Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas: 22 ways to celebrate the teachers in your life - K-20 Blog (2024)

K-20 blog

School Management

May 3, 2022

By Diana Zinveliu

7 minutes read

Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas: 22 ways to celebrate the teachers in your life - K-20 Blog (1)

Teachers have always been at the core of society. They prepare students for their lives and careers, having a direct impact on what the future will look like. Educators work long hours and go the extra mile whenever possible, so a little gesture of appreciation now and then goes a long way. Although they should be appreciated all year round, having a week to show your gratitude towards your favorite teachers helps create great memories for the entire community.

That's why we'll talk about Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas to try out and to help you celebrate the teachers in your life, whether you’re a school leader, parent, student, or a teacher yourself. We also have a special announcement related to Teacher Appreciation Week, so remember to read until the end!

22 Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas to try out

A survey done by Amy from Leap Of Faith Crafting identified teachers' preferences when it comes to gifts. The results show that seven percent of the teachers prefer to receive gift cards. Other preferred gifts were handmade things, handwritten or personalized gifts, tote bags, Crayola items, or flash drives. The same survey disclosed that teachers receive plenty of, or too many, mugs, home decor and accessories such as scarves. If you’re a school leader or parent, a survey like this can give you a good idea of what teachers want and need before you start planning.

Here are the 22 ideas we’ve prepared for Teacher Appreciation Week 2022:

  1. Plan an event

    Teacher Appreciation Week is the perfect time to go big. Planning a large event to cover one or more days can enhance the learning environment and increase the sense of community in your school. What’s more, you can show your teachers they matter through appreciation activities that run throughout the school year.

    Planning such moments allows you to be better organized and even set a budget in advance. For instance, Jennie McClelland, as PTO president of St. Mary Catholic Academy said holding an off-site luncheon during Teacher Appreciation Week while parents were supervising kids during a schoolwide movie-watching activity was a success. They even thanked the custodial staff with a meal and gift cards. This is not a novel approach since schools all over the US choose to celebrate and recognize the efforts of teachers, administrators, custodial, and kitchen staff during this time.

  2. The gift of time

    Teachers are always running out of time. With this in mind, you cannot go wrong with covering a class, a break, or any duty you possibly can to give your favorite teachers a breather. Melissa Turner, as PTO president of Washington Elementary decided to offer teachers time on their own to catch up on their work. Some parent-volunteers organized a movie day and gathered students for a couple of hours to offer teachers the best gift of all — the gift of time.

    Read more: 5 Time-saving strategies for busy teachers

  3. No budget gifts

    Not having a large budget shouldn’t get in the way of you showing appreciation to your teachers. You don’t need to buy expensive gifts, it’s the thought that counts. So you can organize an applause parade on the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week and have students greet teachers with a round of applause as they enter school. On the following days, you can have students dedicate a class song or poem to their teachers, have parents organize thank-you announcements, do a class clean-up, or cover recess.

  4. Classroom door decor

    Take advantage of Teacher Appreciation Week to thank teachers with unique door decorations. Southland Elementary PTO leaders have been organizing parents for several years now to cover staff members’ classroom doors. They suggest simple, movie-inspired, or personal reference decor without turning it into the best door competition (that’s not the purpose). Also, take measures and make the cover in advance with everything glued together to attach to the actual door in minutes. When the event is over, you can create a poster that can be later displayed on the classroom walls.

  5. Small treats for teachers

    You cannot go wrong with a treat. Offer teachers a healthy snack, fruit, or a cup of coffee, but you can also put together a stand with different treats for teachers to grab during recess. You can also organize an impromptu picnic in the schoolyard or a lemonade stand. Also, students can bring homemade cookies or meals to enjoy with their teachers in the school cafeteria.

  6. Rockstar treatment

    Teachers have shown their resilience and dedication, especially during the pandemic. Now you get to treat them like rockstars. So roll out the red carpet and pamper your teachers. Reach out to local businesses to offer their services and give teachers a salon experience right at your school. Cover their class for 30 minutes while they recharge and receive their gift and make sure every teacher and/or staff member has their share of relaxation.

  7. Creative ideas

    Handmade gifts usually require just creativity and don’t imply major investments. Encourage students to put together wonderful creations as tokens of appreciation. You can create useful items such as pen and pencil holders, paper flower arrangements, gift card holders, hand-painted T-shirts, etc. Use students' skills and creativity to turn the activity into an educational moment and help them work towards a common goal.

  8. School supply cakes or goody bags

    We all know teachers often run out of supplies and most of the time pay for them from their own pockets. So, this is the perfect opportunity to cover the supply-demand in a fun and creative way. Put together goody bags that include school supplies your teachers need. Also, to make it more festive, you can provide the supplies in a cake shape and reveal the surprise while singing a personalized thank you song.

    Read more: How to redesign your classroom on a budget

  9. Room service menus

    Inspired by real room service menus, you can create printable menus for teachers. They choose the items they need and you’ll provide them during Teacher Appreciation Week. For this activity to go smoothly, you should give the menus a week before to get the chance to organize all the demands.

  10. Personalized items

    Everyone enjoys having their names on items and more so when it’s an appreciation gift. You can offer personalized certificates, objects, totes/bags, pencils, slippers, stamps, lanyards, agendas, business cards, time planners and more.

    Read more: Teacher tricks: Better lesson planning to ease teacher workload

  11. A photo booth

    Students could put together a photo booth for the Best Teacher of 2022 and have it displayed in the hallway. Encourage teachers to pose for photos. Reach out to a professional photographer or a talented student, but you can also take photos with a smartphone. Share the photos with your community along with a message of appreciation for your favorite teachers. For an extra fun touch, you can bring accessories for teachers to use for their photos.

  12. Tags, labels, clip art, quotes, or word cloud posters

    Words are powerful. Print or handwrite tags for different school items or labels for teacher cups, mugs, books and agendas. Make framed posters with handwritten quotes or appreciation word clouds for your teachers’ desks or walls.

  13. Teachers’ lounge makeover

    Show your appreciation by offering a refreshing space for teachers to recharge and relax with new items to make their job easier. With a fresh coat of paint, some decorations, and plants, you can revive the place even if you can’t afford to update the furnishings or provide new appliances.

  14. Daily special messages for teacher-heroes

    Organize your community to have special messages delivered daily to your teachers. You can have parent thank-you message pop-ups, mystery student appreciation cards, formal appreciation school announcements, peer uplifting festive moments, shout-outs to teacher-heroes from community members, etc. To make teachers feel like heroes, you can even create capes for them to wear.

  15. Brainstorm ideas

    Usually, it’s the PTO's or PTA's duty to organize Teacher Appreciation Week activities. However, the ones who know teachers best are students, so you should ask them how they’d like to get involved and brainstorm for gift ideas. You might be surprised how many wonderful, creative and fun ideas can come out of it.

  16. Celebrate teachers all year round

    You don’t know what gifts to give teachers or how to show your appreciation for everything they do in one week only? You don’t have to limit your appreciation to one week. You can recognize teachers’ efforts all year round. Moreover, if you are a teacher, you are continuously learning, so don’t forget to thank your peers or those who support you throughout your career. If we don’t appreciate each other, how can we expect society to do so?

    Read more: How edtech supports teacher work-life balance and wellbeing

  17. Gift cards and subscriptions

    One of the most popular ideas to thank teachers is to offer them gift cards. Whether they prefer to buy personal items or school supplies, they are always a success because they can be used any time. Teachers prefer cards like Amazon gift cards as the website offers a variety of products. You can also provide subscriptions for channels or courses teachers could use for their classes or as part of their personal and professional development.

  18. Donate to a teacher

    You can “adopt a classroom and offer the supplies teachers need or you can find organizations that support teachers and make a donation. Whether you donate to Donors Choose, Fund for Teachers, the National Education Association Foundation, or your local organization, it will make a difference.

    Read more: Making educators’ lives easier for World Teachers’ Day

  19. Be thoughtful

    For some reason, some community members turn the gift-giving aspect into a competition, the bigger, the better. Teachers appreciate thoughtful gifts, whether they cost a dime or not. Find out teachers’ real needs and then buy something nice. Sending a thank-you letter or a message will also go a long way since it’s the thought that counts!

  20. Last-minute ideas

    Don’t worry if you don’t have time to prepare anything for your teachers or it slips your mind completely. Use any of the ideas mentioned above that don’t require much time or money and remember that anything you do to show your appreciation will be well received and will make a teacher’s day. Handwritten messages or a thank-you post on social media will do.

  21. Thank an old teacher campaign

    We all have at least one teacher that has impacted our lives. So, why don’t you go back to your high school or kindergarten teacher to acknowledge their influence and commitment? If you are a parent, you can organize a “thank an old teacher campaign” and encourage your community to show appreciation even if the years have gone by and you’ve lost connection with your teachers. So, don’t let this year pass without going down memory lane for the sake of that one special teacher that saw you for who you are and who shaped who you are today.

  22. Make the most of social media

    You can praise your teachers' work and dedication, post encouragement messages, thank-you notes, motivational quotes, pictures with creative gifts, etc. By doing this, you not only support and show appreciation to your teachers but encourage others to do the same!

Read more: 5 Steps to take for successful PD for teachers

Bonus: Join #NEOClearsTheList on Twitter!

We don’t need a special occasion to thank a teacher, but why not make the best out of Teacher Appreciation Week?

Speaking of which, CYPHER LEARNING has launched the #NEOClearsTheList campaign on Twitter in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2022! NEO teachers can enter our competition and have their Amazon classroom wish lists fulfilled before summer break from May 2nd to June 1st, 2022. Check it out or tell a teacher about it!


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Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas: 22 ways to celebrate the teachers in your life - K-20 Blog (2024)


Teacher Appreciation Week 2022 ideas: 22 ways to celebrate the teachers in your life - K-20 Blog? ›

Decorate the school with Teacher Appreciation Week messages. Students can make posters or add artwork and words of encouragement using sidewalk chalk outside. Put surprises in mailboxes. Gift cards, coupons, treats, or even a handwritten note of appreciation are a few possibilities.

How do you honor teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week? ›

Public tributes through PTA
  1. Host a special breakfast or lunch for your school's teachers and staff. ...
  2. Create a giant teacher thank-you card for display in the school community. ...
  3. Start a “teacher feature” on a school or library bulletin board. ...
  4. Plant trees or flowers in public areas or on school grounds in honor of teachers.

How do you celebrate teachers' appreciation Day? ›

Decorate the school with Teacher Appreciation Week messages. Students can make posters or add artwork and words of encouragement using sidewalk chalk outside. Put surprises in mailboxes. Gift cards, coupons, treats, or even a handwritten note of appreciation are a few possibilities.

How to make a teacher feel special? ›

Here are some ways that you can show your teachers how much you appreciate them.
  1. Thank You Notes. Writing notes to your teachers are a small simple way to show them that you care and appreciate them and everything that they do. ...
  2. Gift Cards. ...
  3. School Supplies. ...
  4. Snacks. ...
  5. Flowers. ...
  6. Parent Volunteers.

How do you honor your teacher? ›

5 Simple ways to thank a teacher
  1. Handwritten love. Sometimes, it's the little things that can go a long way. ...
  2. More coffee please. Their days start early, and they may just need that extra cup of jo. ...
  3. Take to the kitchen. Who doesn't love a gooey chocolate chip cookie? ...
  4. Gratitude Flowers. ...
  5. Stock the classroom.

How can we show appreciation to our teachers? ›

  1. Write a Personal Note. One of the simplest and most effective ways to show appreciation to our teachers is by writing them a personal note. ...
  2. Donate School Supplies. ...
  3. Volunteer Your Time. ...
  4. Attend School Events. ...
  5. Provide Professional Development Opportunities. ...
  6. Recognize Outstanding Teachers. ...
  7. Support Education Funding.
May 12, 2023

How can I make my teacher happy on teachers Day? ›

Remember, it's the genuine appreciation and acknowledgment that will make your teacher's day truly special.
  1. Say 'Thank You' to Your Teacher. ...
  2. Interact With Them Personally. ...
  3. Throw a Party for Them. ...
  4. Express Love and Respect to Them. ...
  5. Express Gratitude Through Social Media. ...
  6. Plan a Role Reversal Activity.

How you celebrate teachers Day in your school paragraph? ›

It is celebrated with much enthusiasm and joy by the student community. Students leave no stone unturned in expressing their love and respect towards the teachers. It isn't a holiday; the teachers and students get a day off from regular classes. Students organize several programs in honour of their teachers.

How to host a teacher's day celebration? ›

Let's bring on the excitement, appreciation, and respect for our educators, keeping the celebratory spirit alive all through.
  1. Opening the Event. ...
  2. Introduction of the Celebration. ...
  3. The Line-up of Performances. ...
  4. Presentation of Gifts and Tokens to Teachers. ...
  5. Closing the Event.
Sep 5, 2023

What is a good gift for teacher appreciation day? ›

  • Pencil Bath Bomb.
  • Personalized Teacher Desk Name Plate.
  • Rifle Paper Co. “ World's Best Teacher” Mug.
  • Little Words Project Teacher Bracelet.
  • L'Occitane Hand Cream Classics Set.
  • Kikkerland Solar-Powered Rainbow Maker.
  • Lula's Garden Thank You Ray Garden.
  • Homesick Thanks Candle.
May 2, 2024

How do you tell a teacher they are amazing? ›

Compliments to Former Teachers
  1. I wouldn't be where I am without you. Knowing you motivated a student to be successful in life is an amazing feeling for teachers.
  2. I never forgot ___. ...
  3. You saw something in me that I didn't see in myself.
  4. I'm still using a skill you taught me.
May 2, 2022

What makes a teacher happy? ›

Teachers find joy in watching their students grow and glow, develop new skills, and succeed academically. A teacher's happiness stems from witnessing the impact they have on their students' lives and knowing that they are making a difference in shaping their futures.

How do you make a teacher great? ›

The Top 14 Qualities that Make a Good Teacher
  1. Adaptability. Adaptability is a must for teachers, who need to continuously evaluate what's working for their students — and even more importantly, what isn't working. ...
  2. Empathy. ...
  3. Patience. ...
  4. Engagement. ...
  5. Active Listening. ...
  6. Lifelong Learning. ...
  7. Free of Bias. ...
  8. Respectful Attitude.

What should I say to my teacher on Teacher Appreciation Week? ›

Thank you for always being there to support me. Your lessons will stay with me for a lifetime. Your dedication to our education is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being a teacher who truly cares about your students.

What do teachers like to get for Teacher Appreciation Week? ›

Teachers really appreciate gift cards (along with handwritten notes). No surprise here. Think Amazon, Costco, Target or Staples. These allow teachers to buy what they want for their classroom or for personal use.

How do you pay gratitude to teachers? ›

11 Wonderful Ways to Thank a Teacher for Being GREAT
  1. Thank a Teacher by Asking to Help. ...
  2. Thank a Teacher with a Hand-Drawn Picture. ...
  3. Show Gratitude to Teachers with Sweets. ...
  4. Give Them Something Cool for Their Class. ...
  5. Keep Your Teacher's Energy Bolstered with a Coffee Gift Card.

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