrus hide duster with ivory hooks and folds it over his forearm, making sure it doesn't drag on the floor.Bodad put a salt-stained walrus hide duster with ivory hooks in his hide climbing pack.Lithyia invokes the divine name of Niima as she stows her rolaren dagger in her cognac leather wrist-sheath with a flash of luminescent ocean blue mist. A salty spray of ocean water lingers briefly in the air.Bodad gently stretches the bindings between the panels of a weathered walrus ivory wristcuff scrimshawed in intricate wave patterns and slides it off of his wrist.Bodad put a weathered walrus ivory wristcuff scrimshawed in intricate wave patterns in his hide climbing pack.Svardin glances out.Bodad reaches down and carefully unties his hide jewel pouch from his leather swordbelt. You hear the tinkling sound of several gems bouncing around inside.Ibar slowly empties his lungs.Bodad put a supple walrus hide jewel pouch secured with a white dreamstone clip in his hide climbing pack.Bodad briefly opens the clasp securing a gold-bound polished walrus tusk's strap around his neck. The polished walrus tusk slides free and drops into Bodad's waiting hand.Bodad put a gold-bound polished walrus tusk in his hide climbing pack.Bodad takes off a crimson sockeye salmon stickpin.Svardin says, "I tend ta see double a lot."Bodad put a crimson sockeye salmon stickpin in his hide climbing pack.Bodad appears less confident and fearless.Bodad's miasma of fog-hued mist dissipates slowly, waning until completely diminished.Bodad loses the flickering unbridled energy surrounding him.A crimson mist bleeds out from Bodad's exposed skin.Myharl carefully hangs his warsword from his sash.Svardin says, "I has a lotta brain damage."Svardin grins.Roelon raises an eyebrow.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "So how do we find this key we have missed so many weeks?"Bodad takes off a turquoise-bound snakeskin badge.Bodad put a turquoise-bound snakeskin badge in his hide climbing pack.Roelon glances at Randsford.Bodad slings a salt-stained walrus hide satchel with an ivory clasp off from over his shoulder.Bodad put a salt-stained walrus hide satchel with an ivory clasp in his hide climbing pack.Randsford sighs.Bodad carefully removes the walrus hide bag, making sure not to damage the contents in the process.Randsford nods grimly at Roelon.Speaking urgently to Roelon, Talliver asks, "You've become the closest we have to an official guide. Can you take us to the ruined gem shop beneath the ice?"Lithyia glances at Roelon.Jastalyn grins at Roelon.Svardin says, "Ah."Sorlu joins Roelon's group.Aliashyrah joins Roelon's group.Myharl joins Roelon's group.Lilanna joins Roelon's group.Olgretien joins Roelon's group.Roelon deeply says, "Bloody kilts....">l roeDendum joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn joins Roelon's group.Twisting vines writhe around Roelon, obscuring him in an ever-shifting barrier of thorns.You see Roelon McColend the Town Councillor of Icemule Trace.He appears to be a Giantman of the Wsalamir Clan.He is taller than average. He appears to be in the meridian of life. He has piercing blue-tinged silver eyes and tanned skin. He has long, braided white hair loosely entangled in a ponytail by a thin chain of veil iron thorns entwined with silver wire. He has a broad face, a classical nose and a neatly-trimmed beard with an icy blue streak down one side. Obscured behind his beard is a rugged, muscular jawline that is further emphasized by weather-worn cheeks. A faceted sliver of grey shadowglass is positioned between his eyes, which casts a sparkling pale grey sheen across his face.He has a circular blue tribal tattoo on his neck, a tattoo of a somber black dragon that coils upwards from jaw to temple, and some converging Saramar runes on his neck.He is in good shape.He is wearing a silvery tartan-furred dormouse, an ebony symbol of Ronan, a wintry black leather duster, a carved wendigo totem strung from a leather cord, an oblong drake-shaped compass, a Wsalamir medicine bag composed of variegated animal hides, a scaled black leather travel pack, a studded dark alloy weapons bandolier, a dark alloy scaled leather coat-of-plates adorned with a single rhimar-studded pauldron, a vine-etched aranthium armlet, some rugged ebon leather gloves with rhimar studs set in each knuckle, a veil iron signet ring entwined with rolaren, a chewed-on dark tartan sack, a brushed black leather saddlebag, a patchwork tartan hip-satchel crafted from repurposed kilts stitched together, a roughly knit woolen kilt threaded with rhimar studs, and some blackened leather hiking boots.Darphin joins Roelon's group.Lithyia joins Roelon's group.Elronae joins Roelon's group.Myharl nods at Roelon.Bodad securely attaches a flayed walrus hide bag accented with tusks of ivory to his belt, resting the bag on his hip.Svardin joins Roelon's group.Randsford joins Roelon's group.Ibar joins Roelon's group.Rimo joins Roelon's group.Meliyara joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn hugs Roelon, who wraps her in a warm embrace.Yardie joins Roelon's group.Svardin stands up.Bakarus joins Roelon's group.Bodad joins Roelon's group.Aliashyrah removes some thick double leather from in her obsidian satin robe.Lilanna grins at Roelon.Loralaii joins Roelon's group.Queatus joins Roelon's group.Roelon deeply asks, "The north side?"Zeminar joins Roelon's group.Aliashyrah works her way into some thick double leather.Missoni joins Roelon's group.Opalina joins Roelon's group.Distant horns sound, low and terrible.Draelor joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn leans against Myharl, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.Lilanna says, "See what all that flippin does.">join roelonYou join Roelon.Randsford snorts!Talliver nods at Roelon.Wolfloner joins Roelon's group.Talliver joins Roelon's group.Roelon deeply says, "Ah am just gatherin' mah kilt barrin's."Jastalyn roars!Roelon bellows a guttural series of oaths.Missoni draws her surita staff from her widowwood-bound sling, tracing an arc of pulsing black energy in its wake. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.Aliashyrah appears to be trying hard not to grin.Roelon deeply asks, "And ye want me to lead?"Yardie asks, "Can I get spirituals please?""Follow Niima!" Lithyia declares as she draws a slender rolaren dagger from her cognac leather wrist-sheath with a flash of luminescent ocean blue mist. A salty spray of ocean water fills the air for a moment.Roelon snickers.Randsford removes a squat pale blue crystal bottle from in his white knight's cape.Yardie rubs something in an oiled and buffed leather pack.Roelon equips a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Roelon slings a dark orase knight's shield with a balenite tiger umbo off from a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Yardie removes a small statue from in his buffed leather pack.Yardie rubs a small statue in his hand.His small statue suddenly disintegrates!Svardin whispers to the group, "Some should stand guard while others search the ice."Darphin removes a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick from in his black leather jacket. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.Rimo gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...Rimo makes a complex gesture at Yardie.Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Svardin grins.Darphin summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.Rimo gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...Rimo makes a complex gesture at Yardie.Svardin removes a dark crescent moon-bladed axe from in his golden cape.A holy aura radiates from Elronae's runestaff.Svardin removes a sturdy leather-handled axe from in his chain link axe bandolier.Yardie says, "Thank you."Rimo folds his hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...Rimo gestures.Lithyia confidently sets a slender rolaren dagger's fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle point on her index finger, then gives it a little spin! As it rapidly twirls, she carefully walks it from one finger to another, never disturbing its balance, before finally flipping it up and catching it deftly by the hilt.Bodad removes some frostworn dark golvern platemail bearing a faded burrows insignia from in his hide climbing pack.With careful precision, Randsford slides a white eonake knight's aegis bound by shimmering silver and imbedded with emeralds that form the symbol of the goddess Oleani into place over one shoulder. Coalescing over the surface of the aegis, a thin layer of silvery white light briefly ripples into being before dying with an echoing howl.Yardie removes a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin from in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Bodad works his way into some frostworn dark golvern platemail bearing a faded burrows insignia.Randsford turns his blue crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark sapphire pill into his waiting hand.Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler off from over his shoulder.Randsford places his dark sapphire pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of cerulean smoke. A blue mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!Roelon deeply asks, "Well, are ye all holdin' onto the kilt?"Rimo whistles a jaunty tune and glances about the area.Lithyia grins at Roelon.The black ora prayerbeads around Bakarus's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!The air around you sparkles briefly.Someone sings of Kai's many triumphs, lifting your spirits.Lithyia says, "Always."Missoni nods once at Roelon.Lithyia giggles.Randsford put a squat pale blue crystal bottle in his white knight's cape.Randsford removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his white knight's cape.Randsford turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.Talliver says, "It's likely to come to combat. I don't think their forces will be much of a challenge for some of you, if the reports are true, but we should be careful nonetheless."Roelon deeply says, "Because ye better wash those hands..."Bodad takes a bite of his peppery venison sausage.Roelon lets out a flaming volley of invective that makes your ears burn.Randsford places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!Bodad takes a bite of his peppery venison sausage.Bodad removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his hide climbing pack.Randsford put a rectangular green crystal bottle in his white knight's cape.Randsford nods firmly.Dendum asks, "Errr....should we call for aid?"Roelon summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.Faint red-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings and weave themselves around you.Bodad turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.Elronae removes a small veniom-bound armoire from in her blue chainsil cloak.Bodad places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.

Conversation along the road to the ruins

Yardie says, "Could have just gotten rid of them from the beginning."Speaking to Yardie, Lilanna says, "We keep tryin to send em to the Fall."Lilanna says, "They come back."Jastalyn softly says, "Sometimes."Yardie says, "That is not nice."

The Big Dig

[Icemule, Ruins]The ice glimmers and scintillates, refracting the light from gems and gold trapped within. What was a gemcutter's shop has been destroyed by the movement of the glacier, its wares scattered and entombed by the ice. Chip marks in the ice indicate that someone has attempted to salvage the jewels, but was largely unsuccessful. You also see a pile of old ice picks.Also here: Draelor, High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Lady Aliashyrah, Ibar, Bodad, Lilanna, Blade Yardie, Dendum, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Lord Darphin, Olgretien, Perigourd, Chronicler Falvicar, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Myharl, Jastalyn, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Bathcwyn Missoni, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Lady Opalina, Lord Sorlu, Queatus, Mayor Talliver, Elronae, Tradesperson Rimo, RoelonObvious exits: north, southwestOpalina quietly asks, "We haven't found a better path northwards?"Ibar slowly empties his lungs.Svardin nods.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow off from over his shoulder.Roelon deeply says, "Mmm."Perigourd adjusts his golvern plate-and-mail, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Roelon deeply says, "Well, we are doomed Ah did nae get lost."Lilanna's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Roelon slowly empties his lungs.Queatus rummages around in his pockets.Lithyia grins at Roelon.Rimo laughs softly, trying to hide his amusem*nt.Roelon hangs a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Missoni casually observes her surroundings.Ibar chuckles to himself.Speaking to Bakarus, Talliver asks, "You look a bit fretful. Afraid they won't recognize you in a fray?"Bakarus grins at Talliver.At the edge of your hearing, you hear a lilting voice whisper from nearby, "Now love's a memory, a ghost in the fog. He sets the sails one last time, saying farewell to the world. Anchor to the water, seabed far below, grass still in his feet and a smile beneath his brow."Rimo says, "Its still early."Roelon digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Talliver digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Jastalyn grins at Talliver.Speaking to Talliver, Bakarus says, "I am curious as the rest."Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.Bakarus glances around the room.You notice your companion Queatus slip away into hiding."Follow Niima," Lithyia murmurs as she stows her rolaren dagger in her cognac leather wrist-sheath with a flash of luminescent ocean blue mist. A salty spray of ocean water lingers briefly in the air.Bodad carefully hangs his cleaver from his swordbelt. It rattles against the golvern scramasax hanging from it, and he carefully adjusts them.Bodad slings a battleworn dark spiked greatshield emblazoned with a frost-rimed mule over his shoulder.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Bodad digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Lithyia digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Admiral Peggyanne just arrived.Queatus comes out of hiding.Queatus takes a sip from his silvery blue potion and seems to become oddly buoyant.Perigourd raises an eyebrow.Speaking to Bakarus, Meliyara says, "There is still time to choose the correct side."A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest marches into the area on tiny paws, tail held proudly in the air.Bakarus says, "We shall see."Jastalyn put an ethereal platinum scepter in her hooded starsilk mantle.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow over his shoulder.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Jastalyn digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Missoni digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.You notice your companion Yardie slip away into hiding.Wisserstaff put a scratched golvern morning star in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes over his shoulder.Randsford put a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar in his warg pelt sheath.Roelon deeply says, "Ah guess we diggin."Zeminar produces a small statue from the depths of his spidersilk cloak.Randsford digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Zeminar rubs a small statue in his hand.Bakarus glares at Meliyara.A pained expression crosses Missoni's face.Zeminar rubs a small statue in his hand.Wolfloner digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Perigourd removes a metallic shiny knight symbol from in his green leather cloak.Meliyara frowns at Bakarus.Perigourd raises his shiny knight symbol skyward!Perigourd appears filled with a confident and fearless composure.Zeminar's small statue vanishes into the depths of his spidersilk cloak.Perigourd put a metallic shiny knight symbol in his green leather cloak.Sweat beads on Talliver's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a tar black tourmaline.Talliver picks up the tourmaline.Jastalyn softly says, "Here kitty, kitty."Lithyia grins at Wolfloner.Perigourd grabs a carved tanik jester statuette from inside his leather haversack.A droplet of abyssal onyx entangled in rivulets of copper, which is set against Meliyara's forehead, glitters brightly for a few moments.Perigourd rubs a carved tanik jester statuette in his hand.Olgretien digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Svardin says, "I's standin guard."Wisserstaff digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Perigourd absent-mindedly drops a carved tanik jester statuette into his leather haversack.Peggyanne says, "I heard there would be battle."Perigourd grabs a small statue from inside his leather haversack.Myharl slings a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield over his shoulder.Roelon slings his orase knight's shield over his shoulder and onto a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Perigourd rubs a small statue in his hand.Perigourd absent-mindedly drops a small statue into his leather haversack.Myharl digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.A low unsettling moan trails Missoni's surita staff as she stows it in her widowwood-bound sling. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard. The sword traces an arc of vibrant forest green radiance in its wake. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.Rimo digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Wisserstaff put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk stalking cloak.Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.Speaking to Jastalyn, Peggyanne says, "Thats Lor."Perigourd digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Olgretien put a jet black mithril claidhmore in his wolverine pelt sheath.Peggyanne points at a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest.Svardin put a sturdy leather-handled axe in his chain link axe bandolier.Perigourd put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his green leather cloak.Talliver glances at a tar black tourmaline in his hand.Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard. The sword traces an arc of vibrant forest green radiance in its wake. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.Draelor digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Svardin takes off a shining knight pin.A chill breeze swirls about Roelon as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.Jastalyn grins at Peggyanne.Loralaii darkly says, "Im Lor."Roelon roars!Licks of violet and white flame dance across the surface of Peggyanne's white eonake gorget.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Wisserstaff removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his silk stalking cloak.Svardin raises his shining knight pin skyward!Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Speaking to Loralaii, Peggyanne says, "You are Lor... alaii."Elronae's fish suddenly notices a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, and immediately it begins to race around in manic circles inside its sack. It picks up momentum, then charges at top speed directly at the white kitten, which lets out a terrified yowl and scurries backwards, its eyes open wide, and the fur along its back rising up like pine needles! Elronae's fish suddenly notices a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, and immediately it begins to race around in manic circles inside its sack. It picks up momentum, then charges at top speed directly at the white kitten, which lets out a terrified yowl and scurries backwards, its eyes open wide, and the fur along its back rising up like pine needles! Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lithyia waves an old salt-stained pickaxe around.Queatus digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Svardin puts on a shining knight pin.Wolfloner gestures at an old salt-stained pickaxe.A hissing cloud of green necrotic haze trails Zeminar's grey-scaled staff as he draws it from his runestaff sling.Draelor carefully inspects his salt-stained pickaxe.Svardin removes a sturdy leather-handled axe from in his chain link axe bandolier.Talliver put a tar black tourmaline in his fraelhan coat.Myharl raises his salt-stained pickaxe skyward!Svardin concentrates deeply for a moment.Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Sweat beads on Myharl's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar just closed a tattered black sailcloth longcoat.Ibar digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Elronae pushes her hand down the surface of her runestaff. The glow surrounding her runestaff splinters and cracks as it returns to a lifeless state.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.Elronae put a marred runestaff in her ebon leather pack.Elronae digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Meliyara digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Rimo raises his salt-stained pickaxe skyward!Ibar just opened a tattered black sailcloth longcoat.Bakarus stows his dawn surita staff in his runestaff sling with a wicked burst of green necrotic haze. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a spindle of icicle jade.Roelon picks up the jade.Yardie comes out of hiding.Yardie put a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Bakarus just opened a leather components satchel clasped by a twisting vultite serpent.Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler over his shoulder.Sweat beads on Myharl's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Elronae's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Jastalyn's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Missoni's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Bakarus removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his components satchel.Sweat beads on Meliyara's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lithyia's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Roelon deeply says, "Oo."Lilanna digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Lithyia says, "Ah."Darphin put a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick in his black leather jacket. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Peggyanne digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Bakarus turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.Sorlu glances at Aliashyrah.Darphin digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Roelon put a spindle of icicle jade in his leather travel pack.Roelon deeply says, "Oo."Jastalyn changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...Jastalyn skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.As Jastalyn sings, a squall of wind briefly swirls around you. You feel yourself moving a bit more smoothly and quickly than before!Roelon nods.Loralaii digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Bakarus places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!The horns sound again, closer this time.Lilanna put an old salt-stained pickaxe in her leopard pelt tote.Loralaii's black acorn amulet flickers various shades of purple.Bakarus waves at the Bakarus disk in a dismissing gesture.The Bakarus disk disintegrates.Peggyanne says, "This will be fun."Perigourd removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his green leather cloak.Lithyia says, "This is bad."Yardie removes a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin from in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Bakarus put a rectangular green crystal bottle in his components satchel.Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler off from over his shoulder.You notice your companion Yardie slip away into hiding.Ibar shifts his weight.Bakarus just closed a leather components satchel clasped by a twisting vultite serpent.Bakarus draws his dawn surita staff from his runestaff sling, tracing an arc of green necrotic haze in its wake. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.Lilanna removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in her leopard pelt tote.Roelon removes a spindle of icicle jade from in his leather travel pack.Jastalyn narrows her eyes.Myharl just went north.Elronae put an old salt-stained pickaxe in her ebon leather pack.Opalina digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Wolfloner searches around for a moment. A small white sprite materializes near the end of her runestaff. The distorted surface begins to mend as glyphs appear and fade across its surface. A final pulse of white light reveals a glowing runestaff. The white sprite flits just over her shoulder.Elronae removes a glowing runestaff from in her ebon leather pack.Lithyia tosses an old salt-stained pickaxe into one of the containers hanging from her iron grey bandolier.Lord Darphin just went southwest.Shadows suddenly burst forth from Bakarus's body, swarming across his skin and settling on him with noticeable closeness. It lasts only momentarily before sinking back into Bakarus's skin once more.Lithyia draws her rolaren dagger in the divine name of Niima! The dagger traces an arc of luminescent ocean blue mist in its wake. A salty spray of ocean water fills the air for a moment.Wisserstaff put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk stalking cloak.Roelon deeply asks, "Thn we move around?"Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Roelon nods slowly.Tradesperson Rimo just went southwest.Peggyanne carefully inspects her salt-stained pickaxe. * Dayko is going home on his shield!Draelor carefully inspects his salt-stained pickaxe.Talliver says, "Perhaps it's best that we split up."Opalina gazes with interest at the salt-stained pickaxe in her hand.A faint white aura flickers around Peggyanne.Roelon peers intently at a spindle of icicle jade he holds in his fingers, meticulously inspecting the jade for flaws.Missoni nods slightly.Aliashyrah digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but she seems well pleased by its condition.Jastalyn just went north.Blinding violet light cloaks Peggyanne for a moment, the source coming from her eonake vambraces.Ibar nods understandingly.Talliver says, "We'll cover more ground that way."Dendum says, "That is always terrible idea."Roelon put a spindle of icicle jade in his leather travel pack.Peggyanne asks, "What we digging for?"Opalina nods.Randsford squints.Olgretien just went north.Sorlu digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Elronae agrees with Dendum.Roelon deeply says, "Watch yir backs."The grimoire flies off to find its owner.The voice of Yardie says, "Very."Roelon nods slowly.Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.>get ice pickFalvicar nods.The pile clatters and settles as you dig through, finding an old salt-stained pickaxe that you like better than the rest.Bodad asks, "Just start wandering and digging?"Perigourd nods at Missoni.Speaking to Peggyanne, Talliver says, "We suspect it looks like a crocodile."Dendum slips a fragmented staff bound by mycelium threads into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket. A trail of golden particles quickly disperses.Lilanna says, "Looks like some already did..."Dendum slips an asymmetrical yumi into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.Lord Darphin just arrived.Lilanna glances north.Queatus just went north.Perigourd nods at Talliver.Dendum digs through a pile of old ice picks and comes up with an old salt-stained pickaxe. It looks like all of the others, but he seems well pleased by its condition.Sorlu put a slender Nalfein-styled cane in his midnight suede rucksack.Lord Darphin just went north.The voice of Yardie says, "Much better than some of your fronts."Leaning gently against Falvicar, Opalina closes her eyes and sighs contentedly. Falvicar responds by slipping his arm around her.Lithyia sheathes a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle into one of the slots on her iron grey bandolier.Aliashyrah put a sanguine tentacle-graced crosier covered in crystallized jade-tinted black suckers in her obsidian satin robe.Roelon's regal air swiftly drifts away.Lithyia reaches inside one of the containers hanging from her iron grey bandolier and grabs an old salt-stained pickaxe.Falvicar covers Opalina's hand with his own as he places it gently within the crook of his arm.The divine force suddenly surrounds a resplendent obsidian black raven.The divine force suddenly surrounds a massive grey wolf.Elronae just went north.Ibar attempts to hum a merry little tune.Roelon just moved quietly north, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]A neatly-kept house sits enveloped in several feet of ice. The back half, as well as much of the left side, has collapsed, crushed by the ice. The rest looks much like it must have before, the paint bright and lovingly done. A small garden has been plotted in the front yard, carrot stalks flattened against the ground and heads of lettuce splattered across the dirt. You also see the Elronae disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: Draelor, High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Lady Aliashyrah, Ibar, Bodad, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Dendum, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Lord Sorlu, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Elronae, Lord Darphin, Queatus, Olgretien, Jastalyn, MyharlObvious exits: south, west, northwestOlgretien just went northwest.Myharl's group just went west.Roelon just moved quietly northwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The unmistakable scent of mule manure reaches your nose. Sticking partially out of the ice is a stable, and unfortunately, the scent did not freeze with the building. Pieces of harness and tack hang from the fence, slowly rotting in the moist air, and straw dusts the floor. You involuntarily wrinkle your nose, trying not to sneeze. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: Draelor, High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Lady Aliashyrah, Ibar, Bodad, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Dendum, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Lord Sorlu, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, OlgretienObvious exits: northeast, southeastSweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a petrified mammoth tusk.Olgretien picks up the tusk.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Meliyara's sentient potato sings a song about her!Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lithyia's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. She manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a swirling silver globe.Lithyia picks up the globe.Queatus just arrived.Sweat beads on Sorlu's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Queatus just went northeast.Sweat beads on Meliyara's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a sidewinder scale.Wolfloner picks up the scale.Lithyia just opened a layered ankle-length robe of geometrically patterned finely woven wool.Bodad just marched off to the northeast.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Meliyara's ocean surita scepter vanishes into the depths of her lotus silk pelisse. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Wisserstaff put a scratched golvern morning star in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes over his shoulder.>analyze pickaxeYou analyze the salt-stained pickaxe and sense that the creator has provided the following information:An old salt-stained pickaxe appears to be meant for DIGging.You get no sense of whether or not the pickaxe may be further lightened.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lithyia put a swirling silver globe in her ankle-length robe.Olgretien just went northeast.Lithyia just closed a layered ankle-length robe of geometrically patterned finely woven wool.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went northeast.Wisserstaff removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his silk stalking cloak.Wolfloner loses some awareness.Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Wolfloner gestures.Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.Roelon just moved quietly northeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Several poor-looking shanties have been demolished by the glacier. Their condition was likely never sterling, and it's likely that the glacier sped the process that time eventually would have completed. You also see a massive grey wolf, the Bodad disk, a lesser frost shade, a lesser frost shade, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Lady Aliashyrah, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Dendum, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Lord Sorlu, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Draelor, Olgretien, Bodad, QueatusObvious exits: southwest, northwestThe shade wails with an unearthly cry!A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at you! AS: +43 vs DS: +320 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +20 = -227 A clean miss.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lady Aliashyrah just went northwest.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Svardin waves to the shade.Tradesperson Rimo just went northwest.A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at Wolfloner! AS: +43 vs DS: +756 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +50 = -634 A clean miss.A lesser frost shade begins to wail loudly!Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Muted veins of metallic grey ripple beneath Lithyia's skin.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Ibar gestures at a lesser frost shade.Ibar draws down a shaft of scarlet-sparked moonlight and bathes a lesser frost shade in its muted glow.[SMR result: 317 (Open d100: 30)]A lesser frost shade is caught fast, the light of Liabo arresting its movements.Elronae just arrived.The frost shade struggles against the forces holding it.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lithyia draws a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle from one of the slots on her iron grey bandolier.Lady Opalina's group just arrived.Ibar mumbles something under his breath.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Wisserstaff put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk stalking cloak.The muted grey veins beneath Lithyia's skin withdraw, submerging out of sight.You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Lady Opalina's group just went northwest.Elronae joins Queatus's group.The shade wails with an unearthly cry!A lesser frost shade begins to wail loudly!A lesser frost shade gestures at Sorlu! CS: +10 - TD: +386 + CvA: +2 + d100: +86 - -5 == -283 Warded off!Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lithyia leaps from hiding to attack!Lithyia swings a slender rolaren dagger at a lesser frost shade! AS: +566 vs DS: -66 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +12 = +667 ... and hits for 160 points of damage! Strong blow to the head! The frost shade enjoys the breeze.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.A lesser frost shade's movements no longer appear hampered as the lunar light encircling it fades away.A chill breeze blows past, materializing into a lesser frost shade!Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Wisserstaff swings a scratched golvern morning star at a lesser frost shade! AS: +194 vs DS: -16 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +309 ... and hits for 107 points of damage! A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists the frost shade high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.Lord Sorlu strides away moving northwest.You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lithyia leaps from hiding to attack!Lithyia swings a slender rolaren dagger at a lesser frost shade! AS: +581 vs DS: -16 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +54 = +674 ... and hits for 157 points of damage! The frost shade's head wavers as the attack passes right through it!The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.>sheathYou put a silvery lor runestaff inlaid with criss-crossing lines of nacre in your weapon harness.Olgretien just went northwest.>swapYou swap your salt-stained pickaxe from your left to your right hand.Talliver removes a blued rolaren sword with a whalebone hilt from in his hoarbeam scabbard.You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.Wisserstaff swings a scratched golvern morning star at a lesser frost shade! AS: +194 vs DS: -16 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +309 ... and hits for 115 points of damage! Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.Queatus's group just went northwest.Lithyia comes out of hiding.Lithyia invokes the divine name of Niima as she stows her rolaren dagger in her cognac leather wrist-sheath with a flash of luminescent ocean blue mist. A salty spray of ocean water lingers briefly in the air.Bodad concentrates deeply for a moment.Bodad just marched off to the northwest.Lithyia just went southwest.Deep blue motes swirl away from Wisserstaff and fade.Roelon just moved quietly northwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice takes on a greyish cast, colored by the soot from the forge it has crushed. Twisted wrecks of metal lay within the frozen walls, and tools have been scattered across the dirt at the front of the building. An anvil sticks out of the ice, nearly making you stub your toe. You also see the Bodad disk, the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Elronae disk, the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Bodad, Dendum, Elronae, Queatus, Olgretien, Tradesperson Rimo, Conquerer of Reim MeliyaraObvious exits: southeast, southwestSweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Tradesperson Rimo just went southwest.Svardin concentrates deeply for a moment.Wolfloner taps a sidewinder scale, which is in his left hand.Talliver frowns.Roelon just moved quietly southwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]You must step carefully in this room. Unfinished (yet rather sharp) sword blades poke out of the ice at your feet, threatening to shorten you by a foot. They seem to have come from the remains of a shop smashed by the ice, the pieces of a sign in the shape of a sword indicating that this was once the armory. You also see the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish, a massive grey wolf, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Tradesperson Rimo, DraelorObvious exits: northeast, southSweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar gestures at a lesser frost shade.Ibar draws down a shaft of scarlet-sparked moonlight and bathes a lesser frost shade in its muted glow.[SMR result: 334 (Open d100: 46)]A lesser frost shade is caught fast, the light of Liabo arresting its movements.Soot brown specks of leaf mold trail in the wake of a lesser frost shade's movements, distorted by a murky haze.Bodad just came marching in.Queatus's group just arrived.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just arrived.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went south.The frost shade struggles against the forces holding it.Sweat beads on Rimo's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.>dig my pickaxeSweat beads on your brow as your swing the salt-stained pickaxe over and over, but the frozen earth underfoot repels your efforts with every wearying strike.Roundtime: 7 sec.Lord Darphin just arrived.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Elronae's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Lilanna changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...Lilanna skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at a lesser frost shade. CS: +459 - TD: +6 + CvA: +20 + d100: +52 == +525 Warding failed! A lesser frost shade is struck violently by the tightly focused sonic energy of a cacophonous shout! ... 141 points of damage!The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.A lesser frost shade's movements no longer appear hampered as the lunar light encircling it fades away.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Lord Darphin just went south.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Svardin turns around.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Queatus's group just went south.Tradesperson Rimo just went south.A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps his wings once and soars out of sight.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Wisserstaff put a scratched golvern morning star in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes over his shoulder.Bodad just marched off to the south.Wisserstaff removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his silk stalking cloak.Lilanna ponders.Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]All that remains here is a large pile of boards and glass. You cannot tell what these buildings might have been, as the damage is far too complete. As you look away, something catches your eye, and looking again, you see something sticking out of the rubble that looks suspiciously like an arm. You also see the Bodad disk, the Elronae disk and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Wolfloner, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Bodad, Elronae, Queatus, Lord Darphin, Conquerer of Reim MeliyaraObvious exits: north, westMeliyara's faewood statuette vanishes into the depths of her lotus silk pelisse.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Wolfloner put a sidewinder scale in his silk cloak.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the dirt and clay. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a sparkling ice blue dreamstone.Bodad picks up the dreamstone.Sweat beads on Darphin's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Meliyara's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the dirt and clay. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a blood red garnet.Ibar picks up the garnet.>dig my pickaxeSweat beads on your brow as your swing the salt-stained pickaxe over and over, but the dirt and clay underfoot repels your efforts with every wearying strike.Roundtime: 6 sec.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Meliyara's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Sweat beads on Wolfloner's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The dirt and clay underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar glances at a blood red garnet in his hand.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went west.Elronae exclaims, "I wasnt expecting this sort of labor!"Bodad just marched off to the west.Lilanna put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in her leather sword bandolier.Svardin glances up.Queatus's group just went west.Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The collapsed husks of several houses lay entombed in the ice. The occasional board or piece of metal sticks out of the ice, almost as if reaching for freedom. You also see the Bodad disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the sparking Dendum disk, a lesser frost shade, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Elronae, Queatus, Bodad, Dendum, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord SorluObvious exits: east, southeast, southwestSvardin chuckles.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Lord Darphin just arrived.Sweat beads on Sorlu's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Aliashyrah's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar put a blood red garnet in his black sailcloth longcoat.Lord Darphin just went southeast.Roelon deeply says, "Put yir backs into it."Sweat beads on Elronae's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at Randsford!Randsford dodges just in the nick of time!A lesser frost shade begins to wail loudly!Dendum tucks a worn toy pony with a plush saddle into a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.Sorlu begins chuckling at Roelon!Roelon just moved quietly southeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Bright swathes of cloth from beneath the ice-bound rubble mark what was once a tailor's shop. The ice reflects the colors, creating jumbled rainbows about the tunnel. Little other than the fabric remains intact, and you only hope that the proprietor of the shop made it out in time. You also see a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Lord Darphin, Admiral Peggyanne, OlgretienObvious exits: south, northwestSweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Darphin's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a blue lace agate.Darphin picks up the agate.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Peggyanne's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Darphin put a blue lace agate in his black leather jacket.The shade wails with an unearthly cry!A lesser frost shade gestures at Roelon!A lesser frost shade appears completely enthralled by the miasma of fog-hued mist. CS: +14 - TD: +426 + CvA: -46 + d100: +36 == -422 Warded off!Roelon deeply says, "Ye all need motivation."Sweat beads on Darphin's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Olgretien put a plains lion skin in his silver wolfhide cloak.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Ibar gestures at a lesser frost shade.Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a lesser frost shade![SMR result: 288 (Open d100: 25)]Several of the thorns jab into the shade! ... hits for 20 points of damage! ... 35 points of damage! Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.A chill breeze swirls about Peggyanne as she gestures and utters a phrase of magic.Svardin roars at the body of a lesser frost shade!The cadaverous rat on Zeminar's shoulder makes a sudden flying leap, apparently trying to gain access to the top of his head. Muttering under his breath, he manages to herd the recalcitrant rodent back to his shoulder.Ibar nods.A lesser frost shade just arrived.Admiral Peggyanne just went northwest.Wisserstaff says, "Usually not trying to attack rocks..."Olgretien just went northwest.Svardin utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...Svardin gestures at a lesser frost shade.Svardin hurls a roaring ball of fire at a lesser frost shade! AS: +330 vs DS: -18 with AvD: +60 + d100 roll: +69 = +477 ... and hits for 190 points of damage! A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists the frost shade high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.The roaring ball of fire strikes a lesser frost shade, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]What once was a two-story house sits at the edge of this cavern. A huge slab of ice has knocked the second story down, scattering bedding and parts of furniture across the slick floor. The rest of the house creaks and groans, as if it could fall to bits at any moment. You also see a massive grey wolf, a lesser frost shade, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Lady Aliashyrah, Draelor, Lord SorluObvious exits: north, northeast, southeast, westLord Darphin just arrived.Aliashyrah joins Sorlu's group.A chill breeze blows past, materializing into a lesser frost shade!Lord Darphin just went west.Svardin tries humming a joyful tune.Roelon just moved quietly southeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Your breath echoes off the walls of this huge chamber. At the north side stands a large temple. An immense plate of ice sits atop it, slowly crushing the finely varnished wood. Colored glass litters the floor, forced from the windows by the pressure the ice is putting on the structure. You cannot help but marvel that the building still stands, and wonder if perhaps it is only faith that allows it to do so. You also see a massive grey wolf, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, DraelorObvious exits: northeast, northwestLord Sorlu just strode in, his group following close behind.Shouts and the sounds of battle begin to fill the air, echoing strangely off of the ice.Ibar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Lord Sorlu strides away moving northeast, his group following close behind.>dig my pickaxeIt looks like someone has been digging rather enthusiastically in this area. You'll have to give it some time.The shade wails with an unearthly cry!A lesser frost shade appears completely enthralled by the miasma of fog-hued mist.A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at Randsford!With extreme effort, Randsford blocks the attack with his aegis!Roelon deeply says, "Watch yir nacks."Roelon just moved quietly northwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]What once was a two-story house sits at the edge of this cavern. A huge slab of ice has knocked the second story down, scattering bedding and parts of furniture across the slick floor. The rest of the house creaks and groans, as if it could fall to bits at any moment. You also see a lesser frost shade, a lesser frost shade, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Elronae, Queatus, Conquerer of Reim MeliyaraObvious exits: north, northeast, southeast, westLilanna says, "Eh."Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went northeast.Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice forms a small natural cavern here. Within the walls, you can see the flattened remains of several houses, crushed to bits by the flow of the glacier. The rubble is still in good relative condition, as if frozen in time. A hole opens in the ice to the south. You also see a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, some light leather, a handaxe, the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Blades disk and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Admiral Peggyanne, Lord Darphin, Dendum, BladesObvious exits: east, northwestAdmiral Peggyanne just went east.Lilanna removes a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield from in her leather sword bandolier.Svardin says, "Ve ready."Ibar put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his black sailcloth longcoat.Wisserstaff put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk stalking cloak.The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest blinks owlishly off into the distance, then suddenly launches itself out of view.Lord Darphin just went northwest.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow off from over his shoulder.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Roelon just moved quietly east, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]What once was a two-story house sits at the edge of this cavern. A huge slab of ice has knocked the second story down, scattering bedding and parts of furniture across the slick floor. The rest of the house creaks and groans, as if it could fall to bits at any moment. You also see a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Elronae disk, a lesser frost shade, a lesser frost shade, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Dendum, Admiral Peggyanne, Elronae, QueatusObvious exits: north, northeast, southeast, westAdmiral Peggyanne just went northeast.Queatus's group just went southeast.Roelon just moved quietly southeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Your breath echoes off the walls of this huge chamber. At the north side stands a large temple. An immense plate of ice sits atop it, slowly crushing the finely varnished wood. Colored glass litters the floor, forced from the windows by the pressure the ice is putting on the structure. You cannot help but marvel that the building still stands, and wonder if perhaps it is only faith that allows it to do so. You also see a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Elronae, Queatus, Dendum, OlgretienObvious exits: northeast, northwestOlgretien just went northeast.Roelon just moved quietly northeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice glimmers and scintillates, refracting the light from gems and gold trapped within. What was a gemcutter's shop has been destroyed by the movement of the glacier, its wares scattered and entombed by the ice. Chip marks in the ice indicate that someone has attempted to salvage the jewels, but was largely unsuccessful. You also see the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish, a pile of old ice picks and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Lilanna, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Lord Randsford, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Roelon, Olgretien, Tradesperson RimoObvious exits: north, southwest>dig my pickaxeIbar squints.Sweat beads on your brow as your swing the salt-stained pickaxe over and over, but the frozen earth underfoot repels your efforts with every wearying strike.Roundtime: 9 sec.Olgretien just went north.Olgretien just arrived.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Tradesperson Rimo just went north.Queatus's group just arrived.Svardin concentrates deeply for a moment.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Olgretien joins Roelon's group.A chill breeze swirls about Roelon as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.Elronae asks, "I heard fighting?"Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar says, "Aye."Olgretien deeply says, "So did I."Ibar nods at Elronae.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Roelon deeply says, "Sounds like it."Olgretien deeply asks, "Where?"Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Elronae's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Blades just arrived.Wisserstaff says, "It's only really dangerous when you see fighting."Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Randsford's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Elronae grins at Wisserstaff.Roelon just moved quietly north, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]A neatly-kept house sits enveloped in several feet of ice. The back half, as well as much of the left side, has collapsed, crushed by the ice. The rest looks much like it must have before, the paint bright and lovingly done. A small garden has been plotted in the front yard, carrot stalks flattened against the ground and heads of lettuce splattered across the dirt. You also see a massive grey wolf, a lesser frost shade and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Roelon, DraelorObvious exits: south, west, northwestOlgretien agrees with Wisserstaff.Queatus's group just arrived.Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A lesser frost shade appears completely enthralled by the miasma of fog-hued mist.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lord Randsford just arrived.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Randsford joins Roelon's group.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Elronae says, "Tell that to the assassins."Blades just arrived.Elronae nods at Wisserstaff.Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.>dig my pickaxeSweat beads on your brow as you swing the salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. You manage to breach into a preserved pocket containing a small stained saddle.You pick up the saddle.Roundtime: 5 sec.Ibar summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Admiral Peggyanne just arrived.A lesser frost shade appears completely enthralled by the miasma of fog-hued mist.A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at Randsford!Randsford gauges the attack and expertly deflects it with his eonake knight's aegis!Sweat beads on Queatus's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing an stained old leather belt.Queatus picks up the belt.Ibar grins at Elronae.Lilanna just arrived.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Lilanna joins Roelon's group.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just arrived.Randsford put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his eonake-studded pack.>analyze saddleYou analyze the stained saddle and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.You get no sense of whether or not the saddle may be further lightened.Randsford removes a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar from in his warg pelt sheath.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went northwest.Ibar pulls Lilanna closer to himself.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A chorus of trilling mews heralds the arrival of a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest.>examine saddleThe saddle is too small to span the back of even most ponies, suggesting that it must have been used to soften the ride atop a particularly small beast. Though once of exemplary make, the leather is stained from its time in the ice. Flaking paint picks out peonies lazing beneath a beautiful sunset.There appears to be something written on it.Sweat beads on Peggyanne's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a fossilized rolton tooth.Roelon picks up the tooth.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A lesser frost shade swings a handaxe at Dendum!Dendum skillfully dodges the attack!Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Ibar gestures at a lesser frost shade.Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a lesser frost shade![SMR result: 299 (Open d100: 36)]Several of the thorns jab into the shade! ... hits for 38 points of damage! ... 35 points of damage! Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.The frost shade falls to the ground motionless.Sweat beads on Draelor's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Queatus put an stained old leather belt in his spidersilk pack.>stow saddleYou put a small stained saddle in your waxed canvas pack.Myharl's group just arrived.Admiral Peggyanne just went south.Roelon put a fossilized rolton tooth in his leather travel pack.Roelon just moved quietly northwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The unmistakable scent of mule manure reaches your nose. Sticking partially out of the ice is a stable, and unfortunately, the scent did not freeze with the building. Pieces of harness and tack hang from the fence, slowly rotting in the moist air, and straw dusts the floor. You involuntarily wrinkle your nose, trying not to sneeze. You also see the sparking Dendum disk, the Bodad disk, a lesser frost shade that appears dead, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, BodadObvious exits: northeast, southeastQueatus's group just arrived.>dig my pickaxeIt looks like someone has been digging rather enthusiastically in this area. You'll have to give it some time.A lesser frost shade slowly dematerializes, fading into nothingness.Olgretien deeply says, "I found some skins in alla dis diggin."Blades just arrived.Queatus's group just went southeast.Bodad just marched off to the southeast.Blades just went southeast.Roelon just moved quietly northeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Several poor-looking shanties have been demolished by the glacier. Their condition was likely never sterling, and it's likely that the glacier sped the process that time eventually would have completed. You also see the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, Dendum, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady OpalinaObvious exits: southwest, northwestSweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow over his shoulder.Wisserstaff put a scratched golvern morning star in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes over his shoulder.Falvicar concentrates deeply for a moment.Ibar removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his black sailcloth longcoat.Wisserstaff removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his silk stalking cloak.Sweat beads on Falvicar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Opalina's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the subterranean soil. She manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a mint green diopside.Opalina picks up the diopside.Myharl's group just arrived.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Myharl's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.>dig my pickaxeSweat beads on your brow as your swing the salt-stained pickaxe over and over, but the subterranean soil underfoot repels your efforts with every wearying strike.Roundtime: 10 sec.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The subterranean soil underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps in lazy circles overhead.Bodad ponders.Myharl's group just went northwest.Opalina quietly says, "Well I don't think this was it."Roelon just moved quietly northwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice takes on a greyish cast, colored by the soot from the forge it has crushed. Twisted wrecks of metal lay within the frozen walls, and tools have been scattered across the dirt at the front of the building. An anvil sticks out of the ice, nearly making you stub your toe. You also see the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Bodad disk, the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, Bodad, Jastalyn, Myharl, Dendum, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Lord DarphinObvious exits: southeast, southwestSweat beads on Darphin's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Dendum put a pair of old jade dice in his plumille cloak.Myharl just went southwest.Roelon just moved quietly southwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]You must step carefully in this room. Unfinished (yet rather sharp) sword blades poke out of the ice at your feet, threatening to shorten you by a foot. They seem to have come from the remains of a shop smashed by the ice, the pieces of a sign in the shape of a sword indicating that this was once the armory. You also see some light leather and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, MyharlObvious exits: northeast, southSweat beads on Myharl's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just arrived.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went south.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Jastalyn just arrived.Bodad just came marching in.Jastalyn tucks her hand into the crook of Myharl's arm as she moves next to him.Sweat beads on Bodad's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar grins at Jastalyn.An ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Myharl's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A low thrum and grind of gears emanates from Myharl's leather herb kit.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Jastalyn changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...Jastalyn skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.As Jastalyn sings, a squall of wind briefly swirls about her and her group.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.An icy gust of air blows in from Roelon's ebon leather gloves.The fire wyrdling begins to carefully observe its surroundings.The fire wyrdling glances around the room, its eyes gleaming intelligently.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Jastalyn's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Sweat beads on Lilanna's brow as she swings her salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel her efforts.Jastalyn grins.Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Olgretien's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Sweat beads on Ibar's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over, biting into the frozen earth. He manages to breach into a preserved pocket containing a ribbon-bound lock of red hair.Ibar picks up the hair.Bodad says, "Archmage to the north east."Bakarus asks, "Are we calling these shades the Coven contingent?"Bodad points northeast.Ibar blinks.Wisserstaff put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk stalking cloak.Ibar says, "Err."Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Sweat beads on Dendum's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.A chill breeze blows past, materializing into a lesser frost shade!Sweat beads on Roelon's brow as he swings his salt-stained pickaxe over and over. The frozen earth underfoot seems to repel his efforts.Ibar glances at a ribbon-bound lock of red hair in his hand.Randsford beseeches his wolf-headed spikestar, causing violet flames to spring to life around it!A lesser frost shade begins to wail loudly!Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.Myharl's group just went south.Bakarus glances at a lesser frost shade.Bodad scratches his head.Hapenlok steps out of the shifting portal.The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.Talliver says, "Careful, there are foes in the tunnels with us."Jastalyn just arrived.Cracks and crevices spread across Dendum's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Jastalyn just went northeast.Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]All that remains here is a large pile of boards and glass. You cannot tell what these buildings might have been, as the damage is far too complete. As you look away, something catches your eye, and looking again, you see something sticking out of the rubble that looks suspiciously like an arm. You also see the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, Myharl, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Tradesperson RimoObvious exits: north, westCracks and crevices spread across Myharl's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Cracks and crevices spread across Roelon's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Speaking to Bakarus, Lilanna asks, "Friends of yours?"Cracks and crevices spread across Meliyara's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Roelon deeply says, "Aye."Rimo put a smooth copper nugget in his purple longcoat.Cracks and crevices spread across Olgretien's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Cracks and crevices spread across Rimo's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Meliyara's winternight sapphire vanishes into the depths of her lotus silk pelisse.Jastalyn just arrived.Speaking to Lilanna, Bakarus says, "Maybe some time ago."Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went north.An ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.Ibar says, "Not wanting to be digging up graves.."Jastalyn tucks her hand into the crook of Myharl's arm as she moves next to him.Bakarus shrugs at Lilanna.Bodad just came marching in.You put an old salt-stained pickaxe in your weapon harness.>ready weapRoelon just moved quietly north, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]You must step carefully in this room. Unfinished (yet rather sharp) sword blades poke out of the ice at your feet, threatening to shorten you by a foot. They seem to have come from the remains of a shop smashed by the ice, the pieces of a sign in the shape of a sword indicating that this was once the armory. You also see a lesser frost shade that appears rather calm, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, some light leather and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, RoelonObvious exits: northeast, southYou remove a silvery lor runestaff inlaid with criss-crossing lines of nacre from in your weapon harness.Lilanna snickers.Queatus's group just arrived.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Cracks and crevices spread across Lilanna's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Roelon equips a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Queatus's group just went northeast.With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Roelon slings a dark orase knight's shield with a balenite tiger umbo off from a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Queatus's group just arrived.Roelon just moved quietly northeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice takes on a greyish cast, colored by the soot from the forge it has crushed. Twisted wrecks of metal lay within the frozen walls, and tools have been scattered across the dirt at the front of the building. An anvil sticks out of the ice, nearly making you stub your toe. You also see the Elronae disk and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, RoelonObvious exits: southeast, southwestLilanna says, "Oo."The voice of Yardie mocks, "Some time ago."Roelon just moved quietly southeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Several poor-looking shanties have been demolished by the glacier. Their condition was likely never sterling, and it's likely that the glacier sped the process that time eventually would have completed. You also see a lesser frost shade that appears dead, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, RoelonObvious exits: southwest, northwestIbar put a ribbon-bound lock of red hair in his black sailcloth longcoat.Roelon just moved quietly southwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The unmistakable scent of mule manure reaches your nose. Sticking partially out of the ice is a stable, and unfortunately, the scent did not freeze with the building. Pieces of harness and tack hang from the fence, slowly rotting in the moist air, and straw dusts the floor. You involuntarily wrinkle your nose, trying not to sneeze. You also see some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie who is hiding, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, RoelonObvious exits: northeast, southeastYardie comes out of hiding.Ibar frowns.Loralaii's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!A layer of raw elemental energy forms around you.The vortex convulses slightly as you infuse more airy energy.Roelon just moved quietly southeast, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]A neatly-kept house sits enveloped in several feet of ice. The back half, as well as much of the left side, has collapsed, crushed by the ice. The rest looks much like it must have before, the paint bright and lovingly done. A small garden has been plotted in the front yard, carrot stalks flattened against the ground and heads of lettuce splattered across the dirt. You also see a silk sack, the Blades disk, some light leather, a handaxe and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, Hapenlok, BladesObvious exits: south, west, northwestWolfloner comes out of hiding.Yardie's face goes completely blank, and he mouths what looks like, "Yeah, right."Queatus's group just arrived.Hapenlok moves into a defensive stance, clearly guarding himself.Myharl's group just arrived.Multicolored rays shoot out of your body and flow into the shimmering sphere around you.Hapenlok removes a rose-marrow potion from inside his survival kit, deftly sliding it out of the leather loop that secured it in place.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.A luminescent aura begins to swirl around you.Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]The ice glimmers and scintillates, refracting the light from gems and gold trapped within. What was a gemcutter's shop has been destroyed by the movement of the glacier, its wares scattered and entombed by the ice. Chip marks in the ice indicate that someone has attempted to salvage the jewels, but was largely unsuccessful. You also see a massive grey wolf, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, the mural-sided Perigourd cassone, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild blood red dog and a pile of old ice picks.Also here: High Lord Svardin, Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Roelon, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Admiral Peggyanne, Bathcwyn Missoni, PerigourdObvious exits: north, southwestYou do not currently have a target.Perigourd's group just went southwest.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Roelon slings his orase knight's shield over his shoulder and onto a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Ibar shifts his weight.Opalina quietly says, "Of course he does."Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went southwest.The grimoire flies off to find its owner.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Dendum joins Roelon's group.An ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Roelon slings a dark orase knight's shield with a balenite tiger umbo off from a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Falvicar frowns.The voice of Lithyia says, "I found a nice orb and i killed a gigas."Queatus's group just arrived.Draelor joins Roelon's group.Queatus babbles something unintelligible.Hapenlok just arrived.The voice of Lithyia says, "But not THE Orb."A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Roelon deeply says, "Oh no."Queatus put a well-worn serrated-edged waraxe in his black leather baldric.Ibar chuckles.Roelon chuckles.Hapenlok just went southwest.Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.Queatus removes an old salt-stained pickaxe from in his spidersilk pack.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Opalina joins Roelon's group.Talliver asks, "Did anyone else hear Aliashyrah scream?"The voice of Lithyia asks, "What?"Closing his eyes tightly, Roelon appears to be concentrating for several seconds as he murmurs a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from his lips, his blue-tinged silver eyes fly wide open and he flicks his fingers, releasing his spell.Ibar looks over at Talliver and shakes his head.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Elronae says, "No."Peggyanne says, "She was with Sorlu."The voice of Lithyia says, "No."Randsford glances at Talliver.Opalina quietly says, "Not me."A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Roelon deeply says, "Hmm."Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Wolfloner comes out of hiding.Falvicar joins Roelon's group.Your spirit is empowered with an overwhelming sense of determination and resolve. Peggyanne says, "When he found the medalion."Talliver says, "I think she may have fallen."Rimo shakes his head.Roelon deeply says, "There are those with her."Falvicar put an old salt-stained pickaxe in his silk-lined cloak.Queatus's group just went southwest.Peggyanne slings the white eonake pavis off from over her shoulder, gripping it firmly in her left hand.Peggyanne draws her eonake spear in the righteous name of Lorminstra! The spear traces an arc of searing violet radiance in its wake. The clang of opening gates fills the air for a moment.Ribbons of bluish-green light burn into existence and swirl around Falvicar's hand before quickly forming into a silver-edged somnis katana.Admiral Peggyanne just went southwest.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.A massive grey wolf yawns creakily, snorting softly with an expression of well-fed contentment.A faceted sliver of grey shadowglass on Roelon's forehead flares into pale grey flames, causing the air around Roelon to waver.Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest blinks owlishly off into the distance, then suddenly launches itself out of view.Tradesperson Rimo just went north.Cracks and crevices spread across Wolfloner's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Blades leans on his axe.Olgretien co*cks his head at Wolfloner.Wolfloner says, "She is okay."Lilanna says, "Well,,,"Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Ibar nods.Lilanna taps a pile of old ice picks.High Lord Svardin just went north.Wolfloner joins Roelon's group.Opalina quietly says, "Well there are quite a few cracks in the snow here."A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Lithyia comes out of hiding.Lithyia joins Roelon's group.Olgretien searches around for a moment.Wolfloner searches around for a moment.Roelon searches around for a moment.Talliver says, "Let's go find her and Sorlu."Opalina quietly says, "Maybe we opened a whole."Lithyia says, "I am quite proud of taking down a Gigas."Closing his eyes tightly, Roelon appears to be concentrating for several seconds as he murmurs a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from his lips, his blue-tinged silver eyes fly wide open and he flicks his fingers, releasing his spell.Olgretien removes a jet black mithril claidhmore from in his wolverine pelt sheath.Roelon gestures at an insecure toy Faendryl sorcerer.Nothing happens.Opalina quietly says, "Hole."Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusem*nt.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Queatus's group just arrived.Ibar just closed a tattered black sailcloth longcoat.The churning spectral aura suddenly vanishes from around Lithyia.Roelon just moved quietly southwest, with his group following closely.[Icemule, Ruins]Your breath echoes off the walls of this huge chamber. At the north side stands a large temple. An immense plate of ice sits atop it, slowly crushing the finely varnished wood. Colored glass litters the floor, forced from the windows by the pressure the ice is putting on the structure. You cannot help but marvel that the building still stands, and wonder if perhaps it is only faith that allows it to do so. You also see some light leather, a handaxe, a golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest, a chunk of dark blue amber, the mural-sided Perigourd cassone, the web-draped Missoni disk and a lazy wild blood red dog.Also here: Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Dendum, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Roelon, Admiral Peggyanne, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Perigourd, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord SorluObvious exits: northeast, northwestAn ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.Missoni offers Aliashyrah a squat glass tincture of effervescent ephlox.Cracks and crevices spread across Ibar's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Randsford whispers something to Roelon.Aliashyrah accepts Missoni's tincture of ephlox.Aliashyrah takes a drink from her tincture of ephlox.Aliashyrah's left leg looks better.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Roelon nods slowly.Sorlu says, "Ah."Ibar just opened a tattered black sailcloth longcoat.Randsford glances at Aliashyrah.Perigourd joins Roelon's group.Missoni retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent pothinir from within her illthorn kit.Admiral Peggyanne just went northwest.Ibar slowly empties his lungs.Admiral Peggyanne just arrived.Admiral Peggyanne just went northeast.Missoni offers Aliashyrah a squat glass tincture of effervescent pothinir.A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest marches off on tiny paws, tail held proudly in the air.Meliyara joins Roelon's group.Missoni joins Roelon's group.The divine force suddenly surrounds a lazy wild blood red dog.Queatus just arrived.Aliashyrah joins Roelon's group.Blades comes out of hiding.Blades joins Roelon's group.You notice your companion Blades slip away into hiding.Randsford asks, "Everything alright? Run into trouble?"Queatus joins Roelon's group.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Elronae just arrived.Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.Lithyia asks, "Is everyone well again?"Perigourd peers into a polished crystal ball with a carved modwir base.Aliashyrah asks, "Would there be an empath in our midst?"Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Tradesperson Rimo just went northeast.Cracks and crevices spread across Loralaii's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Olgretien leans on his claidhmore.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Perigourd chuckles.Aliashyrah removes a dark cordovan case whipstitched with rawhide laces from in her obsidian satin robe.Sorlu grins at Perigourd.Aliashyrah binds a dark cordovan case whipstitched with rawhide laces onto her belt and adjusts its position at her hip.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound pothinir from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of pothinir.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Wolfloner taps something in a hooded ridgeweaver silk cloak in gradients of grey.The tiny bubbles clouding Missoni's tincture of pothinir dwindle, leaving the liquid flat.Standing tall and puffing out his chest in a grand display of bravado, Sorlu carefully attends to his suede hat then glances around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Lithyia leans softly against Wolfloner.Talliver looks at Sorlu with concern.Sorlu winks at Perigourd.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound pothinir from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of pothinir.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Sorlu glances at Talliver.Wolfloner says, "Found a sidewinder scale while digging."Roelon slings his orase knight's shield over his shoulder and onto a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound basal from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of basal.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.Roelon hangs a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver asks, "What is that?"Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "We may very well have it."Myharl's group just arrived.Wolfloner removes a sidewinder scale from in his silk cloak.Lady Missandai just arrived.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Elronae joins Roelon's group.Missoni tucks a squat glass tincture of pothinir away within the lotus silk-lined depths of her illthorn kit.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound ambrominas from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of ambrominas.Aliashyrah's left leg looks better.Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt.Wolfloner offers Talliver a sidewinder scale.Randsford squints at Sorlu.Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "An odd question, Mayor."Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Cracks and crevices spread across Aliashyrah's salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Roelon nods slowly at Sorlu.Ibar removes a ribbon-bound lock of red hair from in his black sailcloth longcoat.Aliashyrah retrieves a squat glass tincture of wingstem from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a drink from her tincture of wingstem.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.Sorlu shows Talliver his crocodile talisman.Lord Darphin just arrived.Myharl deeply says, "There are gigas down here, keep your eyes peeled."Roelon deeply says, "So it seems."A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Lilanna blinks at Sorlu.Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Admiral Peggyanne just arrived.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Ibar agrees with Lilanna.Deep blue motes swirl away from Draelor and fade.Draelor becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.Opalina quietly says, "Well it's lovely definitly golden and a crocodile."Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford asks, "The tablet bearer becomes the key bearer?"Randsford raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.>l sorluLilanna's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!You see Lord Sorlu Jae'kym Nalfein the Town Councillor of Icemule Trace.He appears to be an Elf.He is average height. He appears to be extremely young. He has icily translucent, frost blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, thick battle-tousled sable hair and a wide-brimmed black suede hat stuck with a single raven black feather worn at a rakish angle. He has an angular face, a classical nose and long pointed ears.He has a sinuous kelyn snake etched with scales in his left eyebrow, and inked wispy tendrils of smoky jade curling sensually around both forearms.Elongated tentacles of hazy jade mist writhe across his form, undulating in rhythm to his movements.He is in good shape.He is holding a golden crocodile talisman in his left hand.He is wearing a tarnished brass keyring, a mithril-edged vultite buckler inset with thick steel knobs slung over his shoulder, a tailored dark hematite overcoat caught at each sleeve with a jade-sheened dark sanguine bloodjewel, a silk brassard displaying a desiccated black rose choked by a wisp of jade smoke encircling the upper arm, a fitted obsidian waistcoat over a blood red tailored silk shirt, an emerald talisman etched with a wispy smoke-wrapped woman, a faenor locket entangled in silver tentacles, a mist-swirled glass eyeball talisman, a herringbone gold necklace strung with an impure blood red ruby pendant, some supple black leather gloves, a black eahnor ring, a slim black thorn ring, a jade signet ring engraved with a desiccated rose, a jade-tipped silver talon ring, an urglaes thumb-ring, a thick oiled leather belt with a dark green tentacle-shaped bottle hanging from several small chains on the side, a glowing specimen jar preserving a tiny dead penguin chick, a soft leather coin bag bound with veniom, some crisp coal black linen pants sharply creased down the middle of each leg, and some silver-buckled oiled obsidian leather boots polished to a mirror sheen.A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest marches into the area on tiny paws, tail held proudly in the air.A churning spectral aura suddenly materializes around Wolfloner.Wolfloner's aura reaches out and surrounds you as well.A churning spectral aura suddenly materializes around Wolfloner.Wolfloner's aura reaches out and surrounds you as well.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Darphin pokes Loralaii in the ribs.A blast of heat explodes from Peggyanne's eonake spear as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Myharl carefully hangs his warsword from his sash.Peggyanne says, "Just killed an ethereal archmage."Silvery warding sigils surround Queatus, fading into his battle-scarred targe.Speaking to Loralaii, Darphin says, "A bit of healing."Peggyanne asks, "Those normal in this area?"Ibar shifts his weight.Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.Aliashyrah retrieves a squat glass tincture of wingstem from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a drink from her tincture of wingstem.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Sorlu begins chuckling at Randsford!A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Aubriella.Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "You certainly have a peculiar sort of luck about you."Aubriella blushes a delicate shade of pale pink.Jastalyn softly says, "Darphin found a blue globe."Wolfloner put a sidewinder scale in his silk cloak.Aliashyrah smirks at Talliver.Lilanna nods at Talliver.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Wisserstaff begins to breathe less deeply.Wisserstaff confidently calls upon his patron as he motions forcefully...Wisserstaff concentrates on his golvern morning star for a moment.Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "I try to make myself useful in protecting those around me."As Myharl draws a glowing white sacred warsword, three tiny orbs of blazing flame swirl along the blade.Sorlu smiles.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound calamia from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of calamia.Aliashyrah's left leg looks better.Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu asks, "So what is our next step?"Speaking to Jastalyn, Darphin says, "I found a gigas that took my head off, i didnt see the globe."A burly swamp rat clambers out from Elronae's ebon leather pack and climbs its way back up to her shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.Cracks and crevices spread across an old salt-stained pickaxe and it collapses into dust.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Missandai joins Roelon's group.Ibar put a ribbon-bound lock of red hair in his black sailcloth longcoat.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford asks, "Where did you find that?"Wolfloner loses some awareness.Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Wolfloner gestures.Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.Randsford squints.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Perigourd says, "A good question."A meandering tendril of grey miasma trails Missandai's blackwood crook as she draws it from her runestaff sling.Talliver looks thoughtfully at Jastalyn.Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu says, "Here."Admiral Peggyanne just went northwest.Roelon deeply says, "In the ground ah assume."Aliashyrah retrieves a squat glass tincture of talneo from within her cordovan case.Aliashyrah takes a drink from her tincture of talneo.Aliashyrah's chest looks better.Randsford nods slowly at Sorlu.Olgretien deeply asks, "Hand that to the Mayor?"Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Speaking to Randsford, Aliashyrah says, "More strange questions."A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Dendum asks, "Its why we are digging yes?"A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.A golden-eyed white kitten with a key-shaped patch of black fur on her chest scrambles madly out of view, sounding like a herd of elephants.High Lord Svardin just arrived.Svardin says, "Hmm."A large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot flies in and lands on the floor.Aliashyrah retrieves a small dose of tightly bound cactacae from within her cordovan case. * Dayko is going home on his shield!Aliashyrah takes a bite of her dose of cactacae.Aliashyrah's left leg looks better.Svardin asks, "Some healin please?"A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Svardin giggles.Aliashyrah says, "We were sent out to dig and yet you all seem shocked that we actually found it."Roelon deeply asks, "Are we prepared to attempt entry?"Missandai nods at Svardin.Aliashyrah chuckles.Roelon raises an eyebrow.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Aubriella blushes a delicate shade of pale pink.Ibar glances at Svardin.Svardin's skin takes on a slight flush as Missandai focuses on him.Crimson mist seeps from Svardin's abdomen wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.A faint crimson haze flows from Missandai and into Svardin, restoring him to full vigor.In a pleading whisper to Imaera, Perigourd prays for magical guidance as he prepares his spell.Perigourd gestures.Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.Fleurs steps out of the shifting portal.The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.In a pleading whisper to Imaera, Perigourd prays for magical guidance as he prepares his spell.Perigourd gestures.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.Aubriella joins Myharl's group.Svardin says, "Archmages is pretty good size."Falvicar ponders.Roelon smiles.Missandai begins to look better as the cuts on her abdomen close and the bruises fade.Missandai wavers with sudden fatigue.Aubriella wobbles, looking a bit faint.Speaking to Svardin, Ibar says, "Nows not the time to be playin tag."Ibar chuckles to himself.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Jastalyn grins.Fleurs joins Myharl's group.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's abdomen looks better.Falvicar tightens his grip on his somnis katana.Fleurs smiles.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Olgretien raises an eyebrow in Svardin's direction.You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.Tradesperson Rimo just went northeast.Aliashyrah summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.Ibar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.High Lord Svardin just went northeast.Missandai begins to look a little better.Aliashyrah attends to her leather gown, making the gown as presentable as possible.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai looks a lot better.Perigourd peers into a polished crystal ball with a carved modwir base.Jastalyn softly says, "Let's go open the door."Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "We should get free of these ruins before they're overrun."The harlequin macaw parrot ruffles his feathers.Randsford nods grimly at Roelon.Perigourd nods in agreement.Sorlu agrees with Talliver.Myharl joins Roelon's group.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Darphin joins Roelon's group.Bodad joins Roelon's group.Ibar nods in agreement at Talliver.Roelon deeply asks, "Shall we retur to town?"Jastalyn joins Roelon's group.The harlequin macaw parrot shuffles sideways along the ground, occasionally wagging his long tail feathers from side to side, while surveying his surroundings with open curiosity.Aliashyrah says, "I am certain someone can magic us home."Roelon nods at Sorlu.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Randsford looks over at Roelon and shakes his head.Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "To Thurfel's."Roelon deeply says, "Or do we go beneath."A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Fleurs joins Roelon's group.Roelon smiles.Aubriella joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn doesn't seem quite the same as she was a moment ago.Olgretien deeply asks, "Probly shoud give dat talisman to the Mayor no?"Yardie asks, "Wait, so what's happening?"Randsford points at Sorlu.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Sorlu nods at Roelon.Lilanna nods at Olgretien.Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "Sorlu has found the key."Randsford nods slowly at Yardie.Lithyia says, "Sorlu has the key."Lithyia glances at Yardie.Speaking to Yardie, Perigourd says, "One supposes a decision as to what to do with the key."Speaking to Olgretien, Lilanna says, "You'd think."Sorlu joins Roelon's group.Roelon nods at Sorlu.Lithyia points at Sorlu.Sorlu smiles at Yardie.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.A droplet of abyssal onyx entangled in rivulets of copper, which is set against Meliyara's forehead, glitters brightly for a few moments.Roelon deeply says, "Then let us go."Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin says, "Well done."Randsford shrugs at Bakarus.Nuzzling about the nape of Zeminar's neck, the cadaverous rat seizes a tuft of hair in its jaws and gives a sharp YANK! Quicker than Zeminar's hand, the cadaverous rat scrambles down to Zeminar's burlap sack and disappears inside with its new batch of bedding. It re-emerges a moment later and returns to its perch with a squeak of amusem*nt.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.The fish in Elronae's translucent sack comes to a sudden stop, and one of its milky white eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, the eye snaps back to the front, and the fish resumes its normal meanderings.Sorlu nods appreciatively.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Olgretien says, "You shoud hold dat fer safekeepin;"Meliyara produces an elaborate ocean surita scepter ensigiled by flowing Dhe'narsi runes from the depths of her lotus silk pelisse. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.A massive grey wolf co*cks his head to one side, studying the shadows.Roelon deeply says, "Hand on to yir kilts. If none, well..."The fire wyrdling shimmers with heat, distorting the air about him into wavering refractions.Falvicar ponders.Meliyara seals her lotus silk pelisse with a touch, threads of cerulean light stitching it closed under the slide of her fingertips.Meliyara closes the various compartments on her leather pack, and tightens the straps.Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .

We depart the Ice Cavern

Conversation along the road to the The Door

Sorlu glances suspiciously around the area.Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver asks, "Are there any clues as to how to use it?"Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.Ibar smiles.Lithyia says, "Probably requires us to sacrifice Sorlu."Lithyia nods.Lithyia grins.Roelon grins at Lithyia.Yardie asks, "How did he find it?"Olgretien snaps his fingers.Lithyia smirks.Roelon just slipped quietly down a low stone well, with his group following closely.Lithyia winks at Sorlu.Lilanna deftly withdraws an ash grey vultite knife with a braided green suede grip from one of the sheaths affixed to her leather harness.Lithyia glances at a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle in her hand.Lilanna waves an ash grey vultite knife with a braided green suede grip around.Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Ibar grins at Lilanna.Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.Lithyia smiles.Speaking to Lithyia, Randsford says, "Pass, we don't need another statue in town center."Randsford grins at Lithyia.Yardie says, "And if someone says, "he looked" I am going to bop you."Speaking quietly to Yardie, Opalina says, "Dug in the ice with an icepick."Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "None that I see that are obvious."Lilanna slips an ash grey vultite knife with a braided green suede grip into one of the small sheaths snugged tight against her body and beneath her arm, which are attached to her leather harness.Opalina quietly says, "It was hard work."Opalina nods.Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.Speaking to Yardie, Darphin asks, "Searched?"Sorlu gestures at a golden crocodile talisman.Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah says, "He did what everyone else was doing."Yardie stares at Darphin.Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Try nae to blow it up just yet."Roelon grins.Lithyia says, "Sorlu I promise when I do that, it will only hurt...for a moment."Lithyia smirks at Sorlu.Missoni nods slightly at Bakarus.(Sorlu lifts the talisman high so all can see.)Aliashyrah says, "Was there and so was another when he found it."(OOC) Sorlu's player whispers to the group, "Painstakingly fashioned from purest gold, the crocodile looks more akin to a living reptile than a trinket of precious metal. From scale and snout to tooth and claw, all possess lifelike detail indicative of a master craftsman's work. Tiny chunks of cabochon glimaerstone form the aureate creature's eyes, and they lavish in the ambient light, winking mischievously. By comparison, the chain suspending the talisman is a subdued affair of blackened steel links."

The Vault

[Thurfel's Cellar, The Door]Incessant cackling echoes from somewhere in the near distance, the taunting sound disturbing the silence of the gloomy corridor. The source of the noise is impossible to pinpoint. With not a sconce in sight, the multicolored stone of the floor is reduced to faint variations on a grey theme. Along one wall, the faint outline of a door sparks with occasional glints of ethereal radiance. You also see the sparking Dendum disk and a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around.Also here: Bakarus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Mayor Talliver, Olgretien, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Queatus, Elronae, Myharl, Jastalyn, Bodad, Lady Missandai, Lord Darphin, Aubriella, Fleurs, Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Perigourd, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord Sorlu, Roelon, DendumObvious exits: north, southA massive grey wolf saunters in.A large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot flies in and lands on the floor.Bodad carefully hangs his cleaver from his swordbelt. It rattles against the golvern scramasax hanging from it, and he carefully adjusts them.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in and lands on the floor.Perigourd glances at a faint outline.Darphin violently slaps his own face.Randsford stares at a faint outline.Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah says, "It was nothing more special than some skillful pickaxe work."Roelon winces as a silvery tartan-furred dormouse snuffles along his neck, pausing to dig its nose into his ear.Sorlu glances at a faint outline.Aliashyrah chuckles.Roelon strides a few steps backward.Lithyia asks, "Alright, do i sacrifice him now?"Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Bodad removes a salt-stained walrus hide duster with ivory hooks from in his hide climbing pack.Roelon nods at Sorlu.Lithyia glances at a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle in her hand.Missoni lightly places her hand on the coppery barn owl, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.Pulling a salt-stained walrus hide duster with ivory hooks over his arms, Bodad gives it a quick tug so that it fits snugly.Dendum gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...Darphin nods slowly.Aubriella's sentient potato hums a war song, fit for a decisive battle!Dendum gestures.A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Dendum's hand!Lithyia says, "Prepare yourself Sorlu."Lithyia smirks at Sorlu.Silvery warding sigils surround Queatus, fading into his battle-scarred targe.Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.Bodad removes a salt-stained walrus hide satchel with an ivory clasp from in his hide climbing pack.Randsford searches around for a moment.The shifting portal pulses momentarily.The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.Bodad slings a salt-stained walrus hide satchel with an ivory clasp over his shoulder.Speaking to Lithyia, Lilanna says, "The door might do it for us."Talliver glances at a faint outline.Roelon deeply says, "Everyone, do prepare fir anything."Wisserstaff removes a scratched golvern morning star from in his amber scabbard.Wisserstaff slings a spiked gornar greatshield etched with golden runes off from over his shoulder.Falvicar ponders.Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.You breathe in deeply then exhale slowly, some pale amorphous clouds of puffy smoke floating up from your mouth.Bodad removes a supple walrus hide jewel pouch secured with a white dreamstone clip from in his hide climbing pack.Lithyia says, "Oh, well... that is less fun."Lilanna removes a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes from in her leather sword bandolier.Lithyia nods at Lilanna.Bodad reaches down and carefully ties his hide jewel pouch to his leather swordbelt. You hear the tinkling sound of several gems bouncing around inside.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Roelon equips an opal-hilted black razern longsword hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Lilanna grins at Lithyia.Roelon hangs an opal-hilted black razern longsword from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Roelon equips a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.Lithyia smirks.Dendum draws a fragmented staff bound by mycelium threads from one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket. A trail of shimmering golden fungal particles showers from it, slowly floating away.Lilanna says, "But efficient."Lithyia shrugs.The emerald sprite flying above Dendum's shoulder seems to be talking to itself.Sorlu gazes thoughtfully at a faint outline.The petals of Elronae's flower briefly wilt down over the stem until their light, papery surfaces come to rest against her like a hug.Olgretien's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his black mithril claidhmore.Lithyia says, "I was willing to work up a sweat."Deep blue motes swirl away from Perigourd and fade.Elronae's fish comes to a sudden halt and orients itself to stare hungrily at Bakarus. It opens its jaws wide, displaying an impressive amount of teeth, then begins to stalk him, swaying back and forth as it advances. When it reaches the sack, it pauses for a long moment, then turns away from Bakarus and meanders slowly away.Ibar chuckles to himself.Roelon just closed a scaled black leather travel pack.Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin says, "Press it into the door."Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "Sometimes objects of power have... clues as to their use, or so Ellerel has told me."The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Roelon closes his tartan hip-satchel and tucks the straps around the small skull perched on it. You hear a muffled voice from its direction muttering, "Mmmmph!"Lithyia asks, "Press or push Sorlu into the door?"Roelon nods at Sorlu.Wolfloner loses some awareness.Lithyia glances at Darphin.Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Lithyia says, "I say push."Lithyia nods.Lithyia says, "Forcefully."Lithyia grins.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Lilanna put a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes in her leather sword bandolier.Lilanna pushes on Sorlu without much success.Missoni nods slightly.Fiery hues dance over the surface of Myharl's sacred warsword.Perigourd says, "It's most likely magical in nature, than mechanical."Ibar says, "Might wanna use a stick to do it."Ibar nods.Opalina bites her lip.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Zeminar.Sorlu rubs a golden crocodile talisman in his hand.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Lithyia nods at Roelon.Ibar removes a single fireleaf arrow from a bundle of fireleaf arrows.Sorlu hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.Lithyia grins.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Ibar offers Lithyia a fireleaf arrow fletched with dark crimson grey-speckled feathers.You deeply say, "Perhaps we should consider the words of Prinn in this moment."Randsford asks, "Perhaps a bard should sing to it first?"Sorlu rubs his crocodile talisman. Smoke follows his fingertips, but they appear unburnt.Speaking to Ibar, Lilanna says, "Rangers..."Lithyia declines Ibar's offer.Randsford raises an eyebrow.Lithyia begins chuckling at Ibar!Queatus removes a well-worn serrated-edged waraxe from in his black leather baldric.Randsford glances at Jastalyn.Ibar grins at Lilanna.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.Roelon nods at Sorlu.Perigourd glances appraisingly at Sorlu. * Savcia just gave up the ghost!Lithyia flips her rolaren dagger confidently into the air, where it spins several times before dropping smoothly back into her hand.Roelon deeply says, "Seems ye become the key."Talliver blinks at Sorlu.Jastalyn looks over at Randsford and shakes her head.Jastalyn's ethereal pink diamond pulses against her forehead, sending silver and rose pink sparks dancing around her lashes.Fleurs gazes with interest at a faint outline.Sorlu lays a hand on a faint outline. Nothing happens.Ibar adds a single fireleaf arrow to his fireleaf arrows.Several sigils incised along Missoni's surita staff flicker briefly with glittery prismatic energy.Ibar appears mostly enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.The dog wanders over to Queatus and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Sorlu.Perigourd says, "Very interesting."Zeminar pores over a faint outline, engrossed in the study of it.Opalina cringes.Olgretien nods.Olgretien frowns.Dendum gazes with interest at a faint outline.Lithyia asks, "So now I can make him bleed?"Lithyia glances at Talliver.Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Speaking to Lilanna, Ibar says, "Would hate for whatever is protecting that door to transfer past him is all."Ibar gives Lilanna a series of teasing little prods along the spine.Lithyia says, "It probably needs blood."Lithyia nods.Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "All right, if there are no current clues..."Lithyia grins.Talliver asks, "What about ones in the past?"A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Falvicar breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some red amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.Loralaii's black acorn amulet flickers various shades of purple.Falvicar inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out two rings of smoke before him briefly.Aliashyrah says, "I hear mirrors are important."Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.The sanguine sprite flying above Missandai's shoulder suddenly looks feeble.Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.Roelon turns to face a faint outline.Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.Aliashyrah shrugs.Lithyia suddenly tosses a slender rolaren dagger fashioned from a sharpened knitting needle in Sorlu's direction with a quick flick of her wrist! Sorlu reaches out to catch it, but ends up grabbing at air. Lithyia chuckles, revealing the dagger, now held in her other hand.Ibar appears mostly enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler off from over her shoulder.A shower of dancing pale grey and silver sparks flare up from Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass.Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "I mean to say that something that old must have a history to it."Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "The key likely has a story to tell if we let a bard have a look at it perhaps."A massive grey wolf eyes a faint outline curiously.Randsford shrugs at Sorlu.Wolfloner slings a shadow black spike-riddled buckler off from over his shoulder.Sorlu says, "Perhaps we can have someone sing to it."Ibar glances at Lilanna.Missoni thoughtfully says, "Thurfel was partial to fire."Ibar whistles a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence.Darphin asks, "Do we have a bard to hear its secrets?"Bakarus asks, "A bard about?"The forest green corona surrounding Perigourd's acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.Bakarus nods.Lithyia asks, "Set Sorlu on fire?"Randsford points at Jastalyn.Lithyia glances at Missoni.Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.Missoni shrugs slightly at Lithyia.Queatus asks, "Maybe needs to be a halfling?"Lithyia says, "That seems...a bit much."Sorlu removes a golden crocodile talisman from his neck.Olgretien deeply says, "Ders a few."Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.An ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.Aubriella smiles at Jastalyn.Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "More than partial."Perigourd chuckles.Jastalyn smiles at Aubriella.The dull golden nimbus surrounding Ibar suddenly begins to glow brightly.Ibar appears barely enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin asks, "Might i inspect the key?"Roelon grins at Lithyia. * Silverberry was just put on ice!A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Lithyia smirks.Lithyia attempts to hum a merry little tune.Roelon shakes his head.Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "Partial in the way our own magister is partial."Missoni flashes a quick grin.Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.The coppery barn owl flies into the shifting portal.The shifting portal pulses momentarily.The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.Jastalyn softly asks, "Sorry, again?"A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "I'd say his love for fire went beyond even hers."Jastalyn put an ethereal platinum scepter in her hooded starsilk mantle.Sorlu turns over his crocodile talisman.Missoni glances skeptically at Perigourd and quirks an eyebrow in his direction.Jastalyn nods at Sorlu.The fire wyrdling shimmers with heat, distorting the air about him into wavering refractions.Darphin removes a shimmering green orb from in his black leather jacket.The fire wyrdling glances around the room, its eyes gleaming intelligently.Ibar chuckles.Darphin put a shimmering green orb in his black leather jacket.Blades just arrived.Jastalyn tickles Ibar as they grin at each other.Ibar whistles a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence.Jastalyn softly says, "I can sing to it."Speaking to Jastalyn, Sorlu asks, "We're trusting you to loresing it?"Blades joins Roelon's group.Sorlu nods slowly.The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.Ibar stares off into space.Jastalyn softly says, "Yes, okay."Sorlu offers Jastalyn a golden crocodile talisman.Jastalyn accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at a golden crocodile talisman.Jastalyn carefully inspects her crocodile talisman.Queatus says, "Town is under attack it seems."Ibar frowns.Randsford squints.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow off from over his shoulder.The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Elronae frowns.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Zeminar writhes, his face twisted with pain as if his very bones are aflame.Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.Myharl slowly empties his lungs.Perigourd glances over his shoulder.Randsford glances at Lilanna.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.A pale white aura dances across Elronae's runestaff.Elronae asks, "The town is under attack? should we head back?"Myharl deeply says, "I'll go defend the town."Olgretien raises an eyebrow in Jastalyn's direction.Opalina quietly says, "Of course it is. they got word that the key was found. no doubt."The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Jastalyn offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Fleurs blinks.Sorlu accepts Jastalyn's crocodile talisman.Jastalyn softly says, "Humiliation, utter and total. That is the last emotion you feel as your mortal body dies, cut down by that giant oaf Witlass. At least, you think, you will at last be free, but that hope is snatched away in an instant. Something foul and unnatural tethers you to this plane. As your body begins to crumble into fine, white powder, you find your awareness drawn somewhere else. Somewhere... worse."Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Opalina says, "We are running out of time."Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.Sorlu says, "Well, it is worth a fair bit if all else fails."Aubriella glances over at Jastalyn and winces.Sorlu grins.Sorlu hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.Myharl kisses Jastalyn on the hand for what seems like an eternity.Aubriella says, "Oh, dear."Ibar frowns.Svardin steps out of the shifting portal, followed closely by his group.The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.Missoni furrows her brow.Ibar rubs Jastalyn gently.Myharl just went north.Lithyia says, "Oh perhaps it will tether Sorlu to it..."Svardin joins Roelon's group.Lithyia nods at Sorlu.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver asks, "And that was it?"Lithyia grins.Ibar begins chuckling at Lithyia!Svardin says, "We beat up a buncha dem."Fleurs furrows her brow.Faint ripples in the floor beneath Hapenlok become apparent before quickly dissipating.Svardin says, "I need some healin."Lithyia asks, "You sure you wish to keep that, buddy?"Speaking to Jastalyn, Aliashyrah asks, "Witlass?"Yardie asks, "Why gigases?"Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Ibar nods at Svardin.Jastalyn softly says, "Other than how much it cost."Sorlu co*cks his head at Jastalyn.Svardin says, "Archmages."Aliashyrah asks, "The guard?"A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.A holy aura radiates from Queatus's battle-scarred targe.Jastalyn softly says, "Or worth."Svardin says, "Gigas."Falvicar ponders.Svardin says, "Lions."Darphin whispers to the group, "Someone heal me up?"Jastalyn softly says, "Collectible."Speaking to Yardie, Perigourd says, "Zerroth, most likely."Missandai nods at Svardin.Speaking deeply to Svardin, Olgretien asks, "In town?"Svardin's skin takes on a slight flush as Missandai focuses on him.Crimson mist seeps from Svardin's right leg wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.Crimson mist seeps from Svardin's back wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.Missandai nods at Darphin.Jastalyn softly says, "Not a lot of information other than that one emotion."Svardin says, "Old icemule."Meliyara says, "Perhaps Witlass can tell us more."Elronae grimaces as her swamp rat suddenly cranes around her face to see something, its paw anchored onto her nose. A sudden slip sends the rodent flailing and clinging wildly to Elronae's front before scrambling back up to her shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.Jastalyn softly says, "I can sing again."Dendum asks, "Thurfel?"Lilanna nods at Queatus.Lilanna removes a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes from in her leather sword bandolier.Darphin's skin takes on a slight flush as Missandai focuses on him.Crimson mist seeps from Darphin's left arm wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.Crimson mist seeps from Darphin's chest wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.Crimson mist seeps from Darphin's abdomen wound as Missandai draws the damage to herself.The cuts on Missandai's back close and the bruises fade.A faint crimson haze flows from Missandai and into Darphin, restoring him to full vigor.Missoni agrees with Meliyara.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai looks a lot better.Olgretien deeply asks, "Under the glacier?"Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's chest looks better.The fire wyrdling darts around the room.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's back looks better.Wolfloner loses some awareness.Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.Speaking to Svardin, Hapenlok says, "-whisper like old times."Missandai wavers with sudden fatigue.Jastalyn nods.Missoni says, "Perhaps he is at his post."Ibar slowly empties his lungs.Queatus nods.Sorlu rubs a faint outline.Falvicar frowns.Dendum gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...The cuts on Missandai's abdomen close and the bruises fade.Dendum gestures.A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Dendum's hand!Svardin says, "Dey still runnin round da ruins."Sorlu removes a golden crocodile talisman from his neck.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Speaking to Lilanna, Queatus asks, "Where you want me?"Sorlu offers Jastalyn a golden crocodile talisman.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's abdomen looks better.Jastalyn accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.(Hapenlok's eyes blink hard at the mention of Thurfel.)Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your value now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Loralaii's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Dendum says, "Magistar...."Svardin says, "A skirmishin force in der."Myharl just arrived.Myharl joins Roelon's group.Ibar turns to face Lilanna.The churning spectral aura suddenly vanishes from around Wolfloner.Myharl peers quizzically at Queatus.Talliver says, "If they are busy there, at least they won't be here."Elronae peers quizzically at Lilanna.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your special ability now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.Dendum asks, "What is that thing the lich uses?"Queatus says, "I'm gonna go save the town."Lilanna leans on Queatus, giving him a companionable grin.The cuts on Missandai's chest close and the bruises fade.Lithyia says, "They better not burn down the kraken."An icy gust of air blows in from Roelon's ebon leather gloves.Lithyia shakes her head.Jastalyn softly says, "Same thing."Jastalyn offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Randsford nods approvingly at Queatus.Lithyia says, "Or drink all my inventory."Sorlu accepts Jastalyn's crocodile talisman.Randsford turns toward Queatus and renders a sharp salute with his wolf-headed spikestar.Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd asks, "Phylactery?"Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's chest looks better.Sorlu waves a golden crocodile talisman at a faint outline.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's chest looks better.Bakarus glances at Zeminar.Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum exclaims, "You are magistar now?!"Sorlu hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.Ibar appears barely enthralled by the motes of lambent white-gold light.Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum says, "Yes that thing."The cuts on Missandai's left arm close and the bruises fade.Dendum nods at Perigourd.Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "No, a lich killer."The air around Queatus seems to pulse slightly.Sorlu looks over at Roelon and shakes his head.Perigourd chuckles.The shadow of Zeminar's ghezyte serpent anklet stretches long, coiling and twisting like a great snake, but the anklet itself remains still.The harlequin macaw parrot tucks his head beneath one wing and scratches at some stray powder down with his beak, preening himself carefully to maintain an immaculate appearance.Lilanna joins Roelon's group.Dendum says, "Much better."Dendum joins Roelon's group.Sorlu taps a golden crocodile talisman that he is wearing.Lilanna taps her foot impatiently.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's left arm looks better.Falvicar ponders.Svardin says, "Hmm."Queatus just went north.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.The cuts on Missandai's right leg close and the bruises fade.Svardin simply vanishes from sight!>l outlineAn ornate indentation in the shape of a crocodile rests at the center of the outlined door.Missandai softly chants an incantation in Sylvan as a faint crimson-hued mist surrounds her...Missandai concentrates.Missandai's right leg looks better.Sorlu removes a golden crocodile talisman from his neck.Sorlu offers Jastalyn a golden crocodile talisman.The white sprite flying above Elronae's shoulder whispers something to her.Hapenlok carefully removes some ambrominas leaf from one of the smaller compartments inside his survival kit.Blades gazes intently at the vines of briar and thorn wrapped about his right hand. The vines pulse and twist under the scrutiny.Hapenlok takes a bite of his ambrominas leaf.Hapenlok's right arm looks better.Jastalyn accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.Hapenlok takes a bite of his ambrominas leaf.Hapenlok's right leg looks better.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your value now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Ibar shifts his weight.Hapenlok carefully adds some ambrominas leaf to one of the smaller compartments inside his survival kit.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Falvicar ponders.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your magic now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.The cadaverous rat on Zeminar's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a dark violet leather satchel adorned with finger bones.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your special ability now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.The harlequin macaw parrot ruffles his feathers.Talliver looks thoughtfully at Jastalyn.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your value now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Randsford stares at Jastalyn.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn softly says, "Hush."Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your magic now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.The fire wyrdling shimmers with heat, distorting the air about him into wavering refractions.Jastalyn sings softly: "Talisman that I hold Let your special ability now be told"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn's face heats with something akin to shame.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.Jastalyn softly says, "Same thing over and over."Talliver nods at Jastalyn.Ibar frowns.Talliver says, "Peculiar."Jastalyn offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Sorlu accepts Jastalyn's crocodile talisman.Roelon deeply asks, "What does it show?"The harlequin macaw parrot pecks at the ground.Lithyia grins at Sorlu.Roelon raises an eyebrow.Sorlu gazes in amusem*nt at Lithyia.Aliashyrah says, "I second whoever said we should try to speak to Witlass."Sorlu hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.Lithyia smirks at Sorlu.Jastalyn softly says, "It's worth a million silvers and a collectible perhaps."Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.Jastalyn softly says, "And that one emtion."Tiny flames lick along the fire wyrdling's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.Lithyia says, "Sorlu gonna sell it."Lithyia nods.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Lithyia chuckles.Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.Darphin gestures at a faint outline.Nothing happens.The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.Roelon chuckles.The fire wyrdling chuckles.Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "It would be smart to auction it."Hapenlok gazes with interest at a faint outline.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Lithyia says, "We have a history of auctions."Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "And he's always been smart."Roelon deeply asks, "Shall we find Witlass then?"Lithyia nods at Aliashyrah.Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "I haven't even had anyone come forward and request to buy it yet."Sorlu rolls his eyes.Darphin gestures at a faint outline.A faint outline vibrates slightly.Lithyia grins at Sorlu.Wolfloner nods at Roelon.Meliyara nods in agreement at Roelon.A blast of heat explodes from Randsford's wolf-headed spikestar as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.The seed amulet hanging from Missandai's neck glows sanguine.Sorlu grins at Lithyia.A homing pigeon swoops toward you and hovers, a thin parchment attached to its leg unfurling before your eyes... *** A new item now awaits your discovery at the library in Firefly Villa. ***A new item awaits your discovery at the library in Firefly Villa.Lithyia giggles to herself.Ibar mutters something about birds.Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "Silent auctions are more fun anyway."Roelon wiggles his nose.Opalina sighs.Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin asks, "Might i see it a moment?"Randsford focuses on his wolf-headed spikestar, causing the violet flames to extinguish!Wolfloner adjusts his shadarl aketon, improving its comfort and maneuverability.Roelon shakes his head.A holy aura radiates from Elronae's runestaff.Sorlu removes a golden crocodile talisman from his neck.Sorlu offers Darphin a golden crocodile talisman.Bodad gazes heavenward.Talliver glances between Sorlu and Darphin.Darphin accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.Roelon shifts his weight.Myharl nods.Roelon takes a moment to observe Darphin.Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.Lilanna glances at Sorlu.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.Elronae's sentient potato sings a song about her!Darphin carefully inspects his crocodile talisman.Darphin nods.Queatus just arrived.Darphin hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.A pale white aura dances across Queatus's battle-scarred targe.Queatus says, "Seem to be outside the north gate."Darphin rubs his crocodile talisman. Smoke follows his fingertips, but they appear unburnt.Bodad appears less confident.Roelon just closed a brushed black leather saddlebag.Perigourd furrows his brow.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.A low thrum and grind of gears emanates from Myharl's leather herb kit.Queatus says, "Didn't find any more inside."You raise an eyebrow in Darphin's direction.Hapenlok murmurs, "Well, i'm going to leave you all to it. i feel incredibly nostalgic down here, and that's not really a good thing."Perigourd takes a moment to observe a faint outline.Roelon nods at Hapenlok.Sorlu co*cks his head at Darphin.Darphin removes a golden crocodile talisman from his neck.Falvicar's form becomes somewhat hazy and indistinct.Talliver nods at Hapenlok.A pale white aura dances across Myharl's tower shield.A pale white aura dances across Myharl's sacred warsword.Jastalyn softly asks, "Can't open the door yet?"Falvicar stares off into space.Perigourd's acorn amulet flickers various shades of green.Bakarus grins.Randsford knocks on a faint outline.Lithyia says, "Sorlu does not know how to use a key it seems."Darphin swiftly runs the tip of his crocodile talisman across a faint outline.Lithyia grins at Sorlu.Randsford squints at Darphin.Jastalyn softly asks, "Did we try casting anything at the key to empower it or something?"Darphin pokes his finger at a golden crocodile talisman.Falvicar's hazy and indistinct form returns to normal.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Darphin gestures at a golden crocodile talisman.Jastalyn softly says, "Maybe imparting spirit."Myharl just went south.Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "I do prefer more conventional, mechanical locks."Sorlu chuckles to himself.Jastalyn softly says, "Try everything."Lithyia agrees with Sorlu.Lithyia chuckles.Roelon nods at Sorlu.Lithyia says, "So just a thought..."Darphin glances at Talliver.Speaking hesitantly to Darphin, Talliver asks, "Anything?"Jastalyn softly says, "It did get warm."Lithyia says, "Since the orb goes to those who need it."Jastalyn softly asks, "Try fire?"The dim celadon wisps about Missoni's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.Lithyia says, "Perhaps the person who unlocks the door."Darphin says, "Warm when you rub it."Lithyia says, "Also needs to be worthy."Speaking to Jastalyn, Hapenlok asks, "Someone say fire?"Lithyia says, "Of the orb."Myharl just arrived.Hapenlok grins slowly.Myharl joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn giggles at Hapenlok.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.The feeling fades as quickly as it came.The fire wyrdling blinks.Fleurs ponders.Speaking softly to Darphin, Jastalyn says, "Cast fire at it."Missoni looks thoughtfully at Lithyia.Darphin offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Hapenlok says, "I was an apprentice to a certain fire mage that once resided here."Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.Hapenlok grins slowly.The harlequin macaw parrot hops from one foot to the other before spreading both wings outwards and upwards, briefly showcasing his impressive wingspan, replete with long vibrant plumage, in its full glory before folding and tucking them back close to his body.Lithyia removes a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap from her wide leather belt.Darphin says, "I will need to step away from yall to do so."Lithyia asks, "What do I know though?"A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.Darphin says, "The sanct."Lithyia says, "I'm just a humble tavern owner."Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.Lithyia winks.Sorlu nods at Darphin.Jastalyn nods at Darphin.Lithyia attaches a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap to her wide leather belt.Lord Darphin just went south.Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler off from over her shoulder.Aubriella grins at Lithyia.Lithyia winks at Aubriella.The fire wyrdling dashes north.An ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.Zeminar shows a faint outline his bone Luukos symbol.The grimoire flies off to find its owner.Bodad idly scratches himself on the neck.Lord Darphin just arrived.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Darphin shakes his head.Opalina's plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.Perigourd co*cks his head at Sorlu.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Darphin says, "Nothing unexpected."Darphin raises his crocodile talisman skyward!Jastalyn softly asks, "May I see?"Sorlu nods at Darphin.Aubriella unfastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak and opens it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.Aubriella draws a pastel-striated dusk surita runestaff capped with a glowing ki-lin horn from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of her cream leather cloak. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.Aubriella fastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.Dendum slips a fragmented staff bound by mycelium threads into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket. A trail of azure particles quickly disperses.Fleurs unfastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her white leather cloak and opens it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.Fleurs draws a glowing aura surita runestaff capped with a gloomy black diamond unicorn from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of her white leather cloak. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.Fleurs fastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her white leather cloak, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "Try the door."Darphin offers Jastalyn a golden crocodile talisman.Lilanna's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!Jastalyn accepts Darphin's crocodile talisman.The harlequin macaw parrot shuffles sideways along the ground, occasionally wagging his long tail feathers from side to side, while surveying his surroundings with open curiosity.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Ibar glances at a faint outline.Missoni pulls the timepiece out of the pocket of her shadowsilk corset by its charm-laden lor chain and palms it. After lifting the timepiece's crown, she winds the ribbed knob countless times, then presses the crown back down with her thumb. She discreetly slips it back into her pocket.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Queatus joins Roelon's group.Jastalyn hangs a golden crocodile talisman around her neck.Hapenlok chants an esoteric incantation as small sparks surround his hands.Jastalyn rubs her crocodile talisman. Smoke follows her fingertips, but they appear unburnt.Jastalyn looks over at Roelon and shakes her head.Sorlu nods at Perigourd.Darphin says, "I have attempted to phase the door and press it into the door."Jastalyn removes a golden crocodile talisman from her neck.Perigourd nods thoughtfully.Jastalyn carefully inspects her crocodile talisman. * Abigorr just bit the dust!Roelon nods slowly.Darphin knocks on a faint outline.Ibar shifts his weight.Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.Rimo retrieves a squat glass tincture of basal from within his leather herb kit.A gray haze hovers for a moment.Rimo takes a drink from his tincture of basal.Rimo's abdomen looks better.The outline illuminates slightly.Jastalyn waves a golden crocodile talisman at a faint outline.Rimo retrieves a squat glass tincture of talneo from within his leather herb kit.Rimo takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.Rimo's abdomen looks better.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Draelor.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Meliyara glances at a faint outline.Speaking to Jastalyn, Sorlu says, "If I might have it back once you're done, I have an idea."Bakarus presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Lithyia says, "Illumination."Darphin gestures at a faint outline.Nothing happens.Zeminar pores over a faint outline, engrossed in the study of it.>l outlineAn ornate indentation in the shape of a crocodile rests at the center of the outlined door.Missoni gazes thoughtfully at a faint outline.Talliver blinks.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Jastalyn offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Darphin gestures at a faint outline.A faint outline vibrates slightly.Sorlu accepts Jastalyn's crocodile talisman.Talliver asks, "Did... it just kill Bakarus?"A gray haze covers the ground for a moment.Ibar glances at a faint outline.Opalina gazes with interest at a faint outline.Lithyia says, "Yes."Lithyia says, "Very good."Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out three rings of smoke before him briefly.Lithyia nods at Talliver.Whispering beneath his breath, Zeminar begins a calculated attack of inflections and twists of his hands. As he gestures, a skeletal visage of sanguine and black bleeds across his face, fading as quickly as it arrived...Zeminar gestures into the air.Zeminar gets a frustrated look on his face.Lithyia chuckles.Blades glances at a faint outline.Talliver flatly says, "Oh, no."Randsford squints.Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...Yardie laughs at Talliver!Lithyia says, "I told you all... perhaps the door is waiting for the worthy one."Blades smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin asks, "One more moment with it?"Yardie applauds Talliver.Lilanna laughs!Jastalyn laughs!Sorlu presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Lithyia says, "And Bakarus... was not worthy."Perigourd furrows his brow.Rimo presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Talliver blinks.Elronae's fish flops over onto its back, the cloudy white of its belly showing as it allows itself to drift slowly toward the top of its sack. After a few moments of stillness, the fish suddenly flips over, eyes wide and teeth bared, poised to strike! After a moment, it flicks its tail once and resumes its meanderings.Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.Opalina quietly says, "Gues that door doesn't like to be touched."Aliashyrah presses her hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs her in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.You say, "The one who bears the amulet should try."Lilanna says, "Well..."A wave of power flows out of Myharl towards a faint outline.Myharl presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Lithyia asks, "Or are they inside?"Perigourd says, "Hmm.."Jastalyn presses her hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs her in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Missoni furrows her brow.Fleurs's sentient potato sings a song about her!Perigourd presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Darphin rubs a faint outline.Roelon leans against a faint outline.Talliver frowns.Bodad gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Missandai presses her hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs her in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.Talliver glances at Roelon.Elronae and the sprite flying above her shoulder glow slightly.Randsford frowns.Elronae and the sprite flying above her shoulder glow slightly.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Olgretien presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. A pillar of crimson and violet flame engulfs him in a blinding instant of heat and fury. All that remains is a bit of ash and a lingering current of heat in the air.A low unsettling moan trails Missoni's surita staff as she stows it in her widowwood-bound sling. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Roelon presses his hand against the crocodile-shaped indentation on the door. An instant's heat is all the warning that you have as crimson and violet flame engulfs you and your group! In your terror, it dawns on you that you should be feeling pain, but instead, there is only a faint sensation of acceleration tugging at your limbs. Slowly the fire dies, and you find yourself standing in changed surroundings.[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Gold and gems with a malicious glint cruelly reflect the tainted flames roaring from a pair of copper adder braziers flanking the stone door of the vault. Crimson and violet the fires burn, casting their light over a sprawling gilt-clad mural glorifying sacrifice. Looming over an archway leading westward is a petrified grahnk, powerful arms outstretched as if to grapple with a long-vanished foe.Also here: Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Blades, Queatus, Olgretien, Lady Missandai, Jastalyn, MyharlObvious exits: eastA lazy wild blood red dog arrives.Opalina gazes with interest at a blackened stone door.A massive grey wolf saunters in.A pillar of crimson and violet flame flares from the ceiling, and when the fire dies, Darphin stands in its place.A large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot flies in and lands on the floor.Jastalyn just went east.Ibar smiles.Myharl just went east.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.The dully illuminated mantle protecting Yardie begins to falter, then completely fades away.Roelon deeply says, "Bloody kilts."Roelon just moved quietly east, with his group following closely.[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Flanking the wide walkway as it proceeds beneath a golden arch fashioned in the shape of a winding adder are a pair of gold-inlaid displays. They are tilted toward the center of the chamber to flaunt contents that shine in the light of fiery orbs bobbing high in the air above. A mummified halfling lazes in an open sarcophagus leaned haphazardly against one wall.Also here: Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Blades, Queatus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Mayor Talliver, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Elronae, Bodad, Aubriella, Fleurs, Dendum, Roelon, Myharl, JastalynObvious exits: south, westDendum says, "Ahh."Olgretien just arrived.Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Steps at the passage's end rise toward the grinning snout of a singularly colossal crocodile of foreboding mien. Forged entirely from gold, the monumental reptile stares down on the chamber with firelight reflected in its eyes. Flying orbs of fire swirl overhead, crisscrossing in a spectacular dance that trails curtains of glowing cinders that hiss and spit as they die on the stone floor.Also here: Ibar, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Draelor, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Bathcwyn Missoni, Blades, Queatus, Zeminar, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Mayor Talliver, Lord Randsford, Lilanna, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Elronae, Bodad, Aubriella, Fleurs, Dendum, Roelon, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord Sorlu, Perigourd, Tradesperson Rimo, BakarusObvious exits: northBodad exclaims, "Oh boy!"A large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot flies in and lands on the floor.Lady Missandai just arrived.Sorlu glances at Rimo.Missandai joins Roelon's group.At the edge of your hearing, you hear a lilting voice whisper from nearby, "Gazing at whitecaps, coming so close. Everything's suddenly clear. Numb with the aching, and still I am waiting, the water is pulling me near."Perigourd searches around for a moment.Jastalyn just arrived.Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.Perigourd ponders.Ibar glances north.Perigourd just went north.Lord Darphin just arrived.Randsford gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Aliashyrah removes a small glowing orb from in her obsidian satin robe.Rimo searches around for a moment.Lilanna says, "Well..."Darphin joins Roelon's group.Dendum points at something in a buckskin jacket with warg fur cuffs.A burly swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder suddenly sits up, scanning the area with a mien of feral regality.Bakarus takes a deep breath.Olgretien just arrived.Lithyia says, "Fascinating."Aliashyrah put a small glowing orb in her obsidian satin robe.Olgretien joins Roelon's group.Sorlu gazes thoughtfully at the crocodile's eyes.Myharl just arrived.Bakarus nods at Zeminar.Blades glances at Bakarus.A massive grey wolf pants heavily!Zeminar joins Bakarus's group.Talliver says, "So. It was a key after all."A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.>l eyesOne of the crocodile's eyes is cut from gleaming red gemstone, while the other is a solid sphere of silvery eonake graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.Sorlu asks, " that it?"Aubriella gazes in amazement at Talliver.Dendum gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Wisserstaff.Darphin says, "The orb."Dendum gestures at the crocodile's eyes.The magic fizzles ineffectually.A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in and lands on the floor.Missoni gazes thoughtfully at the crocodile's eyes.Fleurs says, "Oh my."Zeminar just went north.Sorlu tilts his head up.Ibar glances at a lazy wild blood red dog.Lithyia points at the crocodile's eyes.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went north.Bakarus glances at the crocodile's eyes.Myharl closes the various containers on his buckled armor harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.Blades glances at the crocodile's eyes.Ibar nods at Lithyia.Jastalyn casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.Darphin removes a shimmering green orb from in his black leather jacket.Lithyia asks, "So...who is worthy of this?"Fleurs blinks.Opalina gazes with interest at the crocodile's eyes.Darphin put a shimmering green orb in his black leather jacket.Lithyia says, "I'm certain I am not."Lithyia laughs!Lilanna put a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes in her leather sword bandolier.Aubriella begins chuckling at Lithyia!Lilanna put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in her leather sword bandolier.Myharl nods at Jastalyn.Perigourd just arrived.Lithyia shrugs.Talliver says, "It certainly appears to be an orb."Speaking confidently to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "I have no doubt I am."Lithyia laughs at Sorlu!Randsford put a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar in his warg pelt sheath.Sorlu winks at Lithyia.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Darphin gestures at the crocodile's eyes.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Fleurs asks, "Is it the one you have been seeking?"Roelon searches around for a moment.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just arrived.Perigourd just went north.Speaking softly to Sorlu, Jastalyn asks, "Use the talisman here somehow?"Ibar slowly empties his lungs.Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "Kai has always admired me for my stretch of personality."Lithyia rolls her eyes at Sorlu.Roelon deeply says, "Hmm."Roelon hangs a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in and lands on the floor.Roelon starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.Lithyia chuckles.Jastalyn softly says, "The statue is a crocodile."Sorlu raises his crocodile talisman skyward!Roelon grins.With a flap of his wings, the coppery barn owl launches himself into the air.The coppery barn owl flies off.The dog co*cks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.Tradesperson Rimo just went north.Ibar nods to the blood red dog.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Perigourd just arrived.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Sorlu commands, "Come to me, Orb of Kai!"Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "You anygood at clmbing?"Perigourd ponders.Lithyia begins chuckling at Sorlu!Jastalyn reaches out and touches her Oleani pendant.Myharl searches around for a moment.Hapenlok just arrived.Sorlu raises his crocodile talisman skyward!Roelon grins at Sorlu.Randsford shakes his head.Wolfloner removes a small statue from in his spidersilk sack.Roelon raises his hand.Speaking softly to Sorlu, Jastalyn says, "Good try."Roelon blinks.Wolfloner put a small statue in his silk cloak.Darphin removes a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood from in his black leather jacket.Queatus just went north.Meliyara glances up.Sorlu chuckles.Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Sorlu!>l eyesOne of the crocodile's eyes is cut from gleaming red gemstone, while the other is a solid sphere of silvery eonake graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Darphin put a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood in his black leather jacket.Dendum says, "Plinte and something else up north."Elronae's fish bobs up and down as it casually meanders from one side of her sack to the other, its carefree gaze on the horizon. When it reaches the sack, it executes a whimsical backflip, then proceeds in the other direction, bobbing happily.Ibar squints.Dendum joins Roelon's group.Lord Darphin just went north.Perigourd gazes thoughtfully at the crocodile's eyes.A faint grinding sound echoes through the chamber and smoke billows from several places along the walls.Lilanna just went north.Loralaii's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler off from over her shoulder.An ebon shadow swirls through a droplet of abyssal onyx entangled in rivulets of copper on Meliyara's forehead, momentarily casting her countenance in darkness.Perigourd searches around for a moment.Missandai blinks.Missoni casually observes her surroundings.Myharl gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Roelon shifts his weight.Ibar mutters under his breath.The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.Perigourd grunts.Bodad says, "Err."Myharl carefully hangs his warsword from his sash.Dendum says, "Oh this seems like trap."The grimoire flies off to find its owner.Wisserstaff frowns.Bodad searches around for a moment.Myharl just went north.Missoni traces a finger over her dark blue amber gaud. A small spark follows the path of her finger across the gaud.Yardie asks, "Seems?"Elronae grins at Dendum.Falvicar gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Tradesperson Rimo just went north.Olgretien searches around for a moment.Sorlu searches around for a moment.Aliashyrah removes a sanguine tentacle-graced crosier covered in crystallized jade-tinted black suckers from in her obsidian satin robe.The golden crocodile blinks once.Fleurs asks, "Will we be trapped?"Wolfloner stretches.Fleurs casually observes her surroundings.Speaking to himself, Hapenlok asks, "What else did you leave down here to kill us, Master?"Lithyia says, "Oh my."Bakarus just went north.Roelon shifts his weight.Meliyara blinks.Bodad asks, "Is it alive?"Aubriella says, "This looks ominous."Roelon deeply says, " seems ..."Missandai glances at the crocodile's eyes.Yardie asks, "Master?"Roelon moves to stand behind Randsford.Roelon shifts his weight.Bodad blinks at the crocodile's eyes.Lithyia says, "Sorlu... i think it means you eat you."Talliver stares off into space.Roelon tilts his head up.Lithyia nods at Sorlu.Zeminar just arrived.Dendum says, "Greetings."Elronae glances at the crocodile's eyes.Dendum waves at the crocodile's eyes.Randsford kneels down.Dendum stares at the crocodile's eyes.Zeminar shifts his eyes to Perigourd.Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.Roelon stares at the crocodile's eyes.Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.Raelee suddenly fades into view.Randsford stares at the crocodile's eyes.Roelon gazes with interest at the crocodile's eyes.Raelee takes a moment to observe the crocodile's eyes.Ibar blinks at the crocodile's eyes.Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.Jastalyn removes a heavy quartz orb from in her wild silk carryall.Jastalyn rubs a heavy quartz orb in her hand.Jastalyn put a heavy quartz orb in her wild silk carryall.Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.Opalina inclines her ear, listening intently.Dendum winks at the crocodile's eyes.Lithyia whispers something to Sorlu.Raelee simply states, "Interesting."Speaking to the crocodile's eyes, Randsford says, "Begone. While you are here you pose nothing but danger to us."Elronae begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "One wonders if this place would have been best left undisturbed."Randsford nods firmly to the crocodile's eyes.Speaking to the crocodile's eyes, Missoni ventures, "Hello."Roelon touches Randsford.Opalina searches around for a moment.Roelon nods slowly.With a thud, the crocodile's eonake eye falls to the ground.Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum says, "Some of us have been saying that for....weeks."Jastalyn picks up an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Bakarus just arrived.Perigourd reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric and grabs a bright crimson glass sphere.Bodad says, "Oh boy..."Perigourd tosses a bright crimson glass sphere into one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric.Myharl just arrived.Jastalyn smiles quietly to herself.Randsford removes a shimmering green orb from in his threaded silk satchel.Missandai glances at the crocodile's eyes.You peer north and see ...[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Flanking the wide walkway as it proceeds beneath a golden arch fashioned in the shape of a winding adder are a pair of gold-inlaid displays. They are tilted toward the center of the chamber to flaunt contents that shine in the light of fiery orbs bobbing high in the air above. A mummified halfling lazes in an open sarcophagus leaned haphazardly against one wall.Also here: QueatusObvious exits: south, westRandsford put a shimmering green orb in his threaded silk satchel.Talliver blinks at Jastalyn.Ibar ponders.Sorlu says, "Ah, there we go."Aubriella says, "Um."Meliyara's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!Randsford nods slowly at Jastalyn.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your value now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Roelon nods at Jastalyn.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Myharl joins Roelon's group.Lilanna just arrived.Bodad ponders.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your magic now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Ibar smiles at Lilanna.Aubriella says, "That's one definition of an orb."Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.The fire wyrdling crouches down low, scanning the room with his dimly glowing eyes.Lilanna shifts her weight.Bodad removes an antique ivory sphere textured with rippling waves from in his walrus hide satchel.Aubriella gazes in amazement at Jastalyn.Opalina takes a few steps to her right.Jastalyn carefully inspects her eonake sphere.Talliver says, "You... haven't turned to sand or become a godlike being."Randsford stands up.Ibar points at Jastalyn.Lithyia says, "Yet."Lord Darphin just arrived.Perigourd chuckles.Lithyia glances at Talliver.Queatus just arrived.Missoni grins wryly.Darphin removes a shallow beaker of blood from in his black leather jacket.Wisserstaff asks, "Were those options?"Lithyia says, "Some things take time."Dendum exclaims, "Is Turning to Sand Option?!"Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "The pieces of the sword didn't do those either, right away."Speaking to Wisserstaff, Talliver says, "I haven't the foggiest."Yardie asks, "Or maybe they're just not worthy?"Jastalyn presses one of the interlocking plates composing the surface of the eonake sphere. It depresses for a moment before rising again with a musical series of chimes.Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "... powerful artifacts do usually require a measure of effort, despite the power."Fleurs blinks at Jastalyn.Jastalyn holds the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and gives the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once she releases the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Lilanna nods quickly!Roelon nods slowly.Speaking in Sylvankind, Missandai says something you don't understand.Deep blue motes swirl away from Roelon and fade.Roelon becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Darphin gestures at the crocodile's eyes.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Queatus just went north.Talliver asks, "That... that's the Orb of Kai?"Queatus just arrived.Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Jastalyn.Jastalyn tilts her eonake sphere to one side.Opalina bites her lip.Talliver asks, "A music box?"Randsford stares at Jastalyn.Ibar frowns.Lithyia begins chuckling at Talliver!Roelon chuckles.Dendum laughs!Myharl ponders.Ibar glances at the crocodile's eyes.Queatus joins Roelon's group.Missandai blinks.Bodad shrugs.Sorlu chuckles.Darphin turns to face the crocodile's eyes.Roelon deeply says, "But what powers it."Zeminar joins Roelon's group.Hapenlok stares at the crocodile's eyes.Jastalyn holds the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and gives the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once she releases the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.Aubriella asks, "Does it make you feel stronger?"Yardie says, "Kai likes his music."Aubriella raises an eyebrow in Jastalyn's direction.Bakarus joins Roelon's group.Ibar slings an etched sylvan longbow over his shoulder.Falvicar ponders.Blades says, "And naked wrestlin."Jastalyn softly says, "The music inspires me."Blades nods at Yardie.Roelon deeply says, "To inspire strength."Bodad asks, "Gotta be more to it?"Lithyia agrees with Blades.Perigourd gazes thoughtfully at the crocodile's eyes.Jastalyn looks over at Bodad and shakes her head.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your value now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Sorlu asks, "Are we sure it has actually chosen someone?"Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Roelon glances at Jastalyn.Bodad scratches his head.A starburst of silver and rose pink sparks erupts from the ethereal pink diamond that is on Jastalyn's forehead.Ibar nods.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your magic now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.>l eyesOne of the crocodile's eyes is cut from gleaming red gemstone, while the other is an empty socket.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver asks, "Anything?"A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sphere that I hold Let your special ability now be told"The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn shakes her head.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Dendum asks, "So....was crypt built to hold orb or...dead halfling?"Perigourd just went north.>nLilanna says, "Yes."[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Flanking the wide walkway as it proceeds beneath a golden arch fashioned in the shape of a winding adder are a pair of gold-inlaid displays. They are tilted toward the center of the chamber to flaunt contents that shine in the light of fiery orbs bobbing high in the air above. A mummified halfling lazes in an open sarcophagus leaned haphazardly against one wall.Also here: PerigourdObvious exits: south, west>l halfThe halfling's mummification was accomplished with little skill and a lot of enthusiasm. The corpse does not appear to have been preserved before being wrapped, although the heat and dry air of the vault have desiccated it over the intervening years. It's unclear whether or not the halfling was even dead before his or her unpleasant burial.Perigourd just went south.>l displayYou see nothing unusual.>l in displayThere is nothing in the displays.>l on displayOn the gold-inlaid displays:Special [2]: a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere, a blackened plinite shardMisc [1]: a decaying scrollTotal items: 3The red-gold web of protection against heat falls away from you, unraveling as it fades.>get scrollYou can't pick that up.>open displayThat is already open.Lilanna's group just arrived.>read scrollThere is nothing there to read.Ibar slowly empties his lungs.>get sphereYou can't pick that up.>get shardYou can't pick that up.>tap sphereYou tap a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.>tap shardYou tap a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Ibar blinks.>tap scrollYou tap a decaying scroll on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Lilanna nods at Ibar.>read scrollThere is nothing there to read.Lilanna's group just went west.You rub your chin thoughtfully.Myharl just arrived.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Tradesperson Rimo just went west.Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.>l under displayThere is nothing under the displays.Rimo searches around for a moment.>l behind displayThere is nothing behind the displays.Tradesperson Rimo just went south.Myharl just went west.>l scrollThe scroll does not boast any recognizable form of writing, but there is a strange regularity to the shapes scrawled across its surface. They weave between circles and geometric shapes, along with faded notations in red and green ink.>l sphereViscous scarlet fluid pulses and throbs beneath the glass. The core of it is nearly black.>l shardStreaky crimson and mucus green plinite forms a spindle-shaped shard that flickers faintly with elemental energy. The crystal is blackened and ugly, its edges crooked and its shape unrefined.Myharl just arrived.Lilanna's group just arrived.>s[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Steps at the passage's end rise toward the grinning snout of a singularly colossal crocodile of foreboding mien. Forged entirely from gold, the monumental reptile stares down on the chamber with firelight reflected in its eyes. Flying orbs of fire swirl overhead, crisscrossing in a spectacular dance that trails curtains of glowing cinders that hiss and spit as they die on the stone floor. You also see a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot, a lazy wild blood red dog and obvious signs of someone hiding.Also here: Tradesperson Rimo, Perigourd, Lord Darphin, Bakarus, Zeminar, Magister Raelee, Dendum, Hapenlok, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Olgretien, Jastalyn, Lady Missandai, Fleurs, Aubriella, Bodad, Elronae, Lithyia, Wolfloner, Lord Randsford, Mayor Talliver, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina, Bathcwyn Missoni, Blades, Roelon, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord SorluObvious exits: northMyharl just arrived.Darphin raises his eonake sphere skyward!Blades leans on his axe.Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "If that is the Orb of Kai, it seems a disappointing one."Roelon winces as a silvery tartan-furred dormouse snuffles along his neck, pausing to dig its nose into his ear.Darphin rubs an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in his hand.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Per hapse."Yardie put a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Perigourd begins chuckling at Missoni!Raelee takes a moment to observe Talliver.Darphin offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Jastalyn accepts Darphin's eonake sphere.Jastalyn smiles at Darphin.Missoni agrees with Perigourd.Randsford says, "It should be destroyed while we still can."Speaking softly to Darphin, Jastalyn says, "Thank you."Randsford nods firmly.Opalina searches around for a moment.Darphin says, "But we dont know what lies with in it."Speaking to Raelee, Talliver says, "I'm not one to judge a book by its cover."Sorlu says, "Perhaps it hasn't yet....activated? Or, perhaps it is a decoy."Roelon deeply says, "Nae sure such ah thing can be done."Jastalyn nods at Sorlu.Sorlu glances suspiciously around the room.The harlequin macaw parrot crouches forward with his head tipped downwards in a distinctive head-bobbing motion, seeking attention and affection.Jastalyn softly says, "It probably is a decoy."Lithyia glances at the crocodile's eyes.Elronae winces as a burly swamp rat snuffles along her neck, pausing to dig its nose into her ear.You darkly say, "I fear there is more to this puzzle just to the north. Upon the displays there are items, one green, one red, with a scroll that implies their usage."Jastalyn softly says, "And the gem is the real thing."Jastalyn just went north.Lithyia asks, "What if the red eye is the orb?"Talliver carefully asks, "May I?"Tradesperson Rimo just went north.Bakarus nods to you.Myharl points north.Dendum says, "We can carry it the the volcano and toss it in shaft....would be suprised at number of things shaft will devour."Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "Some books take... extended study."Randsford raises an eyebrow in Myharl's direction.Opalina glances north.Talliver glances north.Darphin says, "I do have some blood of a Kai Cleric we could put on it..">nod tallYou nod at Talliver.Mayor Talliver just went north.Yardie says, "Some books need to be burned.">n[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Flanking the wide walkway as it proceeds beneath a golden arch fashioned in the shape of a winding adder are a pair of gold-inlaid displays. They are tilted toward the center of the chamber to flaunt contents that shine in the light of fiery orbs bobbing high in the air above. A mummified halfling lazes in an open sarcophagus leaned haphazardly against one wall.Also here: Mayor Talliver, Tradesperson Rimo, Jastalyn, Ibar, LilannaObvious exits: south, westMyharl just arrived.Ibar bows to Talliver.Lady Opalina just arrived.>tap scrollYou tap a decaying scroll on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Perigourd just arrived.Lord Sorlu just strode in, his group following close behind.Hapenlok just arrived.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver asks, "May I see the... the sphere?"You say, "Have a look for yourself."Bakarus just arrived.Bathcwyn Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.Queatus just arrived.Blades just arrived.Jastalyn offers Talliver an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Blades glances at something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Talliver put a blued rolaren sword with a whalebone hilt in his hoarbeam scabbard.Lady Missandai just arrived.Olgretien just arrived.Talliver accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Jastalyn's ethereal pink diamond pulses against her forehead, sending silver and rose pink sparks dancing around her lashes.Queatus nods.Ibar shifts his weight.Talliver presses one of the interlocking plates composing the surface of the eonake sphere. It depresses for a moment before rising again with a musical series of chimes.Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just arrived.Rimo leans against a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Lilanna taps a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Lithyia just arrived.Hapenlok gazes with interest at something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Wolfloner just arrived.Jastalyn softly says, "There's a note under that dead halfling."Speaking quietly to his eonake sphere, Talliver says, "Almost like a puzzle box."Talliver tilts his eonake sphere to one side.Blades carefully hangs his axe from his loops.Jastalyn softly says, "A puzzle yes."A blue-green aura briefly flares up Rimo's fireleaf badge before dissipating into nothingness.Perigourd nods in agreement.Roelon just moved quietly into the room, his group following closely.Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.Lithyia reaches inside one of the containers hanging from her iron grey bandolier and grabs a Northwatch bond note.Jastalyn softly asks, "Maybe missing a piece?"Lithyia tosses a Northwatch bond note into one of the containers hanging from her iron grey bandolier.Lord Darphin just arrived.Lithyia clasps Wolfloner's hand tenderly.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "There's something inside of it."Darphin joins Roelon's group.A large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot flies in and lands on the floor.Blades glances at a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Bodad sniffs at a mummified halfling.Yardie says, "That's a mummy."Hapenlok gazes with interest at a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Jastalyn raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.Darphin agrees with Talliver.Ibar nods at Yardie.A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.Bakarus reaches out and touches a decaying scroll on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Queatus abruptly attacks a pair of gold-inlaid displays!Wolfloner searches around for a moment.Darphin says, "You can feel it move when you tilt the sphere in your hand."Queatus mutters under his breath.Magister Raelee just arrived.Myharl just went west.Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn asks, "Can you get it out or do you want me to try?"Talliver nods at Darphin.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "I don't think so."Jastalyn furrows her brow.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Raelee squints at a blackened plinite shard.Talliver says, "I don't know what sort of puzzle it is."Zeminar's leather satchel shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.Missandai says, "The poor halfling... Can't even tell if it was dead or not when it was mummified."Ibar nods at Missoni.Sorlu offers Aliashyrah a golden crocodile talisman.Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Talliver.You ask, "Blood magic and elemental magic perhaps?"Ibar coughs.Ibar nods at Missandai.Myharl just arrived.Aliashyrah accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.Yardie says, "Can we take those bandages? They'd make great handwraps."You ask, "The scarlet and the green?"Jastalyn nods to you.Darphin asks, "I could try phasing it?"Speaking hesitantly to Missandai, Hapenlok says, "Most likely not."Talliver offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Jastalyn accepts Talliver's eonake sphere.Hapenlok makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...The fire wyrdling chuckles.>puff my pipeHapenlok gestures at a mummified halfling.The magic fizzles ineffectually.You breathe in deeply then exhale slowly, some pale amorphous clouds of puffy smoke floating up from your mouth.Aliashyrah put a sanguine tentacle-graced crosier covered in crystallized jade-tinted black suckers in her obsidian satin robe.Missoni murmurs, "What a sense of humor."Queatus put a well-worn serrated-edged waraxe in his black leather baldric.Sorlu says, "Red and green....such a lovely color combination."Perigourd co*cks his head at Jastalyn.Queatus removes a Wehnimer's promissory note from in his spidersilk pack.Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.Hapenlok reaches out and touches something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Queatus put a Wehnimer's promissory note in his spidersilk pack.Raelee gazes at a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.>get my saddleYou remove a small stained saddle from in your waxed canvas pack.>l my saddleThe saddle is too small to span the back of even most ponies, suggesting that it must have been used to soften the ride atop a particularly small beast. Though once of exemplary make, the leather is stained from its time in the ice. Flaking paint picks out peonies lazing beneath a beautiful sunset.There appears to be something written on it.The harlequin macaw parrot shuffles sideways along the ground, occasionally wagging his long tail feathers from side to side, while surveying his surroundings with open curiosity.Bathcwyn Missoni flounces west amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.A massive grey wolf eyes a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus curiously.The dully illuminated mantle protecting Olgretien begins to falter, then completely fades away.Olgretien begins to breathe less deeply.Perigourd nods at Jastalyn.Bakarus reaches out and touches something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Speaking to Jastalyn, you say, "I found this within the ice earlier."Bakarus smiles.Hapenlok squints at a decaying scroll.A pale-faced coppery barn owl briefly puffs up into a ball of feathers.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "I'm afraid it might take a mind greater than mind to unlock that sphere."Sorlu glances at Bakarus.Sorlu grins.Raelee says, "... this raises many questions in its own right."Blades glances at Raelee.Missandai says, "The parchment says it's not a phylactery... probably."Raelee glances at a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Missandai laughs softly, trying to hide her amusem*nt.Raelee reaches out and touches a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Perigourd nods in agreement at Raelee.Speaking to Jastalyn, you ask, "Would you sing to it?"Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Jastalyn nods to you.Jastalyn put an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in her hooded starsilk mantle.Speaking to Raelee, Talliver asks, "Why is that?"Wisserstaff says, "I don't think of Kai as one for puzzles, but maybe I don't know him as well as I thought."You offer your stained saddle to Jastalyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.Jastalyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a small stained saddle.Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at a small stained saddle.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Jastalyn carefully inspects her stained saddle.Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien asks, "Is it locked?"Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The stained saddle seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Aliashyrah offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Bakarus says, "The Orb of Kai may have nothing to do with Kai."Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The stained saddle seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Sorlu accepts Aliashyrah's crocodile talisman.As his leg trembles for an instant, Darphin glances at it, bewildered.Olgretien deeply says, "I coud bash it."Lady Missandai just went south.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The stained saddle seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.A moment of foreign joy races swiftly across Jastalyn's face.Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps it must play its song."Bathcwyn Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The stained saddle seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.A moment of foreign joy races swiftly across Jastalyn's face.Roelon deeply says, "To the fullest."(OOC) Jastalyn's player whispers, "A small stained saddle: Weight: under a pound, Value: 5,000, Purpose: decorative. ALSO BE SURE TO USE RECALL ON THE ITEM TO SEE THE LORESONG INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF."Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "The source. Academic knowledge of how to create plinite only spread approximately fourteen years ago."Bakarus says, "Simply an item of strength and a name stuck."Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Wisserstaff asks, "Funny name for a thing then, isn't it?"Jastalyn offers you a small stained saddle. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.Wolfloner nods at Roelon.You accept Jastalyn's offer and are now holding a small stained saddle.Jastalyn softly says, "The resonance of your melody becomes birdsong on a distant wind as it blows across the steppes. You are young, and the wind blows in your hair as you race down a fertile valley amid a horde of your brothers and sisters, laden with the spoils of battle. Every hoofbeat of the mount beneath you is as much a part of you as your own heartbeat, and though you are eager to return home, the emotion has a bittersweet edge, for to ride is the only thing that has ever called you in your life."The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "... of course, if it is a lesser variety, it could be runoff from an elemental..."Jastalyn removes a dark blue fraelhan scarf from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Jastalyn softly says, "I found a scarf.">recall saddleAs you recall Jastalyn's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the stained saddle in your hand, and you learn something about it...It is a small item, under a pound.It is estimated to be worth about 5,000 silvers.It is predominantly crafted of leather.It has a permanently unlocked loresong by Jastalyn.Lady Missandai just arrived.Ibar frowns.Jastalyn softly says, "Well, Myharl did."A low thrum and grind of gears emanates from Myharl's leather herb kit.Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "... but that runoff is typically all but useless, very little power."Jastalyn sings softly: "Scarf that I hold Let your value now be told"The fraelhan scarf seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Missandai put a faceted dark emerald pill in her chainsil purse.>read saddleYou try to read a small stained saddle, but the language is not one you know. It looks like it's written in Halfling.Jastalyn sings softly: "Scarf that I hold Let your purpose now be told"The fraelhan scarf seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.(Hapenlok observes the scroll.)A meandering tendril of grey miasma trails Missandai's blackwood crook as she draws it from her runestaff sling.Jastalyn sings softly: "Scarf that I hold Let your magic now be told"The fraelhan scarf seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Raelee reaches out and touches a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Jastalyn sings softly: "Scarf that I hold Let your special ability now be told"The fraelhan scarf seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Speaking to Raelee, Talliver asks, "Are you suggesting that Thurfel... just casually made some of the stuff?">l talliverYou see Mayor Talliver Dabbings.He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.He is tallish and has a fighter's build. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has stern glacial blue eyes and weathered skin. He has short-cropped, greying curly brown hair worn in a military cut. He has a hard face and a sharp nose. His wiry arms are corded with muscle. He has more than a few scars.He is in good shape.He is wearing a knitted blue-grey wool cravat, an old silver locket, a combed cerulean fraelhan coat with carved dark ivory mule buttons, a collared white wool shirt, a forged silver signet ring, a bright cobalt leather bag with thick wool tassels, a curved hoarbeam scabbard set with a shining blue sapphire fang, a pair of combed cerulean fraelhan trousers, and a pair of cuffed chestnut leather boots.Jastalyn put a dark blue fraelhan scarf in her hooded starsilk mantle.Jastalyn removes an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Bakarus just went west.Sorlu says, "Perhaps it needs to be held by one it deems more worthy."Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "He was a rather gifted elementalist."Speaking to Jastalyn, Fleurs says, "Oh, pretty."Perigourd says, "All other things aside."Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "It is possible."Jastalyn grins at Fleurs.Fleurs giggles.Jastalyn softly says, "Thanks."Lilanna says, "Sounds like Thurfel."Speaking to Talliver, Dendum asks, "Like casually making monkey island?"Ibar is no longer moving so silently.(Raelee rests her hand on the plinite for several moments in concentration.)Lilanna nods at Dendum.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Look about this island, he possibly made a lot of things."Speaking to Talliver, you ask, "I'm embarassed to say it, having spent so much time here in your town.. but I don't speak halfling. Would you mind reading the inscription aloud?"Speaking raspily to Perigourd, Hapenlok says, "Oh, he was."The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.Jastalyn sings softly: "Sph that I see Let your value be known to me"Slowly, the petals of Elronae's flower close, hiding the vibrant center from view. After a moment, they open up again with a soft sigh.A pale-faced coppery barn owl pecks at a few stray morsels.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.You offer your stained saddle to Talliver, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.Elronae's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Talliver has accepted your offer and is now holding a small stained saddle.Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "... of course if he did make it, then it leads to the question of how he acquired the knowledge to do so. It is not a simple, straightforward process."Talliver raises an eyebrow in your direction.Speaking to Talliver, you say, "The inscription, please."Falvicar ponders.Talliver says, "It says..."Bakarus just arrived.Bakarus joins Roelon's group.Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.Talliver says, "It says 'Sunstrider' in our tongue."Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.Sorlu co*cks his head at Talliver.You rub your chin thoughtfully.Missandai joins Roelon's group.Talliver says, "The name of a pony, I assume, but that would make this saddle very old indeed."Dendum grabs a worn toy pony with a plush saddle from a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Elronae grins at Dendum.Dendum carefully inspects his toy pony.Aubriella giggles.Dendum offers Jastalyn a worn toy pony with a plush saddle.Jastalyn accepts Dendum's toy pony.Talliver offers you a small stained saddle. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.Ibar ponders.Falvicar ponders.Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Jastalyn carefully inspects her eonake sphere.You accept Talliver's offer and are now holding a small stained saddle.Falvicar says, "Thurfel had two familiars if I remember right."Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Queatus comes out of hiding.Queatus put an stained old leather belt in his spidersilk pack.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Jastalyn offers Dendum an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.Dendum declines Jastalyn's offer.Jastalyn offers Dendum an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Dendum exclaims, "Not the stupid sphere!"Wolfloner says, "Made this stuff while I was playing with an elemental. Doubt it will ever amount to anything, but I like the green. --TM."Dendum declines Jastalyn's offer.Jastalyn offers Dendum an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Roelon chuckles.Ibar nods at Wolfloner.Perigourd chuckles.Dendum accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Jastalyn put a worn toy pony with a plush saddle in her hooded starsilk mantle.Dendum wildly flails his arms about, momentarily obscuring himself in a cloud of volcanic ash and soot.Rimo asks, "Who's Halfberry?"Dendum offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Jastalyn accepts Dendum's eonake sphere.Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Jastalyn carefully inspects her eonake sphere.The fire wyrdling chuckles.>examine saddleThe saddle is too small to span the back of even most ponies, suggesting that it must have been used to soften the ride atop a particularly small beast. Though once of exemplary make, the leather is stained from its time in the ice. Flaking paint picks out peonies lazing beneath a beautiful sunset.There appears to be something written on it.Dendum lets out a cheer!Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Rimo glances at something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Falvicar concentrates deeply for a moment.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.>analyze saddleYou analyze the stained saddle and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.You get no sense of whether or not the saddle may be further lightened.Raelee quietly murmurs, "The plinite was strong, but it is... imperfect and somewhat diminished."Speaking to Jastalyn, Darphin asks, "Might i try something?"Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Lilanna glances around, looking a bit less confident.Raelee squints at a shard of grey plinite.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Speaking to Raelee, Talliver says, "A catastrophe avoided, it sounds like."Missoni looks thoughtfully at Raelee.Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "Well did not have burghal to perfect technique."Myharl just went west.Jastalyn offers Dendum an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Perigourd leans against a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Falvicar tilts his head toward Raelee, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.Roelon grins.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Speaking to Dendum, Raelee says, "Plin's process was... certainly more refined, yes."Ibar nods.Missoni brushes her fingers lightly against a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver asks, "Something as old as the Orb of Kai must surely have some memories to it, no?"Lilanna's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Missoni.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Dendum accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Talliver frowns.Speaking to Talliver, Raelee asks, "... catastrophe?"Speaking to Rimo, Lilanna says, "He was thurfel's apprentice."Falvicar ponders.Dendum just tried to pull a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere.Myharl just arrived.Rimo nods understandingly.Speaking to Raelee, Talliver says, "Thurfel, with that sort of power..."The harlequin macaw parrot ruffles his feathers.Dendum taps a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Talliver gets a pained look on his face.>l halflingThe halfling's mummification was accomplished with little skill and a lot of enthusiasm. The corpse does not appear to have been preserved before being wrapped, although the heat and dry air of the vault have desiccated it over the intervening years. It's unclear whether or not the halfling was even dead before his or her unpleasant burial.Dendum taps an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree, which is in his right hand.Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.Roelon deeply says, "If he knew. Perhaps he did..."Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I imagine if he'd had it, he would have survived."Ibar ponders.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "But the orb may be what we fell inside it moving around, shes singing to a shell.">l sarcopYou see nothing unusual.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Hanging on securely with three paws, the swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.Bakarus just opened a leather components satchel clasped by a twisting vultite serpent.>l in sarcIn the lacquered sarcophagus:Misc [1]: a mummified halflingTotal items: 1An ethereal bluish-green light swirls around the blade of Falvicar's somnis katana, and it quickly grows translucent before vanishing.>l under sarcThere is nothing under the sarcophagus.Bakarus just went west.Jastalyn giggles.Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...>l on sarcThere is nothing on the sarcophagus.Roelon deeply says, "But nae knew how to draw it out."Wolfloner gestures at a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere.The magic fizzles ineffectually.>l behind sarcThere is nothing behind the sarcophagus.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Though he was more vested in the Staff, I believe."Roelon glances west.Draelor loses a thorny barrier.Draelor is no longer moving so silently.The swirling breeze around Draelor finally settles.Draelor looks less aware of the surroundings.The air about Draelor stops shimmering.Draelor returns to normal color.>examine sarcYou see nothing unusual.Perigourd says, "Perhaps he preferred one arkati to another."Perigourd chuckles.Chronicler Falvicar just went south.Roelon grins.You point at a mummified halfling in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.You ask, "Who was that?"Roelon deeply says, "Halfberry it seems."Speaking to Jastalyn, Darphin asks, "May i try to use magic to peer inside of it?"You gaze with interest at a mummified halfling in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Roelon deeply says, "Or something similar."Wisserstaff traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...Wisserstaff makes a complex gesture.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Meliyara dryly says, "Not the real Halfberry."Speaking in Guildspeak, Jastalyn softly says something you don't understand.The harlequin macaw parrot crouches forward with his head tipped downwards in a distinctive head-bobbing motion, seeking attention and affection.Bakarus just arrived.Wisserstaff traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...A massive grey wolf glances about briefly and then rapidly disappears from view.Bakarus joins Roelon's group.Sorlu says, "The Orb will only make itself available to one who is worthy. Perhaps we've yet to find that person."Jastalyn nods at Darphin.Lithyia grins at Sorlu.Roelon shrugs.Lithyia chuckles.Aliashyrah nods at Sorlu.Perigourd raises an eyebrow.Wisserstaff adjusts his vultite metal breastplate, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.Olgretien put a jet black mithril claidhmore in his wolverine pelt sheath.Dendum offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Jastalyn accepts Dendum's eonake sphere.Jastalyn offers Darphin an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Darphin accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Aubriella rubs her chin thoughtfully.Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Missoni curiously asks, "What is this about being worthy?"Jastalyn removes a worn toy pony with a plush saddle from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Jastalyn offers Dendum a worn toy pony with a plush saddle.Darphin gestures at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Olgretien deeply asks, "I am a follower of Kai, mebee it will respon to me?"Randsford says, "Nobody should be worthy of such power that is claimed. No good will come of it."Dendum accepts Jastalyn's toy pony.Randsford shakes his head.Sorlu says, "Of course, we are going by Kai's measure of worth."Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.Roelon grins.Sorlu nods at Olgretien.Speaking softly to Olgretien, Jastalyn says, "You can try next."Darphin gestures at a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Bodad idly scratches himself on the neck.Speaking to Olgretien, Yardie says, "That might be the way to go. I don't follow Kai, I just beat him in wrestling, is all."Dendum offers Jastalyn a worn toy pony with a plush saddle.Jastalyn accepts Dendum's toy pony.Jastalyn makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...Jastalyn gestures at a worn toy pony with a plush saddle.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Jastalyn carefully inspects her toy pony.Olgretien deeply asks, "Wut did ya do earlier dat made de parts move?"The veins in Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass glow a brilliant pale grey color.Ibar ponders.Wisserstaff glares at Yardie.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The toy pony seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Sorlu begins chuckling at Yardie!Roelon grins.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The toy pony seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Talliver says, "We'll have to find a way to put this whole vault under guard."Speaking to Wisserstaff, Yardie exclaims, "What? I won!"Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The toy pony seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Speaking to Wisserstaff, Yardie exclaims, "He said so!"Sorlu agrees with Talliver.Darphin raises his eonake sphere skyward!Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The toy pony seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Dendum blinks at Talliver.Zeminar suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.Missoni nods slightly at Talliver.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "We mae need to hire more guards."Jastalyn offers Dendum a worn toy pony with a plush saddle.Olgretien furrows his brow.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.Dendum accepts Jastalyn's toy pony.Bakarus chants to himself, his voice lowering into an almost silent hiss. As he bows his head, his green eyes narrow briefly into slits as a pattern of scales skims across his skin, fading into normalcy with a series of rapid blinking...Bakarus gestures at a mummified halfling.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Perhaps the talisman can reward the door."Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "They will most certainly make a move, now that the door is open."Wisserstaff asks, "Oh did he?"Lithyia grins at Dendum.Hapenlok says, "-mutter seal it."Lithyia begins chuckling at Dendum!Hapenlok mutters, "Seal it."Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.Dendum wildly flails his arms about, momentarily obscuring himself in a cloud of volcanic ash and soot.Lithyia asks, "Wasnt there a guard down here at one point?"Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "I'm not convinced that we haven't found the Orb."Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "Any plans on getting it to town safely?"Fleurs says, "That seems like quite an undertaking."The dog co*cks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.Talliver says, "There is something contained in that sphere of Jastalyn's."Fleurs casually observes her surroundings.Roelon nods at Talliver.Sorlu nods.A crimson mist bleeds out from Bodad's exposed skin.Bodad loses the flickering unbridled energy surrounding him.Bodad's miasma of fog-hued mist dissipates slowly, waning until completely diminished.Bodad appears less confident and fearless.The glowing specks of energy surrounding Darphin suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.The air about Darphin stops shimmering.Darphin takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.A series of ash grey lines suddenly appears on Darphin's face, quickly racing towards the center of his forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.Darphin offers Olgretien an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Olgretien accepts Darphin's eonake sphere.Raelee reaches out and touches a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Raelee gazes thoughtfully at a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Then that sphere needs the town's protection more."Yardie removes a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin from in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Olgretien kneels down and begins to recite prayers.Yardie put a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler over his shoulder.Whispering beneath his breath, Zeminar begins a calculated attack of inflections and twists of his hands. As he gestures, a skeletal visage of sanguine and black bleeds across his face, fading as quickly as it arrived...Missoni agrees with Raelee.Zeminar gestures at a mummified halfling.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Talliver nods at Sorlu.Raelee nods absently at Missoni.Olgretien stands up.Lilanna asks, "And the other door?"Perigourd takes a moment to observe Olgretien.Speaking softly to Sorlu, Jastalyn says, "I have my own personal tower."Jastalyn smiles.Sorlu nods at Jastalyn.Jastalyn pulls Myharl closer to herself.Dendum tucks a worn toy pony with a plush saddle into a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.Meliyara brushes her fingertips along a seam of her lotus silk pelisse. The threads there take on a lucent cerulean glow and unravel, allowing the edges to part and the pelisse to hang open.Jastalyn grins.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "With your permission, I will ask Prinn to reach out to her... benefactor."Sorlu says, "Let us hope the Dusk Coven doesn't overwhelm it."Sorlu nods at Jastalyn.Jastalyn nods at Talliver.Yardie glances at Sorlu.Queatus comes out of hiding.The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.Dendum glances up.Dendum asks, "Can we not....cave this all in?"Lilanna glances west.Talliver says, "Perhaps it is best that we don't open that sphere."Elronae just went west.You scoff at Dendum.Olgretien co*cks his head at Talliver.You point at a mummified halfling in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Elronae just arrived.Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.Raelee gives a sidelong glance at Talliver.Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Anything the Coven wants should be destroyed."Dendum says, "Err...once we are out."Elronae joins Roelon's group.Falvicar joins Roelon's group.Opalina quietly says, "Probably just a really stinky perfume."Lithyia joins Roelon's group.Roelon sighs.Elronae nods.Roelon glances at Randsford.Speaking to Randsford, Yardie says, "I am in agreement in that. They're going to come for it."Jastalyn joins Roelon's group.Wisserstaff asks, "So if the coven wants Icemule Trace we should destroy it?"Randsford nods slowly at Yardie.Blades joins Roelon's group.Olgretien tries to drink from his eonake sphere without much success.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Roelon adds Myharl to his group.Olgretien looks over at Jastalyn and shakes his head.Jastalyn nods at Olgretien.Dendum says, "Surely we are deep enough there is enough dirt above us to fill this entire place....."Olgretien begins chuckling at Perigourd!Missoni joins Roelon's group.Perigourd joins Roelon's group.Yardie says, "I'm sorry, I was in Mystiq's head. If that is an indication of the Coven, then they are not here to throw a picnic."Ibar chuckles.Elronae casually observes her surroundings.Loralaii's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!You harshly say, "Do not be so quick to bury that which you do not understand."The coppery barn owl co*cks his head intelligently.Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Olgretien says, "That would only cause trouble...apparently."Myharl curiously asks, "May I see the sphere?"Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Olgretien.Raelee nods slowly at Perigourd.Ibar nods.Jastalyn nods at Olgretien.Olgretien offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Roelon deeply says, "They will. The town will be in the way. But aye, it must nae be taken."Myharl slings a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield over his shoulder.Falvicar nods.Jastalyn accepts Olgretien's eonake sphere.Speaking to Yardie, Darphin says, "Her head has nothing to do with the coven."Jastalyn offers Myharl an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Myharl accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Sorlu nods slowly.The ethereal pink diamond on Jastalyn's forehead flickers softly, causing rose pink flames to briefly flare within her eyes.Speaking to Darphin, Yardie says, "I hope you're right."Olgretien deeply says, "Didn seem to respond, but der is somethin inside."Sorlu whispers something to Aliashyrah.Aliashyrah nods at Sorlu.Raelee gazes at a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Sorlu glances suspiciously around the room.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Lithyia.Ibar ponders.You rub a liquid-filled faceted crystal sphere on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Dendum says, "Need less guards if this place is buried under tons of rock and dirt."Fleurs's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!Missoni snaps her fingers, and the dog moves to her side obediently.Bakarus nods understandingly. * The death cry of Jovinia echoes in your mind!Talliver glances at a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Myharl holds the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and gives the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once he releases the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.Speaking to Yardie, Darphin says, "Im not saying that the coven cant do worse, just that the two are not a correlattion."Fleurs gazes with interest at a blackened plinite shard on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Falvicar ponders.Myharl presses one of the interlocking plates composing the surface of the eonake sphere. It depresses for a moment before rising again with a musical series of chimes.Speaking to you, Hapenlok says, "Thurfel had his hands in a lot of things over the many years he lived here. Just about every single one of them were most dangerous."Zeminar winces in obvious agony, his gaze unfocused with agony.A starburst of silver and stormy silver sparks erupts from the abyssal onyx that is on Meliyara's forehead.Myharl offers Jastalyn an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Roelon nods.Jastalyn accepts Myharl's eonake sphere.Elronae says, "If you want to see inside it, have a lockmith look at it. maybe they'll notice something anyone else would miss."Myharl nods once.Speaking to Jastalyn, Perigourd asks, "May I?"The coppery barn owl pecks at the ground.Falvicar nods.Jastalyn offers Perigourd an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Perigourd accepts Jastalyn's eonake sphere.Roelon chuckles.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Missoni lightly places her hand on the coppery barn owl, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.Perigourd gazes thoughtfully at his eonake sphere.Rimo's appearance briefly shimmers.The dog wanders over to Elronae and sniffs at her suspiciously for a moment.Lady Missandai just went west.Elronae waves to the dog.Falvicar ponders.Missoni grins sheepishly at Elronae.Perigourd tilts his eonake sphere to one side.Speaking to Darphin, Yardie says, "I...don't know. I imagine most of the Coven have maniacal thoughts. Maybe not Aliashyrah but she kisses dead people."Elronae says, "Puppies are always welcome."Elronae nods at Missoni.Olgretien joins Roelon's group.Talliver says, "Peculiar."The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "There is another door...."Talliver glances at a decaying scroll on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.Speaking appreciatively to Elronae, Missoni says, "Thank you."Roelon chuckles.Speaking to Lilanna, Talliver asks, "Oh?"Ibar nods.Lilanna glances west.Ibar smiles at Lilanna.>w[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Gold and gems with a malicious glint cruelly reflect the tainted flames roaring from a pair of copper adder braziers flanking the stone door of the vault. Crimson and violet the fires burn, casting their light over a sprawling gilt-clad mural glorifying sacrifice. Looming over an archway leading westward is a petrified grahnk, powerful arms outstretched as if to grapple with a long-vanished foe.Also here: Lady MissandaiObvious exits: eastAn ember-eyed fire wyrdling dashes in.The fire wyrdling dashes off.>l muralPossessed of an amateurish style but adorned with bright gold, the mural's maker appears to have substituted expense for excellence. It depicts scenes of ghastly sacrifice. Men and women drape over blood-spattered altars. They hang from ornate ropes with their insides on their outsides. Some burn alive. An unhealthy number of monkeys are featured in the scenes of carnage, but they appear both unharmed and unfazed by the surrounding gore.Lady Missandai just went east.You belt out, "Don't let Darphin see this mural in here." * Fyrrow just bit the dust!Lord Darphin just arrived.>l brazThe brazier takes the form of the winding body of a serpent. Its face is that of a man with zeal in his eyes. Heat radiates from the metal.You cringe.Lord Darphin just went east.>l grahnkThe grahnk is an unholy fusion of a troll and an ogre, and its development seems to have lavished the worst traits of both bloodlines upon it. Its muscles are colossal and powerful, bunched as if it was turned to stone mid-battle, but its head is very small and its distinctly unpetrified eyes don't look in the same direction at the same time. * Lokios just bit the dust!You knock upon a petrified grahnk.You say, "Hello there."Lilanna's group just arrived.Ibar nods.Bakarus just arrived.You turn your ear toward a petrified grahnk. Sounds about like you expected.Bakarus's surge of empowerment fades.>l doorYou see nothing unusual.>open doorThat is already open.Ibar says, "Might get to sacrifice Sorlu after all."Ibar glances between Lilanna and a gilt-clad mural.Lilanna's group just went east.>l brazThe brazier takes the form of the winding body of a serpent. Its face is that of a man with zeal in his eyes. Heat radiates from the metal.Draelor searches around for a moment.Draelor just went east.>e[Thurfel's Cellar, Deep Vault]Flanking the wide walkway as it proceeds beneath a golden arch fashioned in the shape of a winding adder are a pair of gold-inlaid displays. They are tilted toward the center of the chamber to flaunt contents that shine in the light of fiery orbs bobbing high in the air above. A mummified halfling lazes in an open sarcophagus leaned haphazardly against one wall. You also see an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a lazy wild blood red dog, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings and a large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot.Also here: Draelor, Ibar, Lilanna, Lord Darphin, Dendum, Lady Missandai, Myharl, Queatus, Chronicler Falvicar, Elronae, Bathcwyn Missoni, Magister Raelee, Zeminar, Fleurs, Aubriella, Bodad, Lord Randsford, Great Lord Wisserstaff, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Roelon, Wolfloner, Lithyia, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Olgretien, Blades, Hapenlok, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord Sorlu, Perigourd, Lady Opalina, Mayor Talliver, Tradesperson Rimo, JastalynObvious exits: south, westRimo joins Roelon's group.Sorlu nods at Talliver.Queatus glances at Yardie.Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Not all bloodshed can be spared.">l under scrollUnder the decaying scroll:Misc [1]: a crisp parchmentTotal items: 1 * The death cry of Monolis echoes in your mind!Talliver says, "They may be cautious, but they will act."Lithyia wryly says, "Because some of them are right here."Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "But they have already threatened. We're at a point where the time for talk is over."Lithyia chuckles.Meliyara's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!Dendum slowly says, "Lava."Draelor just went south.Roelon nods at Talliver.Jastalyn nods at Yardie.Lilanna asks, "We're sacrificing gnomes?"Bakarus just arrived.Randsford nods in agreement at Yardie.Missoni gazes thoughtfully at a decaying scroll on a pair of gold-inlaid displays.A subtle light fades from Perigourd's eyes.Speaking to Yardie, Randsford says, "Their forces form as we speak, the time for waiting is over."Sorlu ponders.Randsford glances at Talliver.Roelon deeply says, "They will act. From shadow or up front."Myharl retrieves a small dose of tightly bound basal from within his leather herb kit.Myharl takes a bite of his dose of basal.Myharl's abdomen looks better.The magic of Myharl's spell falters as it takes hold on Myharl, its energies diminished.Roelon deeply says, "But they will."You close a deep blue sea glass-buttoned cloak.Talliver nods at Randsford.Myharl retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent talneo from within his leather herb kit.Zeminar's muscles quiver and tremble uncontrollably.Myharl takes a drink from his tincture of talneo.Myharl's abdomen looks better.Sorlu glances at Jastalyn.Elronae grins at Queatus.Falvicar says, "I'm willing to watch it if the mayor doesn't want to."Jastalyn softly says, "What."Olgretien deeply says, "Likely both."Hapenlok casually observes his surroundings.Jastalyn softly says, "Wait."Olgretien nods at Roelon.Talliver says, "The White Wyrm's retrofit isn't complete, but if we can accelerate that timetable, at least we can attack their camp from air."Tiny fissures in the fire wyrdling's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.Talliver says, "That may buy more time."Jastalyn softly says, "There's a note under the sphere on the display."Elronae asks, "Sorlu unfolds his off-white note to read it.The fire wyrdling blinks.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon asks, "But do we wish to be the one to initiate?"The tartan-furred dormouse on Roelon's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a weathered black fur jacket with blue-tinged silver buttons.Speaking to Elronae, Talliver says, "Dusk Coven forces have set down north of town."Speaking to Roelon, Talliver says, "They attacked us tonight."Dendum says, "They just sent Gigas into town."Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "I already fell helping the Landing, only for that fiasco to favor the inept usurpers of that frontier. If my injury occurs on the occurance of talking to a group that has no intention of talking, I am not going to be happy."The fish in Elronae's translucent sack comes to a sudden stop, and one of its milky white eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, the eye snaps back to the front, and the fish resumes its normal meanderings.Roelon slowly empties his lungs.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl asks, "May perhaps be best not to detail battle plans against the Coven... in the presence of the Coven?"Roelon deeply says, "Well bloody kilts."A faint silvery glow fades from around Yardie.Myharl works his fingers under his black alloy greathelm and scratches his head.Roelon folds his arms over his chest.Lithyia agrees with Myharl.The harlequin macaw parrot tucks his head beneath one wing and scratches at some stray powder down with his beak, preening himself carefully to maintain an immaculate appearance.Sorlu glances appraisingly around the room.Lithyia chuckles.Ibar nods at Myharl.Olgretien agrees with Myharl.Lithyia gazes heavenward.Lilanna nods at Myharl.Ibar says, "True enough, but the doors closed."Ibar grins.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "We haven't left the vault, yet."Ibar nods at Yardie.Lilanna says, "That'd be one quick way to meet his Luukos."A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.>l under sphereUnder the faceted crystal sphere:Misc [1]: a crisp parchmentTotal items: 1Talliver says, "True."Myharl winks at Talliver.Lithyia slashes at the air with her rolaren dagger as if to warn one and all of what she is capable of! * The death cry of Mandrill echoes in your mind!Lithyia tilts her rolaren dagger back and forth, as if deciding what she's going to do with it.Speaking to Yardie, Darphin asks, "You dont think if i sent word to Rammael he couldnt have gotten me and the sphere out of here?"Lithyia shrugs.Darphin shrugs.At the edge of your hearing, you hear a lilting voice whisper from nearby, "See the rays of light dance in hurricanes, the essence of our life held within cruel chains."Hapenlok whispers something to Darphin.The ethereal pink diamond on Jastalyn's forehead dims drastically as a cloud of darkness roils deep within the gem. After a moment, it fades, returning to its normal state.Myharl firmly says, "We'll take of them. Whatever it takes."Dendum says, "Rammael could not get in here."Myharl raises a large carved hinterboar tusk high, displaying it for all nearby to see. With a wide grin, Myharl recites, "May dawn always vanquish the dusk in the free North! To Freedom! To Bravery! To Northwatch!!" Offering a boisterous cheer, Myharl brings the tusk to his lips and takes a hearty drink!Myharl shrugs.Speaking to Darphin, Yardie says, "I think Lithyia slits your throat before you can even cough up a prayer."Dendum turns to Myharl and cheers!Myharl leans on Jastalyn, resting his hand upon her shoulder.Lithyia grins at Yardie.Lithyia chuckles.Myharl turns to Dendum and cheers!Roelon deeply says, "He could now. Could very well be here now."Blades yawns.Roelon casually observes his surroundings.Tiny fissures in the fire wyrdling's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.Lithyia says, "I'm but a humble tavern owner."Talliver says, "I think we ought to leave this place. Perhaps to a tavern. I would know more about that talisman."Lithyia winks.A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.Ibar squints at Lithyia.Lithyia smiles.Yardie's face goes completely blank, and he mouths what looks like, "Yeah, right."Aubriella adopts an agreeable expression.Myharl slides a large carved hinterboar tusk along his leather belt and secures it in place, displaying the Northwatch emblem on its side.Roelon deeply says, "Then we go."Roelon equips a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Roelon slings a dark orase knight's shield with a balenite tiger umbo off from a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.Lithyia smiles.Talliver says, "Hazelnut usually performs around this time at the Penguin."Meliyara joins Roelon's group.Myharl lightly scratches Jastalyn's back, his hand moving in small circles along her spine.Talliver joins Roelon's group.Sorlu smiles at Talliver.Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Talliver.Fleurs says, "Oh, he is good at singing also."Raelee joins Roelon's group.Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.Roelon just moved quietly into the room, his group following closely.Perigourd slings his faewood battle shield over his shoulder and onto a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.The fire wyrdling blinks.Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.Aliashyrah gestures at Roelon.The magic fizzles ineffectually.Roelon deeply says, "Meet us at the Tavern then."Aliashyrah joins Roelon's group.Ibar nods.Missoni agrees with Raelee.Roelon grins.Speaking to Talliver, Hapenlok says, "I agree. my nostalgia for this place wears thin. i need booze."Roelon adds Opalina to his group.Roelon adds Sorlu to his group.Bakarus gazes at something in a gilded and lacquered sarcophagus.Roelon adds Hapenlok to his group.Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.You grin.>l under shardUnder the plinite shard:Misc [1]: a crisp parchmentTotal items: 1The grimoire flies off to find its owner.>l parchment under shardThere appears to be something written on it.Bakarus shrugs.>read parchment under shardIn the Common language, it reads:Made this stuff while I was playing with an elemental. Doubt it will ever amount to anything, but I like the green. --TM>read parchment under sphereBakarus nods.In the Common language, it reads:Definitely not my phylactery, probably. --TMBakarus just went west.>read parchment under scrollIn the Common language, it reads:Looks like a fragment of the spell I was looking for. Incomplete, but causes intense and lingering cold. Could be used to make the island a bit more tropical if I can figure it out. --TM

Histories Recounted at The Thirsty Penguin

[The Thirsty Penguin, Bar]Practical, as are most halfling institutions, the entry leads straight into the bar of the Thirsty Penguin Tavern. A glittering bead curtain hangs off to one side, swinging lazily each time someone passes through it. The entire wall behind the bar is studded with small, polished bronze mirrors. You also see a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the web-draped Missoni disk, the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish, the Randsford disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the Bodad disk, the mural-sided Perigourd cassone, the Elronae disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Ibar disk, the Blades disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a lazy wild blood red dog, a large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot that is flying around, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a scruffy bartender and a chalkboard menu.Also here: Chronicler Falvicar, Hapenlok, Fleurs, Blades, Bathcwyn Missoni, Lord Sorlu, Lady Aliashyrah, Perigourd, Lithyia, Dendum, Myharl, Olgretien, Lord Darphin, Lilanna, Elronae, Aubriella, Ibar, Queatus, Magister Raelee, Zeminar, Bodad, Lord Randsford, Blade Yardie, Necrotic Admiral Loralaii, Wolfloner, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Mayor Talliver, Tradesperson Rimo, Jastalyn, Lady Opalina, Roelon, HazelnutObvious exits: east, west, outHazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.Jastalyn smiles.Elronae's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Meliyara's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Falvicar nods once.Lithyia begins chuckling at Aliashyrah!Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "He's rather skilled at defending himself from being eaten."Perigourd chuckles.Ibar smiles.Jastalyn grins.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "To be fair the coven knows whee the orb is. no reason to besiege the town."Lithyia says, "There's always a first time for everything."Lithyia grins at Perigourd.Speaking playfully to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "But he does like drinks so perhaps he will slip."Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu asks, "We have found this talisman...might you be willing to see what your voice could uncover about it?"Sorlu shows Hazelnut his crocodile talisman.Perigourd appears less confident and fearless.Speaking raspily to Talliver, Zeminar says, "Your words are suspicious. Where is this army."Lilanna's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Hazelnut nods at Sorlu.Lithyia glances at Zeminar.Hazelnut says, "I suppose I can try."Darphin sharply turns his head to one side, reflexively cringing his shoulders.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.Sorlu smiles at Hazelnut.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Falvicar.Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "You always come through for us. I have nothing but faith."Speaking to Zeminar, Perigourd says, "One dealt with one of the gigas not long ago."Sorlu offers Hazelnut a golden crocodile talisman.The fire wyrdling crouches down low, scanning the room with his dimly glowing eyes.A scruffy bartender takes a tiny sip of hard cider. He smacks his lips and says, "Just right."Hazelnut accepts Sorlu's crocodile talisman.Falvicar coughs.Lithyia chuckles to herself.Queatus rummages around in his pockets.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.Jastalyn giggles.Hazelnut says, "Where did you come by such a thing? It's so warm."Lithyia glances at a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap in her hand.Lithyia says, "I need to make more of these lingonberry mead."Lithyia nods.Talliver watches carefully.Missoni sits down next to a pale-faced coppery barn owl.Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Where else do warm things hide? Buried in ice."Yardie surveys his surroundings carefully.Missoni folds her hands in her lap.Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "Beneath the town, in the domain of Thurfel."Lithyia attaches a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap to her wide leather belt.>l hazelnutYou see Hazelnut Honeybrook the Chronicler.He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.He is not tall, even for a halfling. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has bright hazel eyes and heavily freckled skin. He has a shock of curly, tousled dark copper hair. He has a youthful face, a small nose and a slender but fit build. There is a constant flush to his cheeks, as if he has been caught mid-blush.He is in good shape.He is holding a golden crocodile talisman in his right hand.He is wearing a pair of fuzzy earmuffs, a honey-hued topaz ear stud caught in a bright web of gold filaments, a small amber pendant carved into the shape of a hazel tree, a black combed wool doublet with a pair of honey oak mule collar pins over a heavy white wool shirt, a combed dark wool kilt, and a pair of dark-cuffed slouched leather boots.Hazelnut sings: "Talisman, my song never fails Tell what truths lie beneath your scales."The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.The fish in Elronae's translucent sack comes to a sudden stop, and one of its milky white eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, the eye snaps back to the front, and the fish resumes its normal meanderings.Speaking to Aliashyrah, Yardie says, "I can think of a few unflattering places."Fleurs gazes with awe at Hazelnut.A scruffy bartender removes a broom from behind the wooden bar and quietly sweeps the floor. Finishing quickly, he sweeps the small pile of debris out the door and returns the broom to its place behind the bar.Jastalyn removes an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Perigourd pours himself a leaf-etched glass of deep amber Wildwood whiskey.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Yardie's direction.Elronae summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Tradesperson Rimo just went west.Hazelnut sings: "Crocodile talisman, gold to my eye Tell what secrets you can spy."The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.Elronae chants in an arcane language which causes her skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.Sorlu turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.A scruffy bartender takes a tiny sip of penguin pilsner. He smacks his lips and says, "Just right."Jastalyn sings something softly in Guildspeak that you don't understand.The eonake sphere seems to respond to the magic of Jastalyn's song.The fire wyrdling chuckles.Hazelnut sings: "Ancient crocodile, do as you can Tell your tale, ye talisman."The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.Hazelnut's face heats with something akin to shame.Speaking to Aliashyrah, Yardie asks, "Never had to hide things you er...borrowed?"Hazelnut frowns.The fire wyrdling darts around the room.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Sorlu raises an eyebrow.Aubriella blinks at Hazelnut.Jastalyn nods at Perigourd.An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of Meliyara, then vanishes.Deep blue motes swirl away from Meliyara and fade.The brilliant aura fades away from Meliyara.Meliyara appears less confident.The air shivers about Meliyara, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.Meliyara begins to breathe less deeply.The air about Meliyara shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding her collapses.A subtle light fades from Meliyara's eyes.A white glow rushes away from Meliyara.Jastalyn put an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in her hooded starsilk mantle.Missoni co*cks her head. * Kakien just bit the dust!Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "I like the way you stretched out talisman."Aliashyrah nods approvingly at Hazelnut.Jastalyn removes an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.Hazelnut sings: "Talisman wrenched from the iciest heart Now I demand with your secrets you part!"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.A pained expression of regret tightens Hazelnut's features.Jastalyn begins a musical chant...Tradesperson Rimo just arrived.Jastalyn sings a melody, directing the sound of her voice at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree.Nothing happens.Hazelnut says, "Oh, my."Perigourd ponders.Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.Sorlu co*cks his head at Hazelnut.Meliyara looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.Rimo inclines his ear, listening intently.Jastalyn put an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in her hooded starsilk mantle.Darphin turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.Randsford squints.Hazelnut sings: "Talisman, crocodile, trinket and key Surrender your history unto me."The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.Hazelnut cringes at nothing in particular.Aliashyrah settles her gaze on Hazelnut, watching him intently.Jastalyn raises an eyebrow.Ibar shifts his weight.A scruffy bartender leans on the wooden bar and asks, "What will it be?"The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Fleurs.Lithyia glances at a scruffy bartender.Rimo winces.Jastalyn grins at Perigourd.Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.Hapenlok says, "Nobody is drinking. this saddens me."Hazelnut sings: "Talisman, all of your secrets, praytell Reveal what the Firemage did with his spell!"The crocodile talisman seems to respond to the magic of Hazelnut's song.Hazelnut's face heats with something akin to shame.Lithyia removes a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap from her wide leather belt.Hapenlok rummages around in his pockets.A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Bakarus.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.Opalina's plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.Jastalyn begins to breathe less deeply.The dully illuminated mantle protecting Jastalyn begins to falter, then completely fades away.Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.Dendum swings the gold-bound end of his polished walrus tusk upward as he drinks deeply from its contents, the stylized willow tree glyph adorning it clearly displayed for all to see.Sorlu mouths, "Firemage?"Hapenlok places an order and pays the scruffy halfling bartender.The attentive halfling bartender nods and says, "Yes, sir. One Talbot's Special coming up!" With a modicum of activity, the bartender quicky places Hapenlok's order on top of the wooden bar.Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.Aubriella's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Aliashyrah nods slowly at Sorlu.Hazelnut recites: "Humiliation, utter and total. That is the last emotion you feel as your mortal body dies, cut down by that giant oaf Witlass. At least, you think, you will at last be free, but that hope is snatched away in an instant. Something foul and unnatural tethers you to this plane. As your body begins to crumble into fine, white powder, you find your awareness drawn somewhere else. Somewhere... worse."Sorlu grins.Hazelnut says, "But that is only the first."Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.Aliashyrah turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.The fire wyrdling chuckles.Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu asks, "There is more then?"Hazelnut recites: "It is very dark and no one has come to see you in some time. Well, not no one. Your regrets visited frequently. Regret that you had been chosen as Thurfel's apprentice over more qualified candidates. Regret that you had tried to steal the Firemage's orb. Not the betrayal, though--that had been well-earned. Oh, regret that you had been murdered by an idiot. And you should have written to your mother more. You'd thought death would be peaceful. It turns out that undeath is decidedly inconvenient."Hapenlok closes his eyes for a moment.Tiny flames lick along the fire wyrdling's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.Ibar winces.Perigourd furrows his brow.Blades chuckles.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.The dog wanders over to Rimo and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.Missoni surreptitiously glances at Perigourd and quirks an eyebrow in his direction.Speaking to himself, Yardie mutters, "Written to your mother."Hanging on securely with three paws, the swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.Sorlu nods slowly.Aliashyrah gazes with interest at Hazelnut.Yardie sighs.Ibar put a tumbler of milky brown ale in his black sailcloth longcoat.Roelon grunts.Opalina giggles.Randsford shrugs at Roelon.Hazelnut recites: "Thurfel comes to tell you that he has murdered your brother. His grin is full of malice, but you don't have eyes, so it doesn't bother you much. When you don't react, merely slumping in the soulstone prison in which you are entombed, he grows angry and makes fire. Fortunately, you don't have skin, either. He tells you that he needs the cage for a new resident, but that he has plans for you. You don't have ears, but his laughter afterward is certainly ominous."The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.Loralaii's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.A faint white aura flickers around Elronae.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.The fire wyrdling shimmers with heat, distorting the air about him into wavering refractions.Rimo shudders.Yardie asks, "So...who would be the new resident?"Hazelnut recites: "The Firemage works feverishly on the magical circle, boasting about his plans to find the Staff of Amasalen and make that sylvankind woman love him. The two seem unrelated to you. When you say so, he sneeringly reminds you that you are just a useless ghost. You'll finally have a use, he tells you, protecting the most valuable pieces of his collection for all eternity. He dangles a golden trinket from his hand. "You like crocodiles, don't you?" Thurfel asks, and then he casts his vile spell."Sorlu says, "Thurfel....what a peach."Sorlu chuckles to himself.The fire wyrdling crouches down low, scanning the room with his dimly glowing eyes.Hazelnut says, "And... that is the last I can see."Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.Fleurs furrows her brow.The coppery barn owl circles lazily above.Opalina gazes fondly at Hazelnut.Opalina quietly says, "Amazing."Jastalyn winces.Larston just arrived.Larston just went east.The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Aubriella says, "Oh my."Perigourd furrows his brow.Speaking in Guildspeak, Jastalyn softly says something you don't understand.Falvicar ponders.Jastalyn softly says, "Harsh."The fire wyrdling chuckles.Roelon shifts his weight.Ibar shifts his weight.Fleurs's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Ibar nods at Jastalyn.Elronae's firewheel flower idly twists, spinning its petals like a wheel before slowing to a stop.Missoni leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.Sorlu says, "So that is trapped within the talisman."Lithyia says, "You're gonna end up in that key."Lithyia nods at Sorlu.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "We ought to release this poor soul."Lithyia says, "At least you'll have a friend."The abyssal onyx on Meliyara's forehead flickers, as if a tiny stormy silver flame has appeared inside. Without so much as a breath of smoke, it is extinguished.Lithyia nods at Sorlu.Roelon deeply says, "Well then.."Missoni agrees with Perigourd.Grand Lord Qwantsy just arrived.Grand Lord Qwantsy just went east.Roelon chuckles.Jastalyn removes an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree from in her hooded starsilk mantle.Grand Lord Qwantsy just arrived.Aubriella unfastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak and opens it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.A cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes suddenly peeks its head out from Zeminar's leather satchel, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.Qwantsy waves.Jastalyn grins.Missoni murmurs, "It is not right."Aubriella pours herself a cup of hazelnut hot chocolate.Aubriella fastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.Ibar smiles.Bodad frowns.Aubriella offers Hazelnut a cup of hazelnut hot chocolate.Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver says, "If truly the soul remains within."Hazelnut offers Sorlu a golden crocodile talisman.Sorlu accepts Hazelnut's crocodile talisman.Hazelnut accepts Aubriella's hazelnut hot chocolate.Speaking to Hazelnut, Aubriella asks, "Something to warm you up after that cold tale?"Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie asks, "Wait. What if you unleash something.....bad?"Jastalyn nods.Sorlu gazes thoughtfully at his crocodile talisman.Jastalyn hugs Roelon, who wraps her in a warm embrace.Randsford glances at Jastalyn.Qwantsy places an order and pays the scruffy halfling bartender.The attentive halfling bartender nods and says, "Yes, sir. One Talbot's Special coming up!" With a modicum of activity, the bartender quicky places Qwantsy's order on top of the wooden bar.A holy aura radiates from Opalina's plumille houppelande.Jastalyn raises an eyebrow in Randsford's direction.Darphin says, "A soul trapped would explain the warmth."Qwantsy removes a flagon of Talbot's Special from on a dark polished wooden bar.Blades glances at a scruffy bartender.Blades scoffs.Blades removes a decanter of sylvan vodka etched with thorned vines from in his sharkskin duster.Twisting off the striated red and grey crystal ball stopper of his red crystal decanter, Blades tilts it back and takes a quick gulp of the vodka inside. CS: +300 - TD: +310 + CvA: -10 + d100: +42 - +10 == +12 Warded off!Qwantsy takes a drink from his Talbot's Special.Jastalyn softly says, "Fire ritual."Blades stares off into space.Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "I think perhaps that the talisman was crafted from the soul of Halfberry."Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.Perigourd nods in agreement.Lithyia says, "That's wha tyou get for not buying from the Kraken."Lithyia nods at Blades.Blades says, "Knew she was tryin to poison me."Qwantsy just opened a tooled leather cigar case.Fleurs giggles at Lithyia.Lithyia attempts to hum a merry little tune.Blades put a decanter of sylvan vodka etched with thorned vines in his sharkskin duster.Qwantsy removes a fat black cigar from in his leather cigar case.Lithyia grins.Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.Blades folds his arms over his chest.Hazelnut says, "I know that name. He was one of Thurfel's apprentices."Qwantsy just closed a tooled leather cigar case.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "That person killed didn't sound like a good person. I mean, you don't have to explore the depths of magic. It can be left alone."Missoni nods slightly.Sorlu nods slowly at Hazelnut.Casting an expectant eye down to his black cigar, Qwantsy sharply snaps his fingers, and a flame ignites the bowl of the cigar. A curl of honeyed licorice smoke wends up from his cigar, and he gives it a hearty puff.Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.Qwantsy exhales some honeyed licorice scented smoke in a steady stream.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I expect Ellerel would be able to deduce if his spirit was consumed in it's creation or is imbued."Hapenlok nods.Elronae's fish bobs up and down as it casually meanders from one side of her sack to the other, its carefree gaze on the horizon. When it reaches the sack, it executes a whimsical backflip, then proceeds in the other direction, bobbing happily.Qwantsy takes a drink from his Talbot's Special.Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "I remember him."Hazelnut says, "He had a few others, like..."Meliyara produces an ancient faewood statuette from the depths of her lotus silk pelisse. * Oishian just turned his last page!Taking a puff of his black cigar, Qwantsy causes the tip of it to burn with a brilliant orange-red for a moment before fading.(Hapenlok stares off into the distance.)Hapenlok shuffles his feet.Exhaling slowly, Qwantsy sends a stream of smoke into the air to pool around him in a heady cloud.Meliyara gazes thoughtfully at her faewood statuette.Qwantsy inclines his ear, listening intently.The dog wanders over to Randsford and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.Hazelnut glances into the crowd.Qwantsy stares at a large vibrant harlequin macaw parrot.Jastalyn nods slowly.Jastalyn holds the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and gives the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once she releases the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.Meliyara becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.Meliyara returns to normal color.The glowing specks of energy surrounding Meliyara suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.The air about Meliyara stops shimmering.A series of purple lines suddenly appears on Meliyara's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.Meliyara takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.Raelee takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.Hapenlok stares at Hazelnut.One of the tiny topaz flowers on Perigourd's ghezyte ring blossoms opens and drops tiny petals that vanish as they leave the ring.Elronae says, "Someone should take it into the voln pool, if there is a soul inside perhaps that will release it."A series of snow white lines suddenly appears on Raelee's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.Qwantsy rubs his chin thoughtfully.Qwantsy slowly rolls his cigar between his thumb and index finger.Zeminar stows his grey-scaled staff in his runestaff sling with a wicked burst of green necrotic haze.Elronae's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!The fire wyrdling darts around the room.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Jastalyn glances at Meliyara.Qwantsy takes a long draw from his black cigar.Jastalyn glances at an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in her hand.Qwantsy puckers and blows a perfect circle of honeyed licorice smoke into the air.Jastalyn glances at Meliyara.Speaking to Hazelnut, Hapenlok says, "And i paid the price. more than you'll ever know."Lorindor just arrived.The coppery barn owl circles lazily above.A low thrum and grind of gears emanates from Myharl's leather herb kit.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lorindor just went west.Lorindor just arrived.Lorindor just went out.Lithyia attaches a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap to her wide leather belt.Jastalyn holds the top and bottom of the eonake sphere and gives the hemispheres a countered twist. They move separately. Once she releases the tension upon them, they rotate slowly back into position, a battle melody plinking from within as the filigreed figures along the midpoint battle and strive. The music and motion cease once both halves have regained their proper places.Ibar shifts his weight.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Dendum.Ibar leans softly against Lilanna.Yardie glances at Hapenlok.Grand Lord Qwantsy just went east.Darphin asks, "Perhaps one more song for the music box?"Darphin shrugs.Jastalyn tilts her eonake sphere to one side.Meliyara co*cks her head at Jastalyn.A scruffy bartender leans on the wooden bar and looks around the room with a bored expression on his face.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.A holy aura radiates from Elronae's runestaff.Jastalyn smiles at Meliyara.Jastalyn softly says, "Timing."Meliyara grins wryly.Jastalyn carefully inspects her eonake sphere.Hazelnut frowns at Hapenlok.Hazelnut says, "Well."Hazelnut says, "That song has definitely soured my drink."Hazelnut takes a drink from his hazelnut hot chocolate.The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Randsford.Sorlu grins.Missoni nods sympathetically at Hazelnut.Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Shadows of the past."With a sudden flash of insight, you realize you now understand more of what you have experienced.....Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.Perigourd looks rather relaxed.Speaking to Hazelnut, Hapenlok says, "It made me want to drink more."Hazelnut says, "There's a reason I went traveling for so many years."Speaking to Perigourd, Fleurs says, "If only the past stays in the past."Lithyia agrees with Hapenlok.Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "Lithyia can help with that."Lithyia grins at Yardie.Elronae grins at Ibar.Lithyia just opened a layered ankle-length robe of geometrically patterned finely woven wool.Dendum swings the gold-bound end of his polished walrus tusk upward as he drinks deeply from its contents, the stylized willow tree glyph adorning it clearly displayed for all to see.Dendum looks rather relaxed.Olgretien places an order and pays the scruffy halfling bartender.The attentive halfling bartender nods and says, "Yes, Olgretien. One Penguin Pilsner coming up!" With a modicum of activity, the bartender quicky places Olgretien's order on top of the wooden bar.Ibar shakes his head.Olgretien removes a glass of Penguin Pilsner from on a dark polished wooden bar.Dendum slides a gold-bound polished walrus tusk along his dark leather belt and secures it in place, displaying the stylized willow tree glyph on its side.Lithyia removes an elongated oval lingonberry red glass amphora of fruity mead topped by a blown glass orb from in her ankle-length robe.Twisting off the blown glass orb briefly, Lithyia waves her glass elongated oval amphora beneath her nose, inhaling the scent of the mead rising from within.Hazelnut executes a flourishing bow and tugs his doublet back into place.Elronae's fish comes to a sudden halt and orients itself to stare hungrily at Myharl. It opens its jaws wide, displaying an impressive amount of teeth, then begins to stalk him, swaying back and forth as it advances. When it reaches the sack, it pauses for a long moment, then turns away from Myharl and meanders slowly away.Lithyia offers Hapenlok an elongated oval lingonberry red glass amphora of fruity mead topped by a blown glass orb.Olgretien tips his head back and empties a glass of Penguin Pilsner down his gullet!Olgretien looks rather relaxed.Lithyia just closed a layered ankle-length robe of geometrically patterned finely woven wool.A scruffy bartender leans on the wooden bar and looks around the room with a bored expression on his face.Ibar grins at Hazelnut.The coppery barn owl circles lazily above.Hazelnut exclaims, "Do pardon me. I have silvers to spend at the rat tent!"Hazelnut just went out.Lithyia chuckles.Opalina smiles hazelPerigourd chuckles.Sorlu says, "Thank you Hazelnut. You are a boon to Icemule, without exception."Aubriella blinks.Perigourd yells, "Good luck!"Sorlu glances out.Hapenlok nods.Falvicar nods slowly.Jastalyn snaps her fingers.Missoni gazes out in amusem*nt.The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.Jastalyn softly says, "He went quick."Talliver calls after him, "Don't, they'll just take your--"Aubriella unfastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak and opens it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.Aubriella slips a pastel-striated dusk surita runestaff capped with a glowing ki-lin horn into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of her cream leather cloak. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Aubriella fastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her cream leather cloak, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.Talliver lamely says, "Money."Fleurs chuckles.Lithyia grins at Talliver.Jastalyn giggles at Talliver.Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.Ibar chuckles.Olgretien deeply says, "I thught he was tired."Myharl chuckles to himself.With careful precision, Randsford slides a white eonake knight's aegis bound by shimmering silver and imbedded with emeralds that form the symbol of the goddess Oleani into place over one shoulder. Coalescing over the surface of the aegis, a thin layer of silvery white light briefly ripples into being before dying with an echoing howl.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Sometimes it's just the experience."Fleurs unfastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her white leather cloak and opens it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.Fleurs slips a glowing aura surita runestaff capped with a gloomy black diamond unicorn into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of her white leather cloak. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.Fleurs fastens the series of tiny vaalin hooks on her white leather cloak, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.Talliver slowly empties his lungs.Perigourd nods at Talliver.Sorlu agrees with Perigourd.Speaking to Olgretien, Missoni says, "Not too tired for the rat tent."Speaking to Yardie, Hapenlok says, "And yes, you heard that exactly right."Aubriella agrees with Missoni.Yardie says, "In the meanttime, I do not feel good about this. An orb we don't grasp, a plan to capture someone, and giants and Ivasians of the Coven just trying to kill people. Yeah, I'm beyond tolerance for the Coven, and if you think they're fine, you're complicit in their machinations."Tiny flames lick along the fire wyrdling's shoulders, dancing merrily before dying away.A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.Randsford nods slowly at Yardie.Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "No one thinks they are fine."Lithyia shrugs.Twisting off the blown glass orb of her glass elongated oval amphora, Lithyia tilts it back and takes a quick gulp of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.Yardie glances at Talliver.Jastalyn softly says, "Some think they're friends."Jastalyn put an intricate eonake sphere graced with stark white adamantine filigree in her hooded starsilk mantle.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie exclaims, "You're serious?!"Lithyia removes a polished ebonwood stein with a silver-chased belt strap from her wide leather belt.Balancing the glass elongated oval amphora carefully in one hand, Lithyia twists off its blown glass orb and tilts the mead over the ebonwood stein and sends a steady stream of reddish-gold liquid inside it.A holy aura radiates from Opalina's plumille houppelande.Falvicar nods at Talliver.Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.Aliashyrah says, "I think dying once tonight was enough for the time being."Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "Even my armor doesn't believe that."The fire wyrdling darts around the room.Olgretien deeply says, "Well, they think tey're fine."The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Dendum starts chortling.Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "They attacked the glacier indiscriminately tonight."Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.As his leg trembles for an instant, Darphin glances at it, bewildered.Perigourd muses, "V'tullians."Perigourd nods knowingly.Ibar frowns.Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.Perigourd looks rather relaxed.Speaking to Bakarus, Talliver says, "Best you remember that the next time you get 'possessed', Bakarus."Randsford raises an eyebrow.Olgretien deeply asks, "Oh, was the glacier cleared?"Olgretien raises an eyebrow.Speaking to Talliver, Bakarus says, "I'll do my best, Mayor."Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.Blades smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.Lithyia swirls the contents of her ebonwood stein briefly and lifts it to her nose, inhaling the scent of the mead rising from within.Speaking to Olgretien, Hapenlok says, "It was mostly cleared by the time Svardin and I made our way down to the cellar."Falvicar says, "V'tull is to Lornon as Kai is to Liabo."Olgretien nods at Hapenlok.Falvicar nods at Perigourd.Randsford frowns.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "They've been pushing for an attack unless we capitulate since the beginning. Listen, I respect you. I respect your heart. But people do think they are fine."Perigourd scratches at his beard.The swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder makes a sudden flying leap, apparently trying to gain access to the top of her head. Muttering under her breath, she manages to herd the recalcitrant rodent back to her shoulder.Sorlu glances at Bakarus.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Speaking of possessed."Speaking to Falvicar, Perigourd says, "There are similarities, but I also see many differences."Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.Perigourd nods at Falvicar.Talliver says, "I think I'm going to have to have the Wyrm stop its trips to Glaoveln and focus on accelerating the retrofit."Olgretien agrees with Perigourd.Lithyia asks, "So uh, what do we wanna do about the soul trapped inSorlu's new key?"Lithyia glances at Sorlu.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "I still think the plan of giving the orb to an unknown is horrible."Hapenlok narrows his eyes.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "When? Those crab legs are amazing."Yardie picks up a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun.Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "He's safe in there, until we figure out what we can do to help him."Speaking to Perigourd, Falvicar says, "They are each other's opposites."Lithyia begins chuckling at Yardie!Yardie carefully pulls apart his white birch board, creating an individual serving to share.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Sorlu nods at Lithyia.Jastalyn nods at Talliver.Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "And where do we store this sphere in the meantime."Falvicar shrugs.Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "More cannons."Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "Soon. We need the firepower."Yardie put a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun in his buffed leather pack.Speaking to Yardie, Aubriella says, "Fortunately it's just a short sail away."Hapenlok asks, "Excursions to Glaoveln?"Randsford nods slowly at Lithyia.Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "I would rather see it given to Jakrog."Speaking softly to Yardie, Jastalyn says, "You can still sail there."The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Yardie removes a serving of steamed arctic crab legs seasoned with saevika and butter from on his white birch board.Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah says, "It is still easily reachable by boat."Hapenlok says, "I really have been trapped in a vortex too long."Yardie offers Talliver a serving of steamed arctic crab legs seasoned with saevika and butter.Aubriella's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!The black ora chain around Zeminar's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu says, "That is up to Councillor Jastalyn I suppose."Speaking to Hapenlok, Talliver says, "You certainly have been away a while."Talliver declines Yardie's offer.Aubriella carefully unfastens her pure cream silk longcoat, letting it hang open.Yardie offers Jastalyn a serving of steamed arctic crab legs seasoned with saevika and butter.A pale white aura dances across Elronae's runestaff.Aubriella removes a bright white polar bear hide parka from in her pure cream silk longcoat.Jastalyn accepts Yardie's arctic crab legs.Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "And thank you, but... I can't work on a full stomach."Jastalyn smiles at Yardie.Speaking to Talliver, Hapenlok says, "I was warding the Reach for the past years. something went wrong and i got stuck."Aubriella removes some arctic crab legs from in her polar bear hide parka.Aubriella offers Yardie some arctic crab legs.Jastalyn takes a bite of her arctic crab legs.Yardie accepts Aubriella's arctic crab legs.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Talliver nods at Hapenlok.Speaking to Yardie, Aubriella says, "Some freshly imported seafood."A faint silvery glow fades from around Rimo.Aubriella removes a raw fillet of salmon from in her polar bear hide parka.Aubriella offers Yardie a raw fillet of salmon.Jastalyn takes a bite of her arctic crab legs.Speaking to Talliver, Yardie exclaims, "Luckily, the Coven will give you a workout. You'll be ready!"Yardie put some arctic crab legs in his buffed leather pack.Yardie accepts Aubriella's fillet of salmon.Aubriella put a bright white polar bear hide parka in her pure cream silk longcoat.Aubriella pulls her longcoat closed, smoothly fastening it up.Yardie put a raw fillet of salmon in his buffed leather pack.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Aubriella nods in agreement.A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.Perigourd raises an eyebrow.Talliver nods at Perigourd.Perigourd nods thoughtfully.Elronae and the sprite flying above her shoulder glow slightly.Yardie removes some fig and honey ice cream from on his white birch board.Elronae and the sprite flying above her shoulder glow slightly.Jastalyn softly says, "Regardless of what everyone feels, good or bad, I'm loyal to Icemule and Mayor Talilver."The fire wyrdling darts around the room.Yardie offers Perigourd some fig and honey ice cream.Talliver says, "I'll be diverting most of the Town Guard toward patrolling."Perigourd accepts Yardie's fig and honey ice cream.Randsford nods slowly at Jastalyn.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.Speaking to Jastalyn, Bakarus says, "Me too."Ibar nods at Jastalyn.Sorlu nods at Talliver.An enormous diamond-scaled snake suddenly appears out of thin air! It hisses loudly and bites hungrily at Darphin's ankles before disappearing. You think you hear faint laughter in the distance.Fleurs asks, "What about guarding the vault?"Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.Jastalyn nods at Talliver.Bakarus nods at Talliver.Lithyia begins chuckling at Bakarus!Perigourd nods appreciatively at Yardie.Sorlu grins at Bakarus.Lithyia mutters right.A scruffy bartender removes a broom from behind the wooden bar and quietly sweeps the floor. Finishing quickly, he sweeps the small pile of debris out the door and returns the broom to its place behind the bar.Roelon suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream.Ibar says, "I am loyal the the north, ill put my life down for my new home here."Ibar nods once.The emerald sprite flying above Dendum's shoulder licks one of its fingers and jabs it in his ear!The layer of raw elemental energy surrounding you dissipates.Talliver says, "And sending word to our comrades in Crystalhall, Briarmoon, and Glaeve."Jastalyn smiles at Ibar.Jastalyn nods at Talliver.Sorlu says, "A few of you should perhaps be around to shield me from harm as well."Sorlu nods once.Lithyia says, "Ask for Nootjaeg."Lithyia nods at Talliver.Jastalyn grins at Sorlu.Lithyia says, "I'll feed him."Lithyia nods.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Sorlu smiles.Yardie removes a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes from on his white birch board.Talliver says, "Pinefar doesn't have enough folk to come help defend, and Cold River still needs to hold against the gigas."Yardie offers Lithyia a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun.Yardie offers Lithyia a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes.Bakarus asks, "What of the Lord of Moonsedge, perhaps he can be of some service?"Lithyia declines Yardie's offer.Talliver says, "...but it's a start."Lithyia says, "Thanks Yardie but I'm full."Lithyia says, "Of mead."Lithyia chuckles.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Jastalyn nods.Speaking to Bakarus, Talliver says, "I wouldn't be surprised if your friend Barlan showed up for the other side."The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.Yardie offers Missoni a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes.Tradesperson Rimo just went east.A holy aura radiates from Opalina's plumille houppelande.Hapenlok says, "You know, i won't like to you, young Dabbings, there was a time, twenty-five years ago. i would have most likely helped them with this. I was on the wrong side of things back then."Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Not that one wishes it, but Pinefar and Cold Harbor can always be fallback points.. should things come to it."Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "And of the Abbey?"The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.Perigourd says, "Cold River, rather."Speaking to Talliver, Bakarus says, "He is an excellent host."Sorlu nods at Perigourd.Jastalyn softly says, "Ahh, the Abbey is a world unto itself."The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Sorlu.Dendum blinks at Jastalyn.Hapenlok says, "If there's any help i can give, i'll do what i can."Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "If the fight comes here, they will aid us."Talliver nods at Hapenlok.The acorn amulet hanging from Perigourd's neck glows forest green.Darphin shrugs.Speaking to Hapenlok, Talliver says, "Many of us did things we never thought we would, back then."Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.The dully illuminated mantle protecting Elronae begins to falter, then completely fades away.Elronae begins to breathe less deeply.Dendum asks, "We are waiting on the leader of abbey to wandering streets with addled brain before aiding it again?"Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "Are we sure? given how many of us gained access to the Coven?"Meliyara looks thoughtfully at Talliver.Sorlu nods understandingly at Talliver.Myharl glances at Talliver.Speaking to Talliver, Hapenlok says, "I never stopped running after that."Elronae nods at Queatus.Talliver says, "I spent months in an elven camp fighting against the Dark Alliance."Myharl opens the various containers on his buckled armor harness, adjusting his gear for easy use.Myharl taps something in a securely buckled armor harness crafted of rugged leather.The dog co*cks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver says, "Which is to say that I won't see Icemule Trace fall."Yardie offers Missoni a stack of apple cinnamon pancakes.The fire wyrdling crouches down low, scanning the room with his dimly glowing eyes.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Myharl reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his buckled armor harness and grabs a gilded eahnor campaign pin.Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream, dipping his nose into it in the process!Missoni smiles.Missoni accepts Yardie's apple cinnamon pancakes.Missoni nods appreciatively at Yardie.Myharl offers Talliver a gilded eahnor campaign pin.Sorlu nods approvingly at Talliver.Yardie snickers at Perigourd.Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.Speaking to Yardie, Missoni says, "Thank you."A friendly human servant suddenly appears at Yardie's elbow and relieves him of a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun. She mumbles something you can't quiet make out and then disappears as quickly as she arrived.Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "We remember. You have my sword."Yardie nods at Missoni.Larston just arrived.Larston just went east.Talliver accepts Myharl's eahnor campaign pin.Jastalyn gazes lovingly at Myharl.Talliver says, "If the city falls to the Coven, it'll be over my cold corpse."Myharl kisses Jastalyn on the hand for what seems like an eternity.Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.Bakarus smiles at Talliver.Jastalyn places a gentle kiss on Myharl's lips.Speaking to Talliver, Hapenlok says, "But we do need to have a discussion about Glaoveln at some point. i'm ...not too sure how i feel about that."Talliver nods at Myharl.Jastalyn turns to Talliver and cheers!Hapenlok grins slowly.Talliver offers Myharl a gilded eahnor campaign pin.Lithyia wryly says, "Well that sounds terrible."Randsford squints at Talliver.Myharl accepts Talliver's eahnor campaign pin.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Lithyia looks rather relaxed.A rose-intaglio ethereal pink diamond on Jastalyn's forehead glimmers in the ambient light, swirling with liquid flecks of silver, gold, and rose pink.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.Missoni takes a bite of her apple cinnamon pancakes.Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Over many cold corpses, I assume."Jastalyn wraps her arms around Myharl, hugging him warmly.Sorlu nods at Talliver.Myharl tosses a gilded eahnor campaign pin into one of the containers hanging from his buckled armor harness.Speaking to Talliver, Falvicar says, "Mine too."Myharl closes the various containers on his buckled armor harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "That is what his vision already showed us."The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "I don't care if they stay over there, to be honest. But progress is a start."Randsford glances at Roelon.Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream.The black ora prayerbeads around Bakarus's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!The brilliant aura fades away from Aubriella.Aubriella appears less confident.The air shivers about Aubriella, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.Aubriella begins to breathe less deeply.Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "Haven't seen slaves. If I do, then I' something about it."Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream.The dog wanders over to Dendum and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.Lithyia says, "They got a good scrimshaw artist over on that island."Lithyia nods.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "I'd like to divert some of the guard to watch your tower, as well as the Vault."Dendum says, "The Krolvin have kept away from the slaves since the rescue...."Yardie returns to normal color.Missoni takes a bite of her apple cinnamon pancakes.Lilanna gazes heavenward.At the edge of your hearing, you hear a lilting voice whisper from nearby, "Give me a gust, give me the wind and the horizon. Give me nine waves, seaman's grave, endless sleep."The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Dendum says, "Well the Northwatch Krolvin anyway..."The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Jastalyn glances at Myharl.Jastalyn points at Myharl.Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "You need to be careful. That sphere may very well decide the course of history. I understand the desire to get it open, but..."Talliver says, "'s more important that it be safe."Myharl lightly scratches Jastalyn's back, his hand moving in small circles along her spine.Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "We'll get the others. Slavery will end in my lifetime."Zeminar winces in obvious agony, his gaze unfocused with agony.Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "That's my tower but we're usually in Fenog's lodge."Jastalyn nods at Talliver.The air about Yardie stops shimmering.Ibar leans softly against Lilanna.Yardie becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.Speaking to Yardie, Hapenlok says, "You know, when i thought I had had a measure of peace after i had ...'left' here. I lost the love of my life to those bastards."Yardie takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.A series of amethyst lines suddenly appears on Yardie's face, quickly racing towards the center of his forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.Hapenlok nods at Yardie.Talliver says, "Pardon me. It seems it will be another late night."Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "I'm sorry to hear that."The glowing specks of energy surrounding Yardie suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.Lithyia nods at Talliver.Jastalyn nods.Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.Randsford bows to Talliver.Hapenlok says, "So don't expect me to feel all warm about them."Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion before Talliver.Falvicar nods at Talliver.Missoni takes a bite of her apple cinnamon pancakes.Talliver bows.Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "Get some rest, eventually."Missoni nods respectfully at Talliver.Myharl grunts in tribute to Talliver as he bangs his fist sharply upon his black alloy platemail in a barbaric salute.Talliver nods slowly.Mayor Talliver just went out.Bakarus says, "Do be safe."Meliyara glances out.Queatus nods.Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream.Lithyia says, "Well...interesting night."Lithyia nods.Lifting up her ebonwood stein, Lithyia takes a measured drink of the mead inside.Queatus agrees with Lithyia.Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.Falvicar says, "It's still a night."A halo of flame flares to life about the fire wyrdling, swirling in a widening spiral about his small form before dispersing into the air.Meliyara's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!Zeminar rubs his putrid ether, causing shadows to coalesce and enshroud him completely.Hapenlok says, "Well, he didn't run me through. that's a positive sign."The air stirs around Opalina for a moment.Hapenlok grins slowly.Falvicar gazes in amusem*nt at Hapenlok.Randsford nods slowly at Jastalyn.Queatus says, "Alright, I gotta run."Queatus waves.Hapenlok says, "Usually mayors wind up killing me at one point or another."Darphin says, "Well."Bakarus just went out.Jastalyn nods at Randsford.Jastalyn gives Queatus a friendly hug.Darphin says, "Much to consider."Jastalyn waves.Her hand lowered, Missoni gives Queatus a subtle wave.Queatus gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.Speaking to Queatus, Yardie says, "Talk to them."Speaking to Jastalyn, Dendum says, ""Elronae waves to Queatus.Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien says, "I am sure ya know, ya need to be extree careful."Dendum says, "Put orb."Hapenlok says, "Especially when you indirectly admit to having been on the Amasalen side."Dendum says, "In lava."Speaking to Yardie, Queatus asks, "To who?"A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.A faint silvery glow fades from around Wolfloner.Speaking to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "Dabbings isn't that sort of mayor. Quite different from Thadston."Ibar grins at Dendum.Lithyia nods at Dendum.Falvicar nods reassuringly at Hapenlok.Hapenlok says, "Previously."Deep blue motes swirl away from Aubriella and fade.Aubriella becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.Myharl deeply says, "Be safe, all. Keep your eyes peeled."Myharl gazes in wonder at his surroundings.Queatus waves to Elronae.The harlequin macaw parrot circles lazily above.Meliyara says, "Okshi'i."Ibar gives Myharl a friendly hug.Perigourd turns toward Myharl and renders a sharp hand salute.Ibar gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.Myharl gives Ibar a friendly hug.Lord Darphin just went out.Speaking to Queatus, Yardie says, "Those still loyal to the Coven."Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien says, "Dunt be travelin about alone."Perigourd turns toward Meliyara and renders a sharp hand salute.Jastalyn gives Ibar a friendly hug.Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "Hell, i wasn't talking about him. I was talking about Wellington."Conquerer of Reim Meliyara just went out.The grimoire flutters off to find its owner.Randsford places an arm against his waist and courteously bows.Queatus shrugs.Blades waggles his fingers mystically at the owl. The owl isn't too impressed, really.Ibar says, "Be safe."Speaking softly to Olgretien, Jastalyn says, "I never do."Ibar nods.Hapenlok chuckles.Jastalyn draws Myharl close to her and gazes deeply into his eyes, making it clear that she wishes him to linger near.Perigourd leans softly against Missoni.Sorlu hangs a golden crocodile talisman around his neck.Lilanna hugs Ibar, who wraps her in a warm embrace.Dendum grabs a curly maple dice cup from a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.Jastalyn gently takes hold of Randsford's hand.Missoni tilts her head up.Jastalyn smiles.Ibar smiles at Lilanna.Sorlu brushes his fingers lightly against his crocodile talisman.Lithyia clasps Wolfloner's hand tenderly.Olgretien nods understandingly at Jastalyn.Ibar hugs Lilanna, who wraps him in a warm embrace.Missoni takes a bite of her apple cinnamon pancakes.Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.Lilanna gives Ibar a lingering kiss.Dendum shows Queatus his maple dice cup.Queatus says, "I don't know many."Speaking to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "Oh."Hanging on securely with three paws, the swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.Ibar gives Lilanna a lingering kiss.Blades just went east.Lilanna just went east.Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Sorlu.Olgretien just went out.Ibar sighs.Sorlu whispers something to Aliashyrah.Lithyia says, "Well uh... be safe... most of you."Lithyia chuckles.Queatus waves.Aubriella adopts an agreeable expression.Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion.Aliashyrah grins slowly at Sorlu.Aubriella chuckles.Speaking appreciatively to Yardie, Missoni says, "The nutmeg is a nice touch."Queatus just went east.Aubriella waves.Fleurs gently takes hold of Aubriella's hand.Yardie grins at Missoni.Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "I came pretty close to having Thadston stab me in the throat, once. but he didn't actually follow through with it."Dendum tucks a curly maple dice cup into a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.Perigourd nods knowingly at Sorlu.Lithyia's group just went out.Speaking to Missoni, Yardie says, "Thank you. I like nutmeg."Ibar gazes heavenward.Fleurs's group just went out.Jastalyn gently takes hold of Roelon's hand.Tiny fissures in the fire wyrdling's skin briefly glow a deep red-orange.Randsford nods slowly at Jastalyn.Falvicar nods at Hapenlok.Speaking to Yardie, Missoni says, "Likewise."Dendum says, "Thadston is moron."Jastalyn's group just went out.Perigourd takes a bite of his fig and honey ice cream.Speaking to Perigourd, Sorlu says, "I will endeavor to find a way to free the poor creature within."Perigourd nods approvingly at Sorlu.Speaking to Dendum, Hapenlok says, "We're not having this conversation right now."Opalina wraps Falvicar in a tender embrace.Hapenlok grins slowly.Opalina kisses Falvicar lovingly.A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.An ethereal bluish-green light swirls around the blade of Falvicar's somnis katana, and it quickly grows translucent before vanishing.Elronae just went east.Falvicar wraps his arms around Opalina, hugging her warmly.Falvicar places a gentle kiss on Opalina's lips.Dendum says, "Good to see him being rewarded with entire north of empire.....deserve each other."The dog wanders over to Falvicar and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.With a wave and a kiss blown into the wind, Loralaii leaves the area.Raelee rubs her medallion and fog billows from it in a thick cloud, quickly obscuring her form from sight. As the murk clears, you see Raelee is no longer there.The coppery barn owl flies off.Perigourd pulls Missoni to her feet.The fire wyrdling shimmers with heat, distorting the air about him into wavering refractions.Missoni takes a bite of her apple cinnamon pancakes.Perigourd takes Missoni's hand into his own.Arranging his face into a formal expression, Perigourd gives a respectful bow, one hand going to his golvern warhelm to keep it in place.Perigourd's group just went out.Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "Well, i suppose this'll be a true test of my abilites, a chance to shake off some rust."Falvicar nods at Hapenlok.Opalina smiles at Hapenlok.Falvicar glances to his left.Dendum says, "Northern Sentinal Thadston.......master of all that is seen...throwing chairs out of windows."Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "Killing Luukosians and V'tullians is always fun."

An Old Stained Saddle

The next day...

>get saddleYou remove a small stained saddle from in your waxed canvas pack.>recall saddle loresongAs you recall Jastalyn's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the stained saddle in your hand, and you learn something about it...This is a small item, under a pound. In your best estimation, it's worth about 5,000 silvers.Roundtime: 5 sec.>recall saddle loresongAs you recall Jastalyn's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the stained saddle in your hand, and you learn something about it...From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the saddle is as a decorative one, perhaps. You are not sure exactly.Roundtime: 11 sec.>recall saddle loresongThe resonance of your melody becomes birdsong on a distant wind as it blows across the steppes. You are young, and the wind blows in your hair as you race down a fertile valley amid a horde of your brothers and sisters, laden with the spoils of battle. Every hoofbeat of the mount beneath you is as much a part of you as your own heartbeat, and though you are eager to return home, the emotion has a bittersweet edge, for to ride is the only thing that has ever called you in your life.Roundtime: 15 sec.You feel at full magical power again.>recall saddle loresongYou are old, although with grief rather than years. Nearby, in the village center, a pyre burns and smoke dances on the breeze. The shaman stands before the blaze. Her robes were the color of the snow-capped peaks of the western mountains, but now they are stained grey with ash. The smoke, she says, is the souls of the lost. They race across the skies toward the darkest door. Her eyes are as red and swollen as yours.Roundtime: 12 sec.>recall saddle loresongYou are too young to be alone. Your grandmother's pyre burns, and its flames remind you that you are the last of your family. The others have fallen to the Maelaish, or to hunger, but the road goes ever on, and it is not safe to stop in these lands for long. Her passing had not been a peaceful one. She had burned with fever long before the pyre was lit, but she had fought to the last. With her last breath, she had cursed the ones who had taken everything and called down woe on their woodland citadel.Roundtime: 8 sec.>recall saddle loresongIt is old. You find the saddle among her belongings. It smells faintly of old smoke and it is stained with tears. It has no value now, as you have never seen a living pony. But it was hers, and when you hold it, you can almost imagine what it was to ride across the steppes. You will pass it down to your daughter, and to hers, and one day it may be used again by those of your blood. That would be a good thing.Roundtime: 9 sec.>recall saddle loresongA sense of great age, of love and loss, calls to you from within the saddle.You feel as though you have reached the end of the saddle's song.
The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-06-26 - Through Fire and Flame (log) (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.